Liu Bao did not expect Cai Wenji to know, and he also knew very well in his heart that in Cai Wenji's psychology, he always wanted to go back.

He even tried to give up Cai Wenji several times, but he found that he couldn't.

Cai Wenji soon came in, she is in her thirties, not only has a beautiful face, but also has a vicissitudes and desolate temperament in the depths.

"You are the Han Envoy?" Cai Wenji looked at Zhuge Qiu and them, and her voice couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiu still didn't understand that the person in front of him was Cai Wenji.

"Yes, we are the Han envoys, who came on the orders of the King of Wei to redeem all the Han people who were plundered by the Xiongnu."

Zhuge Qiu automatically ignored Liu Bao's threatening gaze and admitted directly.

Liu Bao was angry in his heart, but it was not good to have a seizure, because Cai Wenji was here.

"King Wei?" Cai Wenji was also a little stunned, as if she had never heard of it.

"Cao Cao." Zhuge Qiu explained, after all, he can also understand, having been robbed to the Xiongnu for more than ten years, it is normal not to understand.

"He has become the King of Wei?"

Cai Wenji seemed to think of the previous things, and felt very incredible.

"I don't care what kind of king you are, now we Xiongnu tribes only obey our orders, and if you want to release people, you need his orders."

Liu Bao hurriedly said at this time, pushing everything onto Hu Chuquan's body.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu didn't believe his nonsense, at least Liu Bao, the people in his own tribe, he could completely decide.

I just don't want Cai Wenji to think that he Liu Leopard is unwilling to release people.

"I want to go back."

When Zhuge Qiu was about to speak, Cai Wenji had already spoken.

However, Zhuge Qiu could see that her heart was still very entangled and painful.

No matter what she thought of Liu Bao in her heart, she couldn't completely give up those two children.

"Don't you care about our children?"

Liu Bao looked at Cai Wenji and asked, faintly with a bit of anger.

After Cai Wenji heard this, her face was also bitter, obviously she did not think about it.

It's just that between the two, she still chose Dahan, and this is not her hometown after all.

"Good, good, very." Liu Bao saw that Cai Wenji was silent and also knew her decision, and smiled angrily.

"Come man, take down a few of them for me, chop them up, throw them out for me to feed the wolves."

Although he would not kill Cai Wenji, he wanted to kill Zhuge Qiu and them, cutting off Cai Wenji's idea of going back.

As soon as Liu Bao finished speaking, before the pawns outside the big tent came in, Zhao Yun had already started.

Before Liu Bao could react, Zhao Yun had already directly pinched his neck.

"Don't move, or I'll twist your neck when I raise my hand."

Although Liu Bao was also cautious and accepted their weapons, in Zhao Yun's eyes, he still didn't see enough.

Liu Bao himself never thought that someone would be so bold and dare to make a move on him here.

"You think that if you kill me, you can leave the tribe, don't dream, we Hun men are warriors, how are we greedy for life and afraid of death."

Liu Bao glanced at Zhao Yun and Zhuge Qiu, and immediately spoke.

As the Zuo Xian King, he did not instigate to the point of directly begging for mercy.


Zhuge Qiu smiled, "I want to see how not afraid of death you are."

He directly drew out Liu Bao's own short knife on the side, and then without any pause, it directly slashed through his thigh.

Although Liu Bao wanted to hold back, the screams still sounded, and the snow also flowed out.

"You... If you have the ability, just kill me. Enduring the pain, sweat continued to ooze from Liu Bao's forehead.

Once the cold light flashed, the pain crossed the other leg again.

Liu Bao screamed again, and this time he saw clearly that this person who looked like a literati was really a ruthless person.

There was disdain and heartfelt rejection in the man's gaze, and he suspected that this man would really kill him.

"I... I can release you, I can release you.

Liu Bao hurriedly begged for mercy, now that he was careless, he fell into the hands of the other party, and he couldn't die, and he could only temporarily soften.

This huge Xiongnu tribe, even if they let them go, can they still escape?

"Sir, since he agreed, let him go."

"I believe he can do it."

Cai Wenji hesitated at this time, and she couldn't bear it.

After more than ten years of getting along, it is impossible to say that there is no emotion at all.

"Yes, sir, he is the Zuoxian King after all, and it is more useful to keep him at this time than to kill him."

Sima Yi also opened his mouth at this time, he really wanted to break the net, and robbing a person would have no effect.

"Zilong, take him, let's go out of the big tent."

"This... I'm afraid it will cause public anger.

Pang Tong said weakly at this time, he felt that it was better to negotiate the conditions here.


Zhuge Qiu didn't say much, all he wanted was the anger of the people.

Originally, he wanted to attack Hu Chuquan, but Hu Chuquan sent them to Liu Bao, and he also went with the trend.

After all, this is how you can meet Cai Wenji.

Out of the big tent, sure enough, at this time, many Hun soldiers were already surrounding them.

There were also ordinary Xiongnu herders, and those enslaved Han people.

Liu Bao just wanted to say something, but before he could speak, the knife in Zhuge Qiu's hand fell again.

It could only be a scream and a plea for mercy.

"Send Zilong's gun, and then order all the Han slaves of your tribe to be released."

Liu Bao hated Zhuge Qiu in his heart, and regretted that he was careless, but he had no choice but to do so.

However, even if Liu Bao gave the order, there were not many people who were willing to follow Zhuge Qiu and them.

Zhuge Qiu knew very well that some of them were afraid, after all, although Liu Leopard was in his hands, once someone turned his face and did not recognize it, it would be dangerous.

Zhuge Qiu did not force them, anyway, they will kill back soon, and the rest of the people will naturally be relieved as long as they can live until this time.

Zhuge Qiu and his party held Liu Bao hostage and walked back.

Although there was a distance, the pursuers did not completely get rid of it.

Hu Chuquan was stunned when he got the news.

"This person is so daring, he dares to hold Zuo Xian King hostage like this?"

"And what is that Liu Leopard for, it is so easy to let people catch, just those white-faced scholars?"

"Father, it seems that this person has an iron heart to oppose us."

Liu Yun also frowned at this time.

This simple and crude way really surprised them.

"Order, be sure to kill them, do not care about King Zuoxian, if King Zuoxian dies in battle, let his heirs inherit."

Hu Chuquan thought for a while and said.


On the other side, Zhuge Qiu and they did not go fast, and now the Xiongnu pawns are chasing more and more closely.

It was as if their people were pouring in from all directions.

"Sir, how should we be good now, it seems that they have the intention of abandoning this Liu Leopard."

Sima Yi looked at Zhuge Qiu and said, this simple and rude way, the drawbacks began to show.

"Really?" Zhuge Qiu laughed.

"Since you give up, then kill it."

After accompanying them for so long, starting from Xuchang to rush, it has been a month or two in the past, which is enough.

"Kill?" Sima Yi didn't react for a while.

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