Zhuge Qiu glanced at the person, this person can really ah, in front of himself, scolded so coolly.

Besides, how did he become a shame for the literati.

And you have made meritorious achievements, when have you shown them, and even if you show them, you are not Lao Cao's person, and there is no need to say anything to grab merit.

"Is this Zhuge Qiu so hateful?" Zhuge Qiu also asked lightly at this time, looking like I didn't know.

"You don't even know, aren't you here for this?"

After hearing this, the man immediately looked like he had discovered a new continent, and then began to scold again.

"It seems that Mr. is from abroad, you don't know something, this Zhuge Qiu is simply not a person."

"This person is arrogant and domineering, not to mention, he even has the same hobby as Cao Thief, which is simply unbearable."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the man's righteous indignation, and cursed there, he was also strange.

"Excuse me, was your wife robbed by him?"

"No, why are you asking that?" The man was also stunned when Zhuge Qiu asked this, and then immediately replied.

"I saw you so indignant, I thought your wife was robbed, so many things."

Zhuge Qiu directly gave that person a blank look, there were so many things.

"You... How do you speak, this is the consensus of the literati in Jingzhou, how many hermits and celebrities, all think so?

As soon as the man heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he was immediately unhappy, naturally hearing Zhuge Qiu's mocking meaning, and jumped up directly.

I recognize Nima, I think.

When Zhuge Qiu was just about to speak, Sima Wei's courtyard was already occupied, and he opened the door with a click.

Soon a boy came out.

The person in front of Zhuge Qiu immediately rushed over excitedly.

"How about it, did Mr. Shui Jing promise to see me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang Dan, Mr. Wang said he didn't want to see you."

"What, this guy is finished? Why is this name so unlucky? Zhuge

Qiu was happy at this time, and there was such an unlucky name.

When Wang Dan saw Zhuge Qiu like this, he immediately became even more angry, and felt that he couldn't get by on face.

Before he could speak, the boy on the side had already spoken.

"Mr. Zhuge said, if Mr. Zhuge arrives, please move."

As soon as Wang Dan heard this, his face suddenly became very exciting.

"Guys... Mr. Zhuge is... You are Zhuge Qiu?

Wang Dan looked at Zhuge Qiu and thought of what he had just said, wouldn't it have become a joke.

"Why, after scolding for so long, you don't even know anyone, even if you want to use my scolding name to fight for the opportunity to show your face for yourself, then you have to do your homework."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at that Wang Dan and sneered again, this kind of person has never been uncommon, it has been like this throughout the ages.

This is to eat a bite of Tang monk meat immortality, scolding Zhuge Qiu is very popular and purple.

"Let's go, let's go see Mr. Mizugami."

"Oh, by the way, you said that I don't put people in my eyes, you are right, people like you are indeed not in my eyes."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he didn't look at that Wang Dan directly, anyway, his face must be very exciting.

Wang Dan watched Zhuge Qiu and Tong Zi go in, but he was turned away.

His heart was even more indignant, Zhuge Qiu was really as shameless and arrogant as rumored, and even more.

No, I have to let more people know that this Zhuge Qiu has actually come to Jingzhou now.

Thinking of this, Wang Dan accelerated the pace of leaving.

Sima Wei's courtyard Zhuge Qiu was still coming for the first time.

This yard is not luxurious, but it is really not bad, and the place is not small.

And there are even ponds, and pavilions.

It really looks, very good, a little elegant.

"Sir, Mr. Zhuge is here."

Tong Zi led Zhuge Qiu over, and then came to the main hall and stopped and said.

"Come in." Sima Wei's voice soon came out.

When Zhuge Qiu entered, Sima Wei didn't know what he was writing at this time.

After Zhuge Qiu came in, Sima Wei put the pen down, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and laughed.

"Sit down, the old man here is not comparable to Xu Chang, nor is it comparable to your father-in-law."

"Sir is serious, here is elegant, but also has a special artistic conception."

Zhuge Qiu also replied with a smile, after all, this matter has nothing to do with Sima Wei.

"You boy, you don't have sharp teeth, but old age is not used to it."

"Old Immortal knows that you are coming to Jingzhou, counting the days, you should also be coming in the past two days, I didn't expect you to come so early today."

Sima Wei continued to speak, and at the same time Tong Zi had already brought the tea.

"Sit down, your intentions, Old Immortal understands, you can rest assured, this matter, Old Immortal will not participate, and this matter is not Old Immortal's wish."

"I'm not here today just to get out of it."

Zhuge Qiu watched Sima Wei take a sip of tea, if he just let Sima Wei stand by and watch, he would not come.

Although he said that he did not need Sima Wei to deal with them, but with Sima Wei standing in line, then even if they were not convinced at that time, this would have to be considered.

Otherwise, it will only kill people who don't know each other.

"However, Old Immortal has always been unable to help each other in this matter, and if he takes the lead for you at this time, I am afraid that it will attract people..." Sima Wei spoke with some embarrassment.

Zhuge Qiu naturally understood what he meant, but at this time, he didn't care so much.

"If this is the case, then I am afraid that those who do not open their eyes at that time can only die under the iron hoof."

"Old Immortal understood."

After Sima Wei listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, he quickly understood what he meant, this is not a threat, but a fact.

Cao Cao could not leave chaos, as would anyone in power.

Later, Zhuge Qiu visited Sima Wei's place again, and Zhuge Qiu found that Sima Wei still kept his original poem and hung it in his study.

"You are the only one who makes the old man suffer, and the homophonic meaning of this poem, if you remove the meaning of swearing, has some meaning."

Sima Wei looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a smile.


This made Zhuge Qiu a little embarrassed, the two chatted for a while, and then Zhuge Qiu left.

When I returned to Xiangyang again, it was already in the afternoon.

Zhuge Qiu found that instead of going to the place arranged by Cai Mao, he chose to return to the Huangfu.

But as soon as he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he found that the Huangfu seemed to be surrounded by people.

And it seems that most of them are dressed up as some readers.

They cursed there, and Zhuge Qiu also saw a familiar figure, Wang Dan.

"It's him, he's Zhuge Qiu."

At this time, Wang Dan also saw Zhuge Qiu, and immediately shouted, and for a while everyone's eyes were focused on Zhuge Qiu.

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