"I'm your mother."

Zhuge Qiu directly replied, what is this thing, the street deceived people and deceived themselves.

I saw that the person in front of me was wearing a gray robe, a little similar to the Taoist robe, but it was different, it looked a little shabby, and looked a little old, but it looked in good spirits.

The most prominent thing is that he has an eye and seems to be blind.

"Little friend, what do you mean by this?" He didn't seem to expect Zhuge Qiu to greet him directly, and he was also stunned for a moment.

"It's still like that, you said my bones are amazing, do you have a set of palm techniques that fall from the sky to teach me?"

Zhuge Qiu saw that this guy didn't seem to be going to let him go, so he asked rhetorically.

On Xuchang Street, he was no longer the first fortune-telling stick, and he was pulling to tell fortunes.

Originally, he still believed it, but after listening to a few nonsense guys, he was not so interested.

"None, none, it seems that Xiaoyou misunderstood, but Xiaoyou has an extraordinary understanding, although the old immortal does not have the palm method that descends from the sky as you say, but if you cultivate with the poor way, there are three heavenly books passed down to you."

Zhuge Qiu saw that this old man was still energetic, and he said something like that.

Anyway, I am bored, so I will accompany you to have fun.

I'm a modern person, can I still let you fool?

"Dare to ask the sir?" Zhuge Qiu looked at the old man and asked.

"Mr. Poor Road."

Mr. Wujiao, Wujiao, Zhuge Qiu smiled in his heart, and soon thought of something.

"Are you Zuo Ci?"

This time he was really a little surprised, the divine stick he met on weekdays, it was all a liar to survive.

Unexpectedly, this time I really met one of the most divine people during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"Exactly." Zuo Ci smiled and nodded, "It seems that we really have a fate." "

It's a fart.

This guy is called a demon road by many people, and when Liu Biao was still a Jingzhou assassin, he identified Zuo Ci as a demon road and wanted to kill him.

However, he was taught a lesson by Zuo Ci, and Zuo Ci also showed his hand, using a bucket of wine and a small jerky to treat Liu Biao's army of more than 10,000 people.

He also drank more than a thousand guests of Liu Biao, but as a result, there was no shortage of wine and meat.

Scared Liu Biao half to death, which dispelled the idea of killing Zuo Ci.

Of course, the most famous is still Zuo Ci throwing a cup to play Cao Cao.

"It is also common for people to have little friends who don't believe them, and Xiaoyou is still young."

Zuo Ci seemed to see Zhuge Qiu's thoughts, and suddenly smiled again and said.

"Xiaoyou, do you know how old is Poor Dao now?"

After Zhuge Qiu heard Zuo Ci's words, he immediately gave him a roll of his eyes.

I have read some information before that Zuo Ci likes and Gan Shi, and Hao Jian claims that he is hundreds of years old.

"Poor Dao is now more than three hundred years old."

If you don't blow, you won't die.

If you know your information in the future life, 156~289 is all hello, to be verified, I don't know how you will feel.

"It seems that Xiaoyou doesn't believe it, since that's the case, then it's better to take something that Xiaoyou has never seen and let Xiaoyou see it."

Zuo Ci saw Zhuge Qiu, with a look of disdain, he didn't want to pay attention to him at all, he was even more energetic, and immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and continued.


Zhuge Qiu also wanted to see how this old bull blows, and if he saw it, he should be an archaeology for future generations.

If you are real, you have the opportunity to travel back and change the Baidu entry for you.

Zhuge Qiu originally thought that Zuo Ci would come out with something mysterious like when he played Liu Biao and Cao Cao as written in the book.

Take out the jerky and wine and drink it freely, without less, or in the air.

I saw Zuo Ci take Zhuge Qiu to the corner of the alley next to where there was no one else.

Anyway, he has Lü Bu's halberd method, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to beat Zuo Ci, so he is not afraid.

Soon Zuo Ci began to tinker in his arms and sleeves, and took out a small bottle.

"Little friend, do you know what this is?" Zuo Ci shook it, like a rare treasure, and asked cautiously in front of Zhuge Qiu.


"Yes, Xiaoyou is really a person who recognizes goods, and this is Taiqing Dan." Zuo Ci nodded with a teachable look.

"Poor Dao has been searching for a disciple with Hui Gen, it seems that Xiaoyou really is." The more Zuo Ci spoke, the more excited he became.

Zhuge Qiu thought he hadn't heard it, he only knew that Ge Hong was said to be this guy's apprentice.

"You're going to show me this?"

Zhuge Qiu didn't care about Zuo Ci's excited look, but asked with an expression like this.

"Isn't that enough?" Zuo Ci looked at Zhuge Qiu, and in his opinion, he had taken out all the elixirs.

"That's definitely not enough, who knows if this elixir is true or not, I don't know how much I've seen Mei Lisu."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zuo Ci and replied, besides, even if he gave it to himself, he was afraid of heavy metal poisoning.

"Mai Lisu?" Zuo Ci didn't understand a little, but still smiled and said, "Xiaoyou is really a wonderful person."

"I said Zuo Ci Daoist, do you still have something you want me to see, if you don't, why don't I let you see me?"

"Let you know what it means to really haven't seen it."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zuo Ci that was not polite at all, in his opinion, this Zuo Ci was a liar nine times out of ten.

When Zuo Ci saw Zhuge Qiu say this, he was also stunned for a moment, and then became interested.

"Interesting, the poor road has lived for more than three hundred years, traveled the world, there is really nothing, the poor road has never seen, even if it is a treasure in the palace, the poor road has seen countless times."

"Xiaoyou doesn't seem to have anything with him, I don't know what Xiaoyou wants to see in poverty, I don't know if I want to change places?"

Zuo Ci glanced at Zhuge Qiu, and looked very considerate.

Zhuge Qiu glanced around, moved a few steps, and came to the corner, and there were no people with wall cover.

"Right here."

After Zuo Ci heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he was not impressed, because in his opinion, it was simply impossible.

Can you still be on the street, stripping yourself naked?

Zhuge Qiu made sure that there was no one again, and he was relieved, he stored a lot of things, but he lay a lot and pulled out useless things.

As an old rule, Zhuge Qiu first pulled out a bottle of Maotai and spicy strips.

Then put flashlights, aunt scarves, racing helmets, radios, skateboards, modern style clothes and shoes,...... All of them were thrown out.

Zuo Ci looked at the pile of things like a hill in front of him.

Is this horse so capable? Airfetch?

Zuo Ci was really stunned, what kind of person is this guy.

Zhuge Qiu didn't see it, and took out another package of bulk Mai Lisu.

Zuo Ci saw clearly and looked at the Taiqing Pill in his hand.

"Xiaoyou also alchemy?"

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