"King Wei, this Mr. Zhuge and Prince Cao Chang have not yet led the army back, but there is news from Yizhou and Jiangdong."

Jia Xu looked at Cao Cao and hurriedly told Cao Cao the news he had received.

"Oh, what's the news?" Cao Cao was a little surprised, and during this time, his attention was on the Xiongnu side, and he was indeed a little negligent.

"According to the reports from the spies, whether it is Liu Bei or Sun Quan, they are both fierce soldiers, and there are signs of transporting grain and preparing for war."

"Is this news serious?"

Cao Cao felt that he didn't go to beat them, this was already to give them face, and as a result, they even wanted to fight with themselves.

"It's true, but one thing is very strange, looking at the route they took to transport food and prepare for war, it seems that it is not aimed at the land of our army."

Jia Xu nodded affirmatively, and at the same time said his doubts, which he couldn't understand.

"King Wei, Liu Bei and Sun Quan are like this, they must be guarded against, maybe it is their suspicious strategy."

Xun Yu said after thinking about it.

"Gongda, this statement is reasonable, in the world today, there are few people who can compete with King Wei, and there are few people left, so we must guard against it."

For a while, many people began to echo.

It is better to trust what you have, not to trust what you don't, and take more precautions, naturally you will not be wrong.

Cao Cao glanced at them, he knew what these people meant, and now he couldn't see what they were doing, and it was indeed the most appropriate.

"As you have said, the order is given to all localities to take strict precautions and not to slacken."

Cao Cao glanced at them, then ordered.

If they were righteous, they might know their intentions.

I don't know, where is this kid, and he still won't send Cai Yan back.

"Ah Qiu."

Zhuge Qiuzheng and Cao Chang said this, and suddenly sneezed.

"Sir, you won't get the wind chill, will you?" Cao Changjian almost sprayed himself on the face, and quickly asked.

"Fart, someone must be scolding me behind my back."

Zhuge Qiu rubbed his nose and immediately replied.

"Is your kid scolding me in his heart?"

"Sir, how dare I, I can have today, it is thanks to Sir, if it were not for Sir, where would my father let me lead."

"If it weren't for my help, sir, I wouldn't have been able to achieve such a big victory."

Cao Chang quickly shook his head, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and explained.

This time, Cao Chang really did not lie, he was dedicated to martial arts, aiming to lead the army to gallop on the battlefield, and he was disdainful of the literati.

But now Zhuge Qiu has completely convinced him.

"Seriously?" Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Chang with a look of disbelief.

"That's natural, if I let me know who is behind my husband's back, I will be the first to go up and beat him."

Cao Chang waved the sword in his hand and said.

"The heavens are not merciful, and the earth is not benevolent so that I am at this time."

When Zhuge Qiu was about to speak, Pang Tong walked towards him with something in his hand, and he was already reading it with great emotion.

"Sir, look quickly, this is a poem written by Miss Cai, it is really talented, which shows the hardship of Miss Cai's life."

Pang Tong handed the psalm in his hand to Zhuge Qiu.

Hujia eighteen beats.

Zhuge Qiu first thought of Cai Wenji's eighteen beats of Huji, which is a famous narrative poem in Lefu poetry.

There it can be said that Cai Wenji's tragic career is written into it.

"Miss Cai is worthy of being the daughter of the Great Ru Cai Yong."

Pang Tong still sighed with emotion, showing great admiration.

From time to time, his eyes also looked in the direction where Cai Wenji was.

Although Zhuge Qiu was also admiring Cai Wenji's eighteen beats of Huji, he also noticed Pang Tong's gaze.

Looking at Lao Pang's appearance, wouldn't he also fancy Cai Wenji?

But also, beautiful and talented, a miserable life in a troubled world, is not her fault.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, didn't it mean that Pang Tong wanted to rob his wife with Cao Cao.

Think about it, although the dog is a little bloody, it seems to be a little exciting.

If Pang Tong wins, Lao Cao knows that he lost to Pang Tong, and he doesn't know how he will feel.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Qiu immediately cast an encouraging gaze towards Pang Tong.

"Shouyi, what are you doing watching me do?"

Pang Tong also noticed Zhuge Qiu's gaze, and always felt a bad premonition, and worried whether his behavior just now was discovered.

"Old Pang, do you like the human Cai girl?"

Zhuge Qiu saw that Pang Tong was still pretending to be a fool, and immediately asked with a smile.

After Cao Chang and Zhao Yun heard this, they also immediately looked at Pang Tong.

Gossip is basically nature.

Pang Tong was immediately uncomfortable when he saw this, as if the secret in his heart had been discovered.

In fact, he didn't know if he liked it as Zhuge Qiu said.

He just felt that Cai Wenji's talent, as well as the life experience described from this Huji eighteen beats, made him sigh and admire.

"You... You can't talk nonsense, don't ruin the reputation of the Cai girl.

Pang Tong replied, and then ran away directly

, although Pang Tong denied it, but Zhuge Qiu was more certain.

"Sir, no wonder Lao Pang rejected that Liu Yun at the beginning, it turns out that he has long taken a fancy to Miss Cai."

Zhao Yun quickly thought of something after Pang Tong left.

Zhuge Qiu was also stunned for a moment, are these two related?

However, being said by Zhao Yun seems to be really related.

After marching all the way, until half a month later, Zhuge Qiu was about to return to Xuchang.

Liu Xie, Cao Cao, and all the civil and military officials came to greet Xuchang outside the city.

Those people were also very excited, and the scourge of the Huns showed how much the people hated the Huns.

Liu Xie's heart is also mixed, if he still has real power now, this big man world has not been chaotic, such a merit.

If he is the emperor, he will also be recorded in the annals of history along with this merit.

But now everything is different, even if it is recorded, it is like a joke.

The more Liu Xie thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart.

"Your Majesty, King Wei, Mr. Zhuge and Prince Cao Zhang, they are here."

Just thinking that a voice had already pulled his thoughts back, Zhuge Qiu had already appeared in their sight.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu also saw Liu Xie and Cao Cao, as well as the officials and people who greeted them.

He was not surprised by this, after all, this credit is really not small.

"I've seen Your Majesty, I've seen King Wei."

After arriving at the city gate, several people also looked at Liu Xie and Cao Cao and saluted.

"Hahaha, well, you should beat the Huns hard."

After greeting, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a smile.

"Yes, what King Wei said is that Ai Qing's great destruction of the Xiongnu is really the luck of the Great Han."

"Ai Qing, it's actually the champion of Xuan."

Liu Xie also hurriedly answered at this time, but as soon as these words came out, the smell of gunpowder instantly became strong again.

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