Although Lu Su knows Zhuge Qiu's words, nine times out of ten it is a joke, but Zhuge Qiu has always played cards out of common sense.

So if you do that, it's not impossible.

"Zijing, you honestly explain, did you come here to see Gong Jin, or what purpose your master gave you."

Zhuge Qiu watched Lu Su continue to smile and asked.

"Didn't... No. Lu Su quickly denied it.

"Sir, you think that now my husband is also my father-in-law's brother-in-law, everyone is also a family, what purpose can my father-in-law have."

Lu Su seemed to be afraid that Zhuge Qiu would not believe it, and quickly added another sentence and said.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu heard this, he could only do it, after all, Sun Shangxiang was here, and what Lu Su said was not false.

After entering the city together, someone on Cai Mao's side had already arranged to eat.

Zhuge Qiu let them make a simple arrangement, and then he returned to the Huang Mansion with Huang Yueying.

"Daddy, my daughter is back."

"Sir, the young lady is back."

After seeing Huang Yueying, the maid was the first to greet with an excited smile.

"Aunt, I'm back too." The maid seemed to have noticed Zhuge Qiu on the side at this time.

"What aunt, this kid hasn't married your young lady yet."

When Zhuge Qiu was about to speak, Huang Chengyan already came in with a cold snort at this time.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Chengyan, and after hearing this, he also understood what Huang Chengyan meant, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"The kid has seen his father-in-law."

Anyway, his marriage to Huang Yueying must be a sure thing, and he is naturally not pretentious at this time.

"Hmph, count you kid with eyesight." After Huang Chengyan saw Zhuge Qiu's attitude, his face eased.

"Since you're back, let's go in and sit."

After the two heard this, they entered the mansion with Huang Chengyan.

"Your matter, the old man also heard about it, the old man thought that you stayed in Xuchang and didn't want to come back."

After sitting down, he let people serve tea, and after taking a sip, Huang Chengyan slowly spoke.

"You came this time for what was said in the letter."

"Actually, it's good to come back and take a look." Zhuge Qiu smiled and did not deny it.

"Since the chaos in the world, Liu Jingsheng, sitting in the nine counties of Jingzhou, although he has no intention of attacking and enterprising, he is also protecting the peace."

"Therefore, in the land of Jingxiang, there are countless hermits, but now they have the intention of making trouble together, and this matter must not be simple."

Huang Chengyan glanced at Zhuge Qiu, sighed, and then spoke again.

He has always been a half-hermit, and he likes to make friends with these literati hermits, so he is naturally very clear about this matter.

"That's true, so I came here this time to solve this matter for King Wei, so as to avoid chaos in Jingzhou."

Zhuge Qiu nodded, these people naturally will not jump out to find trouble for no reason.

"You... You kid don't do anything, you know, you are notorious in the eyes of those people.

"You helped Cao Cao have a tendency to dominate the world, and at the beginning you wrote a poem to scold Sima, this old fellow, this group of people, seeing you, I am afraid that they will have to scold you to death."

"Don't talk about you, even if the old man worships you now, he is already excluded by them."

Huang Chengyan looked at Zhuge Qiu and immediately poured a basin of cold water on Zhuge Qiu.

Of course, what he didn't say was that Zhuge Qiu also repeatedly defeated Zhuge Liang and robbed the marriage.

And Zhuge Liang has always been friendly with them, so Zhuge Qiu and him are both rejected by them.

"I understand in my heart, but this matter still needs to be solved after all, otherwise once there is a mess, I am afraid that Xu Chang's butcher knife will come down."

Zhuge Qiu also knew in his heart that Huang Chengyan's analysis made sense.

And that's why, at first, Cao Cao thought of letting Pang Tong go to Jingzhou.

Because Pang Tong is also a phoenix chick, the relationship with them is naturally better than Zhuge Qiu.

Of course, now, Zhuge Qiu doesn't think that Pang Tong will be much better than himself.

In their eyes, it is estimated that Pang Tong will become a traitor.

"Of course, this old man knows that Cao Cao is never soft in killing, otherwise why would I write to you."

Huang Chengyan just didn't want them to die like this, and he didn't want to see the war spread to Jingzhou again, which made Zhuge Qiu think of a way.

"Dad, you said they did this, did Uncle Sima let them do it?"

Huang Yueying couldn't help but speak at this time.

In her opinion, if anyone has such influence, then it is naturally Sima Wei.

"It's not." Huang Chengyan shook his head, "This old thing, Qingtall is very high."

"I was angry with this kid like this, and I just let Kong Ming and Shi Yuan teach this kid a lesson for him, but I didn't expect that neither of them was this kid's opponent."

Zhuge Qiu also believed that this matter had little to do with Sima Wei, you know, as Huang Chengyan said, what Sima Wei said at the beginning was just a battle on the battlefield.

"Besides, if that's really what that old guy meant, do you think Pang Shiyuan will stay in Xuchang?"

If Sima Weizhen had spoken, even if Pang Tong had been pitted in the first place, he would not have stayed in Xuchang at ease.

"Then daddy, who are the people now, Shouyi, he won't really be unable to deal with it."

"That kid, don't you like to pretend, you can let him try it, it's good to suffer." Huang Chengyan smiled disapprovingly.

"Now Boling Cui Zhou Ping, Yingchuan Shi Guangyuan, Runan Meng Gongwei, these three people are the most famous, and now several of them are in Jingzhou."

"Are they?" After Zhuge Qiu heard Huang Chengyan's words, he was also a little surprised.

He naturally knows these three people, and these are Zhuge Liang's friends.

When Liu Bei was in the first place, he also met this Cui Zhouping, but he was unwilling to assist Liu Bei.

I didn't expect to stand up now, and I really looked for trouble.

"How, you kid knows again?" Huang Chengyan naturally heard what Zhuge Qiu meant.

"Well, I know a little." Zhuge Qiu nodded and did not hide it.

"By the way, among these people, I think if you want to break through from them, this Cui Zhouping may be the most suitable."

"I see." Zhuge Qiu replied.

For him, there is no breakthrough, go to see Sima Wei tomorrow, and then you can do it.

Zhuge Qiu then took a large handful of food and gave it to Huang Chengyan, anyway, he had a lot of these.

The next day, after asking Sima Wei's residence, he went directly, and even Zhao Yun was not with him.

After arriving at Sima Wei's residence, there were already people outside the small courtyard.

After seeing Zhuge Qiu, he handed over his hand and asked, "Dare to ask, you also came to find Mr. Water Mirror?" "

Good." Zhuge Qiu glanced at it and did not hide it.

Seeing Zhuge Qiu admit, the man laughed even more and asked.

"I think you also came to ask for Mr. for the shame of Zhuge Qiu's reader, right?"

"This person is so arrogant, thinking that he has attached Cao Thief and made some merits, so he does not put people in his eyes."

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