"Your Majesty is serious and does not dare to act."

Zhuge Qiu knew that this guy Liu Xie must have done it on purpose.

What is the champion marquis, that is the marquis number established when Emperor Wudi of Han was established, which means to crown the whole army.

And since Emperor Wudi of Han, only three people have received it now.

The first champion Hou is Huo Qubing, who sealed the wolf Juxu, and the second is Jia Fu, the second champion Hou in history, one of the twenty-eight generals of the Hanguang Wudi Yuntai.

The third place is Dou Xian, Da Bao Xiongnu, Wu Huan, Qiang Hu, Da Bao Alien Race, but the end is not very good.

Compared with them, Zhuge Qiu knew very well that at least for now, he could not compare, and he was not going out as a military general.

Liu Xie's saying this is obviously inappropriate, not only to pull himself into his camp, but also to put gold on his face.

Cao Cao naturally saw through Liu Xie's meaning at a glance, and immediately laughed.

"Shouyi is humble, since His Majesty said so, it is naturally good, I believe that in time, your merits will not be bad."

"It's just that His Majesty will call Shouyi the Champion Marquis, so is His Majesty a Han Wudi or a Han Guangwu Emperor?"

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie, basically without giving face.

In a word, I don't have an opinion that Zhuge Qiu is the champion Hou, but are you Liu Xie and Han Wudi comparing?

Liu Xie naturally understood what Cao Cao meant, and his face immediately became ugly, but the situation was not as good as people, and he was not easy to make trouble.

Ma Teng was killed by himself, Empress Fu's family was also dead, Yang Xiu was also dead, and now the only old ministers are even more unable to resist.

What King Wei said was that Xu was indeed ashamed of himself. Helplessly, there is no wise and good general.

Liu Xie confessed, but did not forget to disgust Cao Cao.

Zhuge Qiu didn't know how to evaluate it.

Liu Xie is not Cao Cao's opponent, but I have to say that in the palace fight, Liu Xie is indeed not too bad.

Just like the original saying, if the king can complement each other, it is thick; No, fortunately, we are gone.

At least in terms of mouth, Liu Xie has not lost much, and he is very good at using his status as an emperor.

A sentence that there are no wise and good generals can be said to basically scold everyone.

"It turns out that in the eyes of His Majesty, Mr. Zhuge has made such great achievements, and this soldier who was born into death is not a good minister."

"In that case, it is really the fault of the courtiers, so that His Majesty can kill the ministers today and kill the Han thief."

After speaking, Cao Cao knelt directly in front of Liu Xie and handed over the sword.

For a while, all the ministers and the people were stunned, and Liu Xie himself was stunned.

Only Xu Chu kept an eye on Liu Xie and observed his movements.

Liu Xie didn't expect Cao Cao to play so ruthlessly.

He really wants to do it, but once he does it, whether he can succeed or not, but once he does it, it is difficult to escape death.

Now is the time to break the Xiongnu and condense Cao Cao's prestige again.

"Ai Qing said seriously, Ai Qing went south and north to discuss, why is it a Han thief, Mr. Zhuge and others broke the Xiongnu and are naturally wise and good generals."

"It's a gaffe, it's a gaffe, Ai Qing please get up quickly."

After weighing it repeatedly, Liu Xie did not take the sword, but helped Cao Cao up and took his words back.

Zhuge Qiu didn't say much, which is why Liu Xie was inferior to Cao Cao.

Old Cao is a doer, and he basically doesn't care what face he has.

"Your Majesty."

After Cao Cao got up, the group headed towards the city with their own thoughts.

"King Wei, I heard that this time Mr. Zhuge not only broke the Xiongnu, but also saved Lord Cai's daughter?"

At the celebration banquet, an old minister looked at Cao Cao and asked.

"Yes, Lord Cai is a great Confucian, and he is also a mentor under him, and now Miss Cai has returned to Han safely."

Cao Cao glanced at the man, then replied.

"King Wei really has a heart." At this time, Liu Xie also said with a smile.

"Girl Cai, this time back to Han, King Wei can make good arrangements."

Then Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao and added.


Cao Cao was also a little surprised, how did Liu Xie suddenly care about Cai Wenji, but this kind of thing, there is no need to turn faces with Liu Xie.

Even if Liu Xie doesn't say it, for Cai Wenji, he will make proper arrangements and will not treat her badly.

After the celebration banquet was over, Zhuge Qiu returned to his mansion.

"Shouyi, this time you have made great achievements, you are really famous all over the world."

After Zhuge Qiu returned, Zhou Yu was the first to smile and speak.

"Where, where, I don't know if Gong Jin is still used to it in Xu Changke these days?"

Compared to seeing those Xiongnu, Zhuge Qiu felt that it was better to look at Zhou Yu.

"Habit, I still have to thank you Shouyi, otherwise King Wei, why would he treat me so leniently."

Zhou Yu replied with a smile and said.

Although Zhuge Qiu was not there during this time, he really had no restrictions in Xuchang.

"No, you deserve it." Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu and explained seriously.

"Gong Jin, have you been to see the two generals Huang Gai and Lu Meng recently?"

"In order to avoid suspicion, very few go." Zhou Yu was a little frightened, could it be that this was all noticed by Zhuge Qiu?

But during this time, I really haven't seen them much.

In addition to avoiding suspicion, there is also a very important point that Huang Gai and Lu Meng, the two guys, always have to start without saying two words.

Pifu, all puppets.

Where can you understand my bitterness in lying down and tasting courage.

"Oh, yes, how about it, have you written to Jiangdong's father recently, after all, there are so many of your former friends in Jiangdong."

"You also said that they were former friends, and now they all treat me carefully."

Zhou Yu didn't expect Zhuge Qiu's words to change so quickly, but naturally he wouldn't admit it.

Although Zhou Yu denied it, Zhuge Qiu did not believe it.

"They don't understand you, come, we haven't seen each other for so long, come and drink."

Zhuge Qiu took out two bottles of Maotai, and then began to pull Zhou Yu to drink.

Cao Cao had already told him about Jiang Dong and Liu Bei's abnormalities at the celebration banquet.

Although he had guesses, he still had to verify it from Zhou Yu.

Now he basically got it.

When Zhou Yu woke up the next day, it was already morning.

Cao Cao's divine decree to Sun Quan in the name of the imperial court was already out of the city.

"Shouyi, or you understand, but Shouyi, now you can also be regarded as a meritorious deed, my daughter, when will you become a family?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked with a playful face, obviously this is a forced marriage posture.

"That... That one... That's not good, after all, I have a lady.

Zhuge Qiu felt that it was better to be reserved.

"I don't care, what are you afraid of?" Cao Cao glanced at Zhuge Qiu, obviously this reason was not possible.

"That... By the way, Lao Cao might as well tell you a secret, it's Lao Pang's. "

Pang Tong?"

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