Son, the ghost believes, such an obvious woman pretending to be a man, and she is not blind, how can she not see it.

This Huchuquan was the son of Shan Yu of the Southern Xiongnu Qiangqu and the brother of Yu Fuluo. Yufro succeeded after his death as Shan Yu.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhuge Qiu's words came out, both Hu Chuquan and his daughter were a little hung up on their faces.

"It's really a person with sharp teeth, but you dare to play slippery head in front of Ben Dan Yu, and you really don't know whether you are dead or alive."

Hu Chuquan took the lead in looking at Zhuge Qiu's group, and said angrily.

"I don't know if I'm dead or alive, I'm afraid you're wrong."

"I don't know if I am dead or alive, it should be you, I am now the messenger of the Great Han, and your Southern Xiongnu, who jointly attacked Hexi before, have long been defeated by Ma Chao and surrendered to the Great Han."

"Now you dare to make a big fuss here, is this your attitude towards your master?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Hu Chuquan but did not mean to be soft at all, and immediately responded with a cold face.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu's words came out, not only Hu Chuquan and his daughter were stunned.

The other Hun pawns were also stunned, they had never seen such a bold person.

Pang Tong was also very apprehensive at this time, and he didn't expect Zhuge Qiu to be so rigid.

"Good, good, very, since you are really not afraid of death, then Ben Shan will give you a ride now." After a while, Hu Chuquan reacted, and his face was ugly, and he looked at Zhuge Qiu with anger and reprimanded.

With Hu Chuquan's words, the Xiongnu pawns on the side were already surrounded by them.

Their words to Zhuge Qiu just now, including the previous letter, which seemed arrogant to them, had already made them angry.

Seeing this, the gentian bright silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand was also held tighter, and the spear could sweep out at any time.

Zhuge Qiu did not move, allowing these soldiers to approach, as well as the gaze of Hu Chuquan.

"Slowly, my lord, don't kill them first, the two armies are fighting, and they haven't been killed, and my father did surrender to the Han before, if you kill people at this time, won't it give them the opportunity to send troops?"

Just when they were about to start, the daughter who called Chuquan on the side had already spoken.

After hearing this, Hu Chuquan raised his hand, "Well, I won't kill you today, but I want you to know how powerful we are."

"Come, take them to the man who delivered the letter earlier."

"I'm sure he'll love to see you."

When Zhuge Qiu and they left the big tent, Hu Chuquan did not forget to sneer and said.

Zhuge Qiu and his party followed the Xiongnu pawns who led the way, and went farther and farther, and they were even more deviated from the big tent where the Xiongnu lived.

Finally, after two or three days on horseback, Zhuge Qiu and they came to a place.

You can see hundreds of sheep and cattle here.

Nearby, it was guarded by the Hun soldiers.

After the leading soldier said something to the guards, they walked in.

As soon as he entered, Zhuge Qiu in the distance saw that among the cows and sheep, there was a figure in rags, curled up and shivering.

When he also noticed the movement of someone behind him.

After seeing Zhuge Qiu and them clearly, he immediately felt like he saw a savior.

Very embarrassed, they ran towards Zhuge Qiu and them.

"Sir, do you have anything to eat?"

After Sima Yi came to Zhuge Qiu's side, he immediately opened his mouth and asked.

Obviously, this guy is already hungry, that's why it's like this.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Sima Yi and pretended to take something out of his arms.

From the storage ring, the stored food was taken out.

Sima Yi's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he took it and began to gobble it up.

After a while, Sima Yi eased up.

After sweeping around, seeing that there were no Xiongnu soldiers paying attention to them, they looked at Zhuge Qiu and they spoke.

"Sir, you have made me miserable, I already knew that you wrote this letter, and I will not send it to death."

The more Sima Yi thought about it, the more he regretted it, and now he understood why Pang Tong's gaze was so wrong.

"Originally, this Xiongnu was going to kill me, but fortunately, my sharp words, and the daughter of that Xiongnu Shan Yu loves Han culture, I was saved from death."

"In the end, they actually wanted to imprison me like Zhang Qian under house arrest, and let me herd cattle and sheep for them here."

"And they only bring me a little bit of food for a few days."

After hearing what happened to Sima Yi, Pang Tong couldn't help but feel some sympathy.

If it weren't for Sima Yi, then it would be himself who suffered from this.

Zhuge Qiu also understood now, it seems that this Hu Chuquan wants to use the same method to deal with himself.

Before, in the big tent, he had already seen that it was impossible for this Hu Chuquan to kill them.

If Hu Chuquan had the audacity to kill them so quickly, Sima Yi would not have survived today.

And against the Huns, the stronger you are, the less they dare to act rashly.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

After knowing the current situation, Pang Tong also looked at Zhuge Qiu.

In his opinion, the only hope now is in Zhuge Qiu's body.

"Wait, there are so many cattle and sheep here, aren't you afraid that there won't be enough to eat?"

Zhuge Qiu smiled and said, there are still many barbecue tools and seasonings in his storage ring.

The group headed closer to the entrance.

Zhuge Qiu also said to do it, and at night, he directly let Zhao Yun kill a sheep with a spear.

"Let's eat roast whole lamb tonight."

Zhuge Qiu drummed and pulled out everything.

"Sir, do you have such a pretend in your arms?"

Pang Tong was stunned again, and he wondered, how could he take out everything.

In the evening, with Zhuge Qiu's thumping, the aroma of roasting whole sheep has begun to drift away.

Several people also had a great appetite.

"Sir, we won't be discovered like this, right?" Pang Tong was a little uneasy.

"No, it's remote, and the guards will only be outside the entrance, and no one will pay attention to it at night." Sima Yi spoke.

This is his conclusion based on recent observations.

When Zhuge Qiu saw that it was almost the same, he began to divide up.

Just as I was about to eat, a sound of footsteps came.

"Zhongda, didn't you say that you won't be discovered?" Pang Tong asked in a low voice, obviously someone had come.

The person who came was none other than the daughter of the woman dressed as a man from Huchuquan.

"You dare to kill sheep privately?" A soldier immediately questioned the guilt.

But the next moment, the words of the Xiongnu Shan Yu daughter beside him were stunned.

"What a fragrance."

Soon she seemed to react, and she didn't seem to have reacted.

"I know your intentions, you came for the woman that King Zuo Xian robbed, right?"

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