When Zhuge Qiu returned to the room, Cao Pi, Cao Zhang, Cao Zhi, and Cao Jie were all in the room.

"Sir Dacai, after inducing vomiting, Gongzi really improved."

"Could it be that the poison in Gongzi is not only snake venom, but other poisons that are taken?"

When those imperial doctors looked at Zhuge Qiu, they were also looking at a savior.

Although it was very embarrassing to induce vomiting for Cao Chong, he also exhausted all methods to get results.

"You continue to induce vomiting and detoxify Cao Chong's son."

"You follow me to Cao Chong's study."

Zhuge Qiu did not answer directly, but first looked at Cao Chong's right index finger and continued to speak.

Now he was basically sure that Cao Chong had also been poisoned by other poisons.

This would definitely be a wave of gastric lavage in the afterlife, but now it can only be vomiting.

Naturally, the imperial doctor did not dare to delay, and immediately nodded, and the others continued to stay to treat Cao Chong.

At this time, Cao Cao saw that he had found a clue to heal, and he also calmed down.

He is not stupid, Zhuge Qiu said so, he must have found something in the study.

Unexpectedly, since Zhuge Qiu reminded him, he was doubly guarded against Cao Chong's diet, and such a thing still happened.

"Has anyone ever come in and touched something here?"

"No, after Mr. left, I will wait for strict guarding." Jiading shook his head like a rattle, for fear that he would answer incorrectly and be cut by Cao Cao behind.

"I suspect that the book used by Cao Chong's son is poisonous."

Zhuge Qiu didn't sell it at this time, so he needed this imperial doctor to check with himself.

Such a purpose is naturally to be more meticulous, and at the same time to make Cao Cao believe in these things more.

"Books are poisonous?"

Everyone else is blindsided and has never heard of this statement.

"Yes, books are poisonous, Cao Chong Gongzi must read books, and some papers are not so easy to flip through, at that time, I don't know what will happen to everyone?"

Zhuge Qiu saw that they were a little unconvinced, so he further asked.

Cao Cao was the first to react, because he himself loved to read, and just now he also noticed Zhuge Qiu to observe Cao Chong's index finger.

This poison was in the middle of reading, and it entered Cao Chong's mouth through his fingers.

No wonder there is no problem with these teas, because the problem is not here.

Soon, the results of the inspection came out, and fine powders were found on the books.

And there are several places where there are faint marks of drool moist in the corners of the page.

Cao Cao's face instantly became ugly, and no one knew what he was thinking with a black face.

Zhuge Qiu did not speak, and let Cao Cao check the rest himself.

"This place is temporarily sealed, and no one is allowed to enter without my permission."

After a while, Cao Cao sighed and spoke.

"Shouyi, this time is really thanks to you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid that Chong'er would be killed."

After going out, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and sighed.

"I didn't make any effort this time, as long as I found out the reason, the imperial doctor is actually not bad."

Zhuge Qiu did not take this credit to himself, and besides, with his current relationship with Cao Cao, there was no need for this.

"A group of fools, if you are not careful, I am afraid that they will always be detoxifying snakes."

Cao Cao still scolded, but did not mention the intention of pulling them out and cutting them.

"Shouyi, I want to hand over this matter to you to investigate, I wonder if you are willing?"

After a while, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked again, as if he had made some kind of decision.

"Old Cao, then let me be honest, are you sure you want to get to the bottom of it?"

"You actually know some things better than I do, don't you, and I'm not interested in investigating cases."

After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao naturally understood what Zhuge Qiu meant.

What is not interested, it's just that Zhuge Qiu simply doesn't want to mix this matter.

Cao Cao also understood that what he was worried about had finally happened.

Ruthlessness is always the imperial family, and there are too many things that cause trouble to Xiao Wall.

It seems that the attraction of the position of the son of the world has begun to play a role.

"It's okay, it's okay, but Chong'er's studies and conditioning depend on Shouyi."

In the end, Cao Cao thought about not letting Zhuge Qiu mix this matter, after all, some distance can indeed make the relationship between the two better.

"Aren't there all imperial doctors?"

Zhuge Qiu was speechless, big brother, I am also a strategist, how can I be needed everywhere.

"Don't think I don't know, what have you been busy with Pang Tong lately."

Cao Cao gave Zhuge Qiu a blank look and said, but what he was most worried about was whether those imperial doctors would be bought.

But he believed that Zhuge Qiu would definitely not be bought, and this kid, even if he provoked him, he dared to turn his face.


After thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu still agreed, no matter what, Cosmos Chong is also his own apprentice, Mr. Master's shouted for so long.

And he is also his future brother-in-law, saving his life, and also talking about the past.

In the following time, Zhuge Qiu did not pay attention to Pang Tong and Cai Wenji's affairs.

However, from Zhou Yu, he still knew that Pang Tong's progress was still very good.

"Old Pang, did you really write this thing?"

"Shouyi, do you really believe in this thing?"

Zhou Yu looked at the things in his hand, then at Pang Tong, and finally turned his gaze to Zhuge Qiu.

"It's not me, is it you, besides, I'm also a phoenix chick."

Pang Tong saw that Zhuge Qiu did not expose his meaning, and immediately said proudly.

This "Guangling San" was naturally given to him by Zhuge Qiu, but he was amazed even by Cai Wenji with this.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the forced Pang Tong and also twitched out of the corner of his eye, should he not give this thing to Lao Pang.

Guangling San, together with Cai Wenji's Huji Eighteen Beats, is one of the ten ancient famous songs.

At this time, Ji Kang was about to cry and faint in the toilet, and everything was stolen.

"You wrote this? Then my name Zhou Lang has not become a vain name. "

Zhou Yu obviously doesn't believe it, a person who even learns the piano by himself, can he come up with this thing?

Zhuge Qiu looked at the two of them and didn't know what to say for a while.

I could only shake my head and get up and walk outside, anyway, now Cosmos Chong is out of danger.

Walking on the streets of Xu Chang, Zhuge Qiu originally felt that it was not unusual.

However, he suddenly saw Man Pet leading people into a shop selling books not far from him.

Directly arrested everyone and cried heaven and earth.

Because it had already been found out, Cao Chong's book was bought from here.

"This little brother, I see your bones are amazed. I wonder if I can follow the poor road?

Zhuge Qiu sighed and was about to leave when someone patted him on the shoulder and spoke.

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