Zuo Ci stopped Zhuge Qiu and asked with a serious and eager look.

"Do you still have to refine this thing, I eat it as sugar."

Zhuge Qiu said unhurriedly, and then took everything in front of Zuo Ci, and instantly took back all the things and took them back into the storage ring.

After all, these things are placed here, and it is not good if they are seen.

As for Zuo Ci's original divine nagging, others did not believe what he said.

Zuo Ci Gang wanted to say that Zhuge Qiu was bragging, where Dan did not need to be refined, and he was still eaten as sugar.

But seeing that Zhuge Qiu instantly lost everything, he was also stunned again.

"Little friend, little friend, are you really taking things out of the air?"

Zuo Ci looked at Zhuge Qiu for a while before asking, as if to confirm.

"Basic operation, basic operation." Zhuge Qiu is calm, a look, don't want 666 posture, pretend to force this kind of thing, it is addictive.

"Wouldn't Mr. Oojiao?" Then Zhuge Qiu did not forget to look surprised, looked at Zuo Ci and asked rhetorically.

Zuo Ci's old face is a little embarrassed, but there are people who are not thick-skinned.

"Poor Dao naturally knows this technique, but seeing Xiaoyou so young has this ability, let Poor Dao be surprised."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zuo Ci, but he was deeply suspicious, and he deeply felt that this old man was very bad.

"All by talent, all by talent, this technique, the important thing is consciousness, that is, spiritual power."

Zhuge Qiu didn't say much, but watched Zuo Ci continue to flicker and pretend to be forced.

"Consciousness? Mental power?

Zuo Ci couldn't help but mutter, as if inspired.

However, it seemed to have noticed Zhuge Qiu's gaze, and immediately recognized with a smile, "Xiaoyou is right, right, such understanding is rare in ancient and modern times.

"Then are you still taking me as an apprentice?" I just left without anything.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zuo Ci with a smile and asked, looking ready to go at any time.

Zuo Ci also blushed this time, accepted an apprentice, and also collected a hair, he actually met an expert.

But a little bit of myself is not mistaken, this guy does have talent.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiu waved his hand and prepared to leave.

"Little friend, little friend stay."

Zhuge Qiu was about to walk out of the corner of the alley, and Zuo Ci looked at Zhuge Qiu and shouted again.

"Anything else?" Zhuge Qiu stopped and asked, looking at Zuo Ci's embarrassed look.

"That... That little friend, I wonder if your elixir can give some to the poor road? Although

Zuo Ci felt embarrassed, Zhuge Qiu had such a big package, so he shouldn't be so stingy.

"To you?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, he thought it was something.

"Little friend, Poor Dao is willing to exchange it with you with Taiping Dan."

Zuo Ci was afraid that Zhuge Qiu would not agree, so he quickly spoke.

"No problem."

Although Zhuge Qiu does not plan to eat Zuo Ci's pill, it is not bad to use the Mai Lisu of the rotten street in the later life to exchange an ancient pill as a souvenir.

Zuo Ci carefully poured out three and gave one to Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu directly put it into the storage ring, and then took a large package to Zuo Ci.

Zuo Ci is confused, is it so worthless?

He had a feeling that he had been deceived, but thinking that Zhuge Qiu was so proficient in taking things from the air, and his consciousness and spiritual power were also the first and the same, it should not be.

When Zuo Ci was stunned, Zhuge Qiu had already disappeared into the crowd.

"Little friend this pill..." Before

Zuo Ci could take this pill, he asked if there was any way to take this pill, and when he reacted, Zhuge Qiuren was gone.

After thinking about it, Zuo Ci felt that it should be similar to his own Taiqing Dan.

Zuo Ci took one and ate it directly.

"Sweet? It's pretty fragrant.

"Oops, liar, walking the rivers and lakes by yourself, I was actually deceived by a brat."

Zuo Ci looked at the direction where Zhuge Qiu disappeared and began to scold.

Subconsciously, he vented and stuffed the Mai Lisu in his hand into his mouth.

It's pretty fragrant.

How can I have this kind of thought?

Soon Zuo Ci reacted again, poured one of his Taiqing Pill, and ate it directly.

Anyway, they are all deceived, it is better to try whether they succeeded.

Such a comparison, a very humiliating discovery, is still the incense given by Zhuge Qiu.

The more Zuo Ci thought about it, the more angry he became, and he simply didn't want to think about Dan's affairs.

Began to ponder Zhuge Qiu's words, consciousness? Mental power?

Looking at the small bottle, there was still a pill in it.

When he was meditating, when he tried it, the elixir in the bottle appeared directly in his hand.

Zuo Ci himself was stunned.


I was actually pointed out by a little doll?

Then Zuo Ci no longer cared about Tai Qingdan's affairs, and happily disappeared into the sea of people.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu didn't know this, even Zuo Ci's Taiqing Pill, he didn't take it out.

"Sir, where have you been?"

As soon as he returned to the mansion, he saw Zhao Yun walking towards him.

"What, something happened again?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, and it should not be so.

"That's not it, sir, do you know, the murderer of Cao Chong this time has been caught."

Zhao Yun shook his head, he was just simply worried about Zhuge Qiu, he usually rarely wandered around alone.


"Well, it's the owner of the academy who resents Cao Cao, so he took Cao Chong." Zhao Yun said with a sigh.

Zhuge Qiu did not speak, he did not believe this result.

However, he was not surprised, because even if Cao Cao knew about this, it might have been done by Cao Pi, so what.

Cao Cao was more fond of Cao Chong, but Cao Pi was also his son.

If it is rumored that his son is fratricidal, then his face must also be ugly, and the family ugliness must not be exposed.

Someone has to take care of it.

Although Zhuge Qiu felt that the owner of this bookstore was also unlucky and wronged, he couldn't help it, besides, this book was published by him, and he and Cao Pi couldn't tell how much they had to do with each other.

"This matter has nothing to do with us, no need to bother."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, said lightly, and then entered the courtyard.

After entering the courtyard, Zhuge Qiu saw that Zhou Yu was also there, so he pulled them to play cards for entertainment, anyway, there was nothing to do.

As soon as I sat down, before I was ready to start, someone was already coming in outside.

"Sir, sir, someone sent this thing, saying that it is thanks to Mr. for his guidance, and there is a chance to come back to discuss again."

Zhuge Qiu also felt a little inexplicable when he looked at the things that were wrapped in front of him.

Soon he thought of something, it won't be Zuo Ci.

What can he talk about, isn't this guy a liar?

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