Hu Chuquan's heart seemed to have tens of thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

I originally thought I was very witty, but now it seems that I am really witty.

"Shan Yu, Shan Yu, what should we do now, in two days?"

"Return a fart ah, hurry up and block it for me, I tell you, if they kill it, there will be no future."

Hu Chuquan looked at the general beside him and almost slapped him directly.

Such silly questions. He even had to ask himself, and he felt as if he was humiliating himself.

Hu Chuquan himself also hurriedly came out of his royal tent, but as soon as he went out, he was a little stunned.

"How could it be like this, how many of them are there?"

Hu Chuquan felt as if everything was out of order.

"I don't know how many people there are, it seems to be coming from all directions, during this time, our killed army was in turmoil, so it was difficult to resist for a while."

Immediately, someone looked at everything in front of him and explained.

Hu Chuquan quickly understood, although he was angry in his heart, but he couldn't help it.

Even their own daughter was killed, how could others not panic.

Moreover, Zhao Yun led the army to raid.

Two or three thousand people were divided into five teams by Zhao Yun to attack, setting fire everywhere.

The Xiongnu were killed by surprise, and where would they care how many people there were, they just felt that there were Han troops everywhere.

Hu Chuquan cursed while organizing people to resist.

"What are you people for, only after everyone has killed you will you know, didn't you say that Zhuge Qiu's Han army came in our direction?"

After sending everyone out, Hu Chuquan looked at the general he trusted the most, and couldn't help but scold again.

"It's true that Zhuge Qiu didn't come, this time it was Zhao Yun."


Hu Chuquan almost slapped him when he heard this, and this Nima can still quibble.

The sound of fighting resounded in the night sky, and Zhao Yun did not show any mercy.

The gentian bright silver spear in his hand was like death, constantly harvesting the life of the Xiongnu army.

It was not until the second half of the night that Hu Chuquan organized a resistance army, and Zhao Yun ordered a retreat.

After all, after the initial panic, this group of Huns still has a numerical advantage.

They were too scattered, and after the Huns reacted, it was still very dangerous.

"Shan Yu, the Han army has retreated."

When Zhao Yun led the people to retreat, someone immediately looked at Hu Chuquan to report.

"What about our casualties?"

After hearing this, Hu Chuquan was also relieved, and then immediately asked.

"We suffered heavy losses, and the materials were burned badly."

"There are casualties among the soldiers and ordinary tribesmen, and I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of them."

After hesitating, the general still lowered his head, not daring to look at Hu Chuquan.

As if sensing that Hu Chuquan's face was ugly, he immediately added.

"Alone, this is only the estimate of the last general, and the specific statistics have not yet come out."

"Then how much did the Han army lose?"

After hearing this, Hu Chuquan felt better, and immediately asked again.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be much, because according to the news from various ministries, I'm afraid that Zhao Yun's army will not exceed three thousand people this time."

After hearing this, Hu Chuquan couldn't bear it anymore and kicked it directly.

"Waste, a bunch of waste, less than three thousand people, but we lost tens of thousands."

"Shan Yu, Shan Yu, in fact, many of us are in a panic, and many of us are injured by mistake."

The man quickly got up from the ground, knelt down and looked at Hu Chuquan and explained.

It's better not to say this, Hu Chuquan feels even more stupid.

"What are you doing stunned, if you don't hurry up and take people to chase, you are afraid of three thousand people."

"Yes, yes, the end will go." The man quickly took the order.

After seeing that the man was gone, Hu Chuquan sighed.

In fact, he also had his own plans, and Zhao Yun brought three thousand people.

That is to say, the pawns with strange long knives who terrified their cavalry were not there.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate Zhao Yun's cavalry team, it will not be a loss.

After all, when it comes to cavalry, Hu Chuquan is still very confident in the Xiongnu cavalry.

It's a pity that Hu Chuquan still ignored Zhao Yun's ability.

You must know that since the beginning with Gongsun Zhan, Zhao Yun has not fought with these Hu people and foreign races, and naturally knows how to deal with them.

Although they couldn't harvest this group of cavalry like the Mo Dao team, they couldn't chase after them.

After Hu Chuquan found out, he was also angry, "Why didn't I find out before, you guys are so useless."

"It seems that all these years of stability have made you all useless, and I will personally take people there."

After Hu Chuquan finished scolding, he took people with him and chased after him.

Two days later, he finally caught up with the cavalry led by Zhao Yun.

"Did you see it, you useless stuff."

Hu Chuquan couldn't help but laugh, and then looked at the person next to him and scolded.

It just wasn't before anyone else could speak.

Zhao Yun led the cavalry and already gave way to the left and right.

"Hu Chuquan, I didn't expect you to be anxious, so I will meet your request."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Hu Chuquan and said with a smile.

In order to chase Zhao Yun, Hu Chuquan led all cavalry.

From that night's raid, coupled with the pursuit along the way, Zhuge Qiu can be said to be waiting for work.

"It's not good, we've hit the plan."

After Hu Chuquan reacted, he also knew that he was carried away by anger.

Soon the Mo Dao team was already advancing forward, and the cavalry on both sides also began to attack from the left and right sides.

"Kill me."

Hu Chuquan was also a little timid in his heart, but the enemy who killed his daughter was in front of him, so he retreated, how could he be?

Even if you can not take revenge, what will others think of you?

The two armies fought, and Hu Chuquan's original anger and face were instantly extinguished by the Mo Dao team.

With each swing of the knife, the Hun cavalry fell, and one corpse after another continued to appear.

"Shan Yu, let's retreat."


Hu Chuquan now can't care about face and hatred.

If you don't even have your life, then all this is meaningless.

It's just that now it's not something he can retreat if he wants to, and Zhao Yun won't let him retreat.

However, he had been staring at Huchuquan, and seeing that the Huchuquan army was in chaos, Zhao Yun immediately rushed over.

Hu Chuquan saw that Zhao Yun was rushing directly towards him single-handedly, and he was also scared.

"Quick, stop him."

After hearing this, they were also a little weak-hearted, Zhao Yun's bravery, they saw it.

"What are you doing stunned, go on."

When Hu Chuquan saw them like this, his anxious curse

voice just fell, and Hu Chuquan immediately looked like a ghost.

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