"If you don't kill and keep it for the New Year, since you can see that they plan to give up on him, why keep it?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Sima Yi, he had never been a soft-hearted person in this kind of matter.

He will come to the Xiongnu this time, and more importantly, he will delay time for Cao Cao to fight the Xiongnu, and the ultimate goal is to destroy the Xiongnu.

What's the difference between killing now and killing later?

Sima Yi saw that Zhuge Qiu had already made a decision in his heart, and he didn't say anything more.

"You... You can't kill me. Liu

Bao did not expect that he was captured and suffered so much, but in the end he could not escape death.

"I... If you let me go back, I will definitely not trouble you, and I will persuade Yu to release you. Liu

Bao begged for mercy and offered conditions, and he regretted it even more in his heart.

I knew that this would be the case, and I should have directly agreed to release the person in the first place.

"No need, I'll tell you the truth."

"When you plunder and kill the people of the Great Han, your time of death will come, and I will not give you the opportunity to be capricious."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Bao, who begged for mercy, and said lightly.

After Liu Bao heard this, he also completely understood that this Zhuge Qiu did not intend to let Liu Leopard live from beginning to end.

"You... You must not die well.

"You Han people should be slaves of our Huns."

Liu Bao also cursed after reacting at this time, since he couldn't live, he no longer begged.

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yun's gentian bright silver spear had already pierced Liu Bao's body.

His eyes kept wandering, and he seemed to be a little unable to believe that he was dead like this.

"It seems that it is a little easy to die, so let's give Miss Cai a face."

Zhuge Qiu said lightly, and then let people leave Liu Bao's body on the only way for the Xiongnu army to pursue.

After killing Liu Bao, the group continued to rush forward overnight.

Although they were not fast, fortunately, the closest was the troops of Liu Bao, the king of Zuoxian, and they kept their distance all the time, afraid that something would happen to Liu Bao.

When they continued their pursuit the next day, all they saw were Liu Bao's corpse, and the bonfire that had burned out for cover last night.

"Quick, hurry up and report Yu."

This is a big thing, and immediately someone panicked, and quickly sent someone to report.

Hu Chuquan was thinking of giving up Liu Bao, but he didn't expect to hear the news that Liu Bao was killed.

He didn't know for a moment whether to be happy or shocked.

"This man actually killed his talisman like this, is he really not afraid of death?"

"No, he should have sensed that we were planning to give up King Zuo Xian."

"And he's very confident that he can escape from us."

After listening to his father's words to Hu Chuquan, Liu Yun pondered for a while, shook his head and spoke.

This kind of person is not afraid of death, but he has the confidence to believe that he will not die.

"Father, now that he has killed Zuoxian King as a Han envoy, this will inevitably anger the Xiongnu tribes, and if we kill him, he will be famous."

Liu Yun looked at his father, obviously in his opinion, this was a good opportunity.

This was more irritating to the people of the Xiongnu tribe than kidnapping Liu Bao.

"Father, the child suggested that at this time, he should lead the cavalry to pursue the raid, so as not to let them return to the Great Han." Liu Yun looked at Hu Chuquan and continued to speak.

Hu Chuquan naturally has no opinion, she has always loved her daughter.

Moreover, he was able to suppress Liu Bao, the king of Zuoxian, and successfully became Shan Yu after Yu Fuluo died, and Liu Yun was indispensable.

"Okay, just do it, when the time comes to take people down, how to deal with it is not up to us." Hu Chuquan immediately agreed.


"Sir, now the Huns are chasing closer and closer, and it seems that a large number of cavalry are also chasing after them."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and became a little worried.

Now they have not left the Xiongnu's sphere of influence, such a flat place, it is more conducive to the impact of cavalry.

The cavalry of the Xiongnu is even more of the best among the cavalry.

And in his own line, except for himself and Zhuge Qiu, the martial arts of others are almost negligible.

"Sir, have you prepared anything backhanded?"

"As it stands. I'm afraid that in one day, we will be caught up.

Pang Tong was also very worried at this time and said.

He knows how powerful Zhao Yun is, but it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands.

It would be good that Zhao Yun could kill them alone, let alone take care of them.

"Shiyuan, I have a plan, I can delay time, I wonder if you are willing?"

Without waiting for Zhuge Qiu to speak, Sima Yi looked at Pang Tong and smiled and spoke.

"Seriously?" Pang Tong looked at Sima Yi, but he was interested.

He really doesn't have any good ideas about the current situation.

He never expected that Zhuge Qiu would use such a simple and rude means to kill Liu Bao.

Obviously, the effect is very good, there are chasing soldiers everywhere, but I don't know if I can escape.

"Naturally it's true, but you need to sacrifice Shiyuan, you go to lure the Xiongnu army."

When Pang Tong heard this, his face immediately darkened, "Sima Yi, aren't you making fun of me."

"Why don't you go by yourself?"

What a bad idea.

"Well, you don't have to fight, there's enough time."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two of them, of course he knew that this Sima Yi was deliberately joking with Pang Tong.

This is not a time when one person can lure the Xiongnu army.

"When did I do something I wasn't sure about?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them, although he said that it was very risky for him to do so, but now everything was enough.

"Sir, sir, we are coming."

As soon as the words fell, a voice was already ringing at this time.

"Cao Changgongzi?"

Sima Yi looked at Cao Chang who appeared, and his whole person was stunned.

"Cao Zhanggongzi, why did you appear here?"

"Naturally, I came to annihilate the Huns." Cao Chang said with a smile.

"Sir, I didn't disappoint you this time, we marched all the way north, and the mark you left behind is difficult for me to find."

Cao Chang looked at Zhuge Qiu and complained with a smile, but it was enough for him to lead troops to fight the Xiongnu.

"Okay, Gongzi, how many people have been brought this time, King Wei has come, and which generals have accompanied him."

Sima Yi was immediately happy when he heard this, and quickly asked.

He knew that it was not so easy to die with this Zhuge Qiu.

"Only eight thousand people were brought with me." Cao Chang said truthfully.

"Eight thousand?" Sima Yi was surprised, and then comforted, "Eight thousand is enough for us to withdraw, and it is enough."

"Who said that we are going to withdraw, but the gentleman said, we will kill it back, and go straight to the court of the Xiongnu king."

Cao Chang glanced at Sima Yi and was eager to try.

"This... Just kidding, eight thousand people dare to do this? "

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