Cao Cao was a little puzzled, what secrets Pang Tong could have, since Chibi, after Pang Tong arrived in Xuchang, he could be regarded as conscientious.

"What are you thinking, he didn't betray you."

As soon as Zhuge Qiu saw Cao Cao's suspicious gaze, he immediately opened his mouth to explain.

Originally, he just wanted to stimulate Cao Cao, but he didn't really want to kill Pang Tong.

"So what's going on?" Cao Cao asked subconsciously in bewilderment.

Isn't everything else small except betrayal, and it's not a matter for yourself.

"Old Cao, you like Cai Wenji, in fact, I found that Pang Tong also seems to like Cai Wenji." Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao with a mysterious smile and said.

"What, he also likes Cai Wenji?" As soon as Cao Cao heard this, he immediately came to the spirit.

"That,... Lao Cao, you missed a word, of course, he may also like what you said.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and quickly corrected, you can't wrongfully accuse Pang Tong for no reason.

"Ahem, I mean, he dared to rob me?"

Cao Cao originally didn't feel anything, but when Zhuge Qiu corrected it like this, he also blushed as an old man.

"No, I'm going to tell him no." Cao Cao thought about it and said.

"Lao Cao, you are not authentic, although the old Pang of the people is a little stumble, but you can't help but give people the opportunity to compete."

"Besides, there are goalkeepers, isn't scoring goals more exciting?"

The previous sentence Cao Cao could still understand, but in the latter sentence, he was a little confused.

"Shouyi, what do you mean?"

"I mean, Miss Cai is your mentor's daughter after all, and you didn't see what happened at the celebration banquet yesterday."

"The matter between you and Miss Cai may not really be possible, so you give Lao Pang a chance."

Zhuge Qiu did not drive either, but looked at Cao Cao and explained with some seriousness.

After all, in history, after Lao Cao ransomed Cai Wenji back, he did not marry her, but married Cai Wenji to Dong Qi.

Compared with Dong Qi, Zhuge Qiu felt that Pang Tong was still reliable.

Cao Cao listened to these words and pondered, "It's just like you said."

"Then I'll go and tell Lao Pang."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and got up to take his leave.

Cao Cao nodded, looking at Zhuge Qiu who left, he thought again.

This kid hasn't set the wedding date yet, and he ran away again.

But if he really lost to Pang Tong, where would his face go?

No, you have to behave yourself.

"Xu Chu, Xu Chu, Tiger Force, where did you go?"

"Coming, coming, King Wei."

Xu Chu hurriedly ran in from outside, "King Wei, is something wrong?"

"Go, you send someone to take care of Miss Cai and see if she needs any help."

Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu and quickly opened his mouth and ordered, Cai Wenji has just returned to Han, there must be many people to help, and there are still people who are not adaptable.

"Yes." Xu Chu was stunned for a moment, and quickly agreed.

"Lord, it just so happens that there is a kid named Dong Qi under him, who is quite clever, so let him go."

"Okay, let him go, I will be rewarded when things are done, and give him a lieutenant."

After hearing Xu Chu's words, Cao Cao quickly spoke.

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know this, and some things might be so coincidental.

He was busy looking for Pang Tong now.

When he came to Pang Tong's residence, Pang Tong was planning to go out.

"Old Pang, where are you going?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tong and asked with a smile, and soon he thought of something again, "Are you going to find Miss Cai?"

"Didn't... No, I just want to walk around and follow you on the crusade against the Huns, it's too hard. Pang Tong immediately denied it.

"Okay, don't pretend in front of me, I can tell you, I won you a chance."

Zhuge Qiu patted Pang Tong's shoulder and said with a smile.

"What chance?" Pang Tongshi was a little unresponsive.

"Naturally, it is an opportunity to compete with Lao Cao, I have already told Lao Cao, you like Miss Cai."

After hearing this, Pang Tong almost didn't stand firm and looked at Zhuge Qiu.

Thank you so much for stepping on my horse.

"Why, you are not happy, then I will go and tell Lao Cao to kick you out?"

"Don't, don't." When Pang Tong saw that Zhuge Qiu was leaving, he immediately grabbed him.

It's already like this anyway, and there's nothing to hide.

"That's right, this is a chance for you to turn over."

"Think about how much face you snatched Lao Cao's first love, and Chibi's lost face won't come back."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tongyu and said seriously.

"When I was Chibi, I was mainly pitted by you." Pang Tong blanched Zhuge Qiu.

"You still talk about this between the two of us, so let's do it, if you have any concerns, you tell me, and I'll give you an idea."

Being said by Zhuge Qiu, Pang Tong was also a little moved, after all, in the area of picking up girls, Zhuge Qiu seems to be far better than himself.

Cocked Kong Ming's corner and married Sun Shangxiang, and Lao Cao still had two to marry.

"Actually, I'm just worried, worried about my appearance, worried that Miss Cai will not accept it."

"This... I can't do this facelift. Zhuge Qiu hurriedly spoke.

However, after seeing Pang Tong's murderous gaze, he quickly comforted him.

"Actually, Lao Pang, you don't need to think like that, it doesn't matter if a man is old and ugly, the most important thing is to be talented, not to mention you are still so talented."

"It's so bad that you are a phoenix chick."

Although Pang Tong felt that Zhuge Qiu's words were a little wrong, he was quite reasonable.

"What Shouyi said is that I spread my wings like the Nine Heavens Phoenix."

Pang Tong looked at Zhuge Qiu and immediately laughed.

"That Cai girl is a talented woman in the world, how can she be such a superficial person." The more Pang Tong spoke, the more confident he felt.

"Shouyi, I wonder what else you have to point out?"

"This... Stalker and don't face.

"Oh, by the way, the main thing is that you have to guard against a person named Dong Qi."

Zhuge Qiu watched Pang Tong begin to teach.

"Dong Qi?" Although Pang Tong did not understand, he listened with relish.

Anyway, one dares to teach, and the other dares to learn.

"Shouyi, wouldn't this be too shameful, and lose manhood."

"Indeed, but a good girl is afraid of Lang pestering."

"Teachable." Pang Tong looked at Zhuge Qiu and saluted, and then prepared to go to Cai Wenji.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the back of Pang Tong leaving, and instantly felt that he was great.

Pang Tong went directly to Cai Wenji, and he decided to show his talent well and resonate with Cai Wenji.

As soon as Pang Tong arrived, he saw that someone was already at the door, directing people to move things inside.

"Who are you and who sent you?" Pang Tong hurriedly asked.

"Lord Hui, under Dong Qi."

"Dong Qi?" Pang Tong was immediately stunned, and the most important point that Shouyi said was to guard against Dong Qi.

"Sir... The gentleman also came.

Cai Wenji also walked out of the courtyard at this time, and when she saw Pang Tong, she said hello in surprise.

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