"Lao Xu, you are in such a hurry, what happened?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at the galloping carriage and asked.

"Something big happened, Cao Chong Gongzi was poisoned."

Xu Chu hurriedly opened his mouth and said, anyway, he invited Zhuge Qiu to see a doctor, which naturally could not be concealed.

Zhuge Qiu then understood, no wonder Xu Chu was so anxious.

Because old Cao is anxious, he loves Cao Chong the most, and even wants to give the seat to Cao Chong.

Originally, Cao Chong was going to die two years ago, and I don't know if it was because of his own reasons, he didn't burp.

Unexpectedly, when he was busy finding a wife for Lao Pang, Cao Chong had an accident, and originally he thought that it was because he was busy with Pang Tong's affairs, so he didn't care about Cao Chong.

When he came to Cao Cao's mansion, he went directly to Cao Chong's courtyard.

Cao Cao was already there, and there were several doctors kneeling there at a loss.

"You guys... You bunch of waste, you even dare to say that you are imperial doctors, if you can't save Chong'er, you all have to die.

Cao Cao had an ugly face and cursed there.

"Shouyi... Shouyi, you are here, take a look, take a look at Chong'er.

Cao Cao was scolding, and when he saw Zhuge Qiu coming, it was like seeing a savior.

In his opinion, Zhuge Qiu could even cure the plague, and it was not a problem to cure Cao Chong if necessary.

"Old Cao, don't worry, I'll take a look."

Zhuge Qiu could understand Cao Cao's feelings of seeing himself as the last straw.

He hurriedly stepped forward to check, and at this time, Cao Chong was already unconscious.

Zhuge Qiu lifted Cao Chong's arm away, and sure enough, he saw the wound.

It is clear that this is a wound left by a snake bite, and the wound has been simply treated.

"Do you know what snake bit Gongzi?" Zhuge Qiu glanced at the group of imperial doctors, and then looked at the group of subordinates who took care of him and asked.

"What about you, are you all dead?"

Seeing that no one reacted, Cao Cao immediately cursed again.

"Tell you, if something happens to Chong'er, all of you people will be buried with you, don't hurry up."

"This... This little one doesn't know, today's son, after reading as usual, will take a nap, I dare not disturb.

"By the time we find out, Gongzi, Gongzi, he has already fallen."

Under Cao Cao's reprimand, finally the waiter quickly knelt down and spoke, and the whole person trembled with fear.

"Waste, waste, what use do you want, come people, pull this waste out and cut it."

When Cao Cao heard this, he said the same as he didn't say it, isn't this nonsense.

It's still not useful.

"Don't kill him first, it may be useful later." Zhuge Qiu frowned and said lightly.

This naturally does not mean that he wants to be the Virgin, after all, under his scheme, there are already countless people who have died.

Instead, he had some doubts, suspecting that Cao Chong was not just snake venom that caused him to be the way he was.

In ancient times, although there was no serum and the like, it did not mean that if you were bitten by a snake, you would die, and there were many ways to treat it.

Many ancient books have records, such as the use of urine, feces, iron essence, garlic, wine, vinegar, and so on.

Moreover, Cao Chong's wound has already been treated, and in addition to the snake bite next to him, there are needles that are used to release poisonous blood.

"Leave you with a dog's life for now."

When Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu had spoken, he answered.

"You first continue to follow the method of antidoting snake venom, and Cao Chong Gongzi will be detoxified."

"By the way, get some more vomiting recipes, the stronger the better."

These things can be done by the imperial doctor, and he will not participate in it, because he has other things to do.

And this can also be regarded as saving their lives, if they have nothing to do, with Lao Cao's current appearance, they will definitely kill these people.

"What are you doing stunned, don't you go soon?"

Several people originally wanted to ask Zhuge Qiu why he induced vomiting, and Cao Chong looked like this. It's a problem to drink it, and how to vomit.

However, after hearing Cao Cao's words, several people also climbed with rolls and did not dare to say more.

At least for now, everything will still have a chance.

"A few of you are responsible for serving Cao Chong Gongzi today, so everyone who has come into contact with Cao Chong's son to eat, give me out."

"Take me to the place where Cao Chong Gongzi went today."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he left directly, and he knew very well in his heart.

Cao Chong became like this, and the biggest suspect was Cao Pi.

Because Cao Chong was the biggest obstacle that prevented him from becoming the son of the world.

Zhuge Qiu began to wander where Cao Chong had stayed today.

At the same time, he asked Cao Chong whether he had seen anyone in his food and clothing today.

"Mr. Hui's words, Cao Chong's gongzi's eating and drinking, we have always been careful, because before, Cao Chong gongzi said, Mr. once reminded him."

"Therefore, when Gongzi eats and drinks, we will use silver needles to test poison, and this King of Wei also let us test poison with people, but Cao Chong Gongzi took pity, so we didn't use this method."

Those subordinates, looking at Zhuge Qiu, did not dare to hide it at all.

They naturally hoped that Cao Chong would be fine, otherwise, none of them would be able to run.

"Yes, sir, there is nothing unusual about Cao Chong's son today, and after eating, he went to read with great interest."

"Yes, sir, we really don't know anything, and Cao Chong Gongzi specially instructed us not to bother today."

Many people began to cry out for grievances, after all, although in this era, their lives are not worth anything, but everyone wants to live.

"He went to the study after eating, and didn't eat anything else along the way?"

Zhuge Qiu watched them continue to ask, and from their terrified eyes, he did not see anyone lying.

That is to say, what they are saying so far is true, at least in their perception.

"No, the tea in the study is the same pot, this is also Gongzi's habit, firstly, for fear of waste, and secondly, Gongzi is sympathetic to our trouble in testing drugs."

The family member at the beginning, shaking his head like pounding garlic, quickly spoke.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the furnishings of the study, and indeed there was nothing extra to eat and drink except for a pot of tea.

He tried it with a silver needle and found no problems.

The book that Cao Chong read also fell aside, and no one cleaned up when something like this happened.

Or they didn't dare to clean up these things, and they didn't have time to clean up, and they were taken into custody by Cao Cao as soon as something happened.

"Look at this book, this is a book that Gongzi has been searching for for a long time, but now something like this has happened."

Some Jiading also sighed, but did not dare to step forward.

When Zhuge Qiu heard this, he immediately thought of something.

"No one is allowed to move here, and no one can be allowed in, I'll be right back."

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