In just a while, Zhao Yun was already about to kill.

Is this person so powerful?

It is said that the generals of the Han people have the courage of ten thousand people, and this horse stepping is actually true.

"You're on board."

After Hu Chuquan said that, he turned around and wanted to escape, but at the moment of life and death, he ran away, and the others naturally would not all rush up and fight hard.

For their Huns, although Shan Yu is said to be the leader, where is the matter at this time.

Now the situation is clear, whether this Xiongnu tribe is going to change the sky, or it is important to stay alive.

A soldier is a bear, and a nest of a bear will be a bear.

Soon, under the charge of the Mo Dao team and Zhao Yun, with the retreat of Huchuquan, the Xiongnu army was completely defeated.

"Hu Chuquan, where else are you fleeing." Zhao Yun shouted.

Hu Chuquan subconsciously looked over, frightened soul did not possess his body.

With such a pause, the gentian bright silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand was already like a silver lightning bolt stabbing out.

A little chill came first, and then the gun came out like a dragon.

The armor on Hu Chuquan's body was instantly pierced by Zhao Yun's spear, which directly gave him a heart-piercing coolness.

Hu Chuquan looked at the spear that penetrated his body, and he couldn't believe that he had died here like this.

What if he had released all the Han slaves in the first place?

If he had been directly desperate, could he have killed Zhuge Qiu?

It's just that all this is gone, and everything falls with him.

"Shan Yu."

Someone immediately shouted when they saw it, very angry, of course, more people were more frightened, and they scattered and fled.

The chase and killing lasted for half a month, and Zhuge Qiu did not care whether the dead Xiongnu were innocent or not.

Because compared to the Hu people in later generations, who almost exterminated the Han people, everything is not worth pitiful.

The Xiongnu is just one of them, other foreign races, Zhuge Qiu will not let go, some calamities are not solved, then he will always be a calamity.

"Sir, this... Is it too ruthless to kill, and now the Huns, who are scattered and fleeing, have already fled into the desert.

Pang Tong looked at Zhuge Qiu, he didn't expect Zhuge Qiu to really do it.

He knew that in addition to Zhuge Qiu's savage, he killed Zuo Xian King savagely and rudely, and directly messed with the Zuo Xian King tribe first, and the biggest credit was the Mo Dao team.

This thing is simply a nightmare for cavalry, and light cavalry simply cannot block a knife.

"Sir, it's really cool, the Xiongnu used to rob the Han Realm, and this time I finally killed it comfortably."

Cao Chang looked at Zhuge Qiu and also laughed and said.

"Collect the troops."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them and said lightly.

The most bullish of the Xiongnu is the cavalry, which is highly lethal, can be withdrawn if you can't win, and have strong mobility.

Solving the cavalry was naturally simple, and although the Xiongnu tribe respected Shan Yu, they were not united.

It is not unusual for such ghosts to be found everywhere.

"Yes, I will send someone to write a good report into Xuchang."

Cao Chang nodded excitedly, his dream was to go into battle to kill the enemy, this time he killed so quickly, and he also hit the Xiongnu.

Zhuge Qiu's army had not yet returned to Xuchang, but the letter that was quickly sent was a step ahead.

"Okay, okay." Cao Cao couldn't help it when he saw the good news.

"King Wei, did Shouyi and Cao Changgongzi win?"

Seeing Cao Cao's reaction, Xun Yu immediately asked.

Now this is the only thing that can make Cao Cao so happy.

"Great victory, the southern Xiongnu left sage king Liu Bao, the right sage king went to humble, just in Huchuquan, all killed, the Xiongnu army suffered countless deaths and injuries, and only a few people fled to the north of the desert."

Cao Cao did not hide it, but told everyone with a smile.

Not only happy for Zhuge Qiu, but also to know that this time to fight the Xiongnu, Cao Chang also went, this is his own son.

Such a credit, Cao Chang also has a share, how can he not be happy.

Not only Xun Yu, but also Xun Yu, Jia Xu and others were shocked after hearing Cao Cao's words.

They didn't doubt that Zhuge Qiu could win, but they really didn't expect to win so thoroughly.

Both the Xian King and Shan Yu died, which meant that the Xiongnu royal court was almost destroyed.

"Come, tell the world this news in the form of an imperial list."

Cao Cao waved his big hand and immediately spoke.

Others also understood what Cao Cao meant, and when this news spread, the people of the world must be deeply encouraged.

If there is no unification today, now that Cao Cao has beaten the Xiongnu all over the place looking for teeth, it will naturally increase the sense of identity of the people of the world.

After all, when the Huns plundered, they also suffered from it.

Now that Cao Cao has also taken a breath for them, it will naturally be more agreeable.

Under Cao Cao's account, as soon as the news of Zhuge Qiu and Cao Zhang's destruction of the Xiongnu spread, not only the people of Xuchang, but also the people of other places were cheered.

"Although Cao Cao has the infamy of a Han thief, what he did is really very happy."

"Yes, this group of Huns, they should have died a long time ago."

"I thought that the Cao thief would only beat his own people, and now he is not soft in fighting the Xiongnu, and the old man also looks at him differently."

In this way, almost in the streets, alleys, as well as restaurants and tea shops, it is constantly staged in various places.

After Zhou Yu knew the news, he also sighed in his heart that Cao Cao's hand was really beautiful.

Zhou Yu quickly wrote a letter to ask people to take back to Jiangdong to Sun Quan.

When something like this happens, something must be done to deal with it.

But in addition to this, Zhou Yu was more worried about Huang Gai and Lu Meng's affairs.

Zhuge Qiu was already a big victory and was about to return, but he hadn't thought of how to save the two of them back.

When Zhou Yu's letter arrived in Jiangdong, Sun Quan and Lu Su were also surprised when they received the letter.

"Lord, is what Gong Jin said in this letter related to Zhuge Qiu's victory over the Xiongnu this time?"

After Lu Su's accident, he quickly asked.

The most sensational thing at this time is this one thing.

Sun Quan nodded while watching, but his brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"Yes, what Gong Jin said is exactly this matter, because this matter Cao Thief has gained a lot of improvement in the hearts of the people."

"What does Gong Jin mean?" Lu Su was not surprised by this, and there were many people in Jiangdong who praised Cao Cao because of this.

After all, since the Han, the Xiongnu have been the enemies of the Great Han, and they are still the difficult kind.

"Gong Jin means that let's also find foreign races to fight, expand the territory, and at the same time increase the prestige."

Sun Quan looked at Lu Su and said what Zhou Yu meant.

Lu Su did not refute either, this is indeed an idea.

It's just that the land of Jiangdong wants to find foreign races to fight, but it is a little difficult.

When they received Zhou Yu's suggestion, Zhuge Liang's side also knew about Zhuge Qiu's victory over the Xiongnu.

"Let's fight too." Finally, Zhuge Liang also muttered.

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know that he hadn't gone back yet, but he had brought a trend to eliminate foreign races.

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