When Sima Yi and Pang Tong heard that Zhuge Qiu planned to kill back, both of them were a little confused, which was too exaggerated.

"Sir, this flat terrain is an excellent combat area for cavalry, and the Huns have always been good at horseback archery, I'm afraid we won't be able to please."

Zhao Yun was also a little worried at this time, he was naturally not afraid of death.

But these 8,000 people want to overturn the Huns in the territory of the Xiongnu, and he also feels a little unreliable.

When Gongsun Zan wanted to deal with these foreign races, in order to deal with their cavalry, he also specially trained the white horse righteous followers.

"Zilong rest assured, today I fought their cavalry."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them and stopped selling, and immediately said with a smile.

As a nomadic people, the Xiongnu are naturally good at horseback archery, and the combat effectiveness of ancient cavalry is absolutely undoubted.

"Cao Zhang, take them to see, our soldiers."

Zhuge Qiu laughed, and then the group followed Cao Chang and went.

"This... Why is the blade in their hands something special?

Zhao Yun could see at a glance that these people were not only elite, but also the weapons in their hands were different from ordinary ones.

"Haha, it's worthy of Zilong." Zhuge Qiu saw that Zhao Yun could see it at a glance, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"This is Mo Dao."

Although the Xiongnu cavalry is powerful, Mo Dao is definitely the nemesis of the cavalry.

During the Tang Dynasty, Li Siye's Mo Dao team can be said to be a nightmare for cavalry.

The Mo knife created a precedent in Chinese military history for infantry to use double-edged long knives.

During the Tang Dynasty, the Turkic cavalry fought Xiaoyong, which can be said to have caused the Tang Dynasty a headache, and the Mo knife cut people's heads and horses' legs down, the deterrent force is very great, history says, "When the heir swordsman, the horse harness is broken." And

today he will use the Mo Dao to teach these Huns to be human beings.

Mo Dao is not only very difficult to build, but also has high physical requirements for users.

Even with the eight thousand people led by Cao Zhang, the Mo Dao team was only five thousand.

The remaining three thousand are ordinary elite mounted archers, which are also for pursuit.

"Pass the order, let everyone rest well, recharge their strength, tomorrow the Hun cavalry will catch up, kill them without leaving a piece of armor."

Under Zhuge Qiu's order, although Sima Yi was still worried about this strange knife, he was helpless.

Those people can continue to retreat, but he can't.

The next day, just after dawn, Hu Chuquan and Liu Yun led the cavalry to chase after them.

Seeing that Zhuge Qiu was waiting for them here, he was stunned at first, and then laughed.

"Zhuge Qiu, you don't think that the team of less than 10,000 people behind you can stop us, do you?"

"Ben Shan Yu originally thought that you were a talented person, but I didn't expect that you were just an arrogant person who didn't know the height of the sky."

"My Hun cavalry is invincible, and you people can't withstand the two charges of my army."

Hu Chuquan looked at Zhuge Qiu and them, and his words were also very disdainful.

Fighting in this plain, the cavalry is definitely the king, and he has not been afraid of anyone.

"Father, the Han people have always been cunning, so don't be careless."

Seeing Hu Chuquan like this, Liu Yun couldn't help but remind him.

"Yun'er, you think too much, what the Han people are good at is just intrigue, this look, they just want to set up an ambush and have no land."

Hu Chuquan was still unimpressed, of course, he was right.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Zhuge Qiu didn't need an ambush at all.

Liu Yun saw that his father said this, and it seemed to be the same truth.

"The warriors of the Xiongnu, they all rushed to kill me, avenge King Zuoxian, and add new slaves to our tribe."

Hu Chuquan didn't say much, and directly ordered to rush to kill.

The Hun cavalry swarmed in, and the sound of horses' hooves seemed to shake the earth.

The cold blade of the Mo Dao exuded a cold light, as if he had seen his prey.

Getting closer and closer, closer and closer, Hu Chuquan seemed to have seen the scene of Zhuge Qiu's army being trampled by horses' hooves.

"Crush them for me." Hu Chuquan shouted.

"Kill." At this moment, Zhao Yun and Cao Chang said in unison.

Mo Dao was already showing bloodthirsty hideousness at this time.

The Xiongnu cavalry and the Mo Dao team fought together, and a flash of blood flashed.

Cleanly, the horse's leg was directly cut off, and the pawn on horseback fell directly to the ground by surprise.

Some Xiongnu cavalry were directly cut off the first rank.

A Hun cavalry who rushed to the front in the confrontation, with almost no survivors.

The Xiongnu cavalry behind looked like a ghost.

What kind of knife is this, it turns out to be so sharp, killing people, cutting horses, everything is as easy as chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

However, compared with the shock of the Xiongnu army, the soldiers on Zhuge Qiu's side were greatly encouraged and excited.

Zhao Yun was shocked, although he didn't need a Mo Dao, but this Mo Dao was too powerful.

Immediately, the gentian bright silver spear in his hand was also even more fierce.

"Rush me, rush over, rush over and kill them."

Hu Chuquan said angrily, he only had one thought now, that is, he would kill the Han army in front of him no matter what.

It's just that the more fiercely Huchuquan shouts, the faster the Xiongnu cavalry dies.

The nine-foot-long Mo knife harvested them directly every time when the distance was just right.

At this time, the Mo Dao team was like the god of death, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the Xiongnu cavalry.

Basically, no one or horse is spared.

The smell of blood began to permeate the battlefield, and the Huns began to panic a little.

Just as the so-called cowardly heart, it is impossible to be brave, not only the Hun pawns, but even their war horses, as if they began to be afraid.

The killing of the Mo Dao team, as well as the stampede between the cavalry caused by panic, were also staged in the Xiongnu army.

"Father, this... This group of people is simply the nemesis of our cavalry, let's hurry up and withdraw. Seeing

that the situation was not good, Liu Yun had already begun to persuade.

Hu Chuquan naturally knew it, but he was unwilling.

Just as he hesitated, another group of cavalry fell.

"Retreat, retreat quickly."

Hu Chuquan saw that the cavalry was more than half damaged like this, and hurriedly ordered.

As if Zhuge Qiu had expected it a long time ago, the three thousand elite cavalry pawns who had been prepared a long time ago began to chase and kill.

After all, the Mo knife is too physically exhausting, and it is unrealistic for them to carry the Mo knife to chase.

The fleeing Hun cavalry immediately became a live target again.

Sima Yi and Pang Tong looked at the mighty Xiongnu cavalry, and now they fled in a panic.

The two also looked at each other, when did the Huns fight so well?

Could it be that Zhuge Qiu's letter said that capturing Shan Yu alive and directly pounding the royal court was not a joke?

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