Zhuge Qiu looked at this group of imposing readers, and his heart was also a little more disdainful.

How many of these people have seen themselves and know themselves, but they are filled with righteous indignation in front of themselves, looking like they have a deep hatred with themselves.

"Yes, I am Zhuge Qiu, what are you gathered here, if there is nothing to do, hurry up and roll me."

Zhuge Qiu looked at them coldly, and then said lightly.

"You and all of you have seen it, this is Zhuge Qiu, an arrogant and domineering person who does not put us in his eyes at all."

Wang Dan also did not expect Zhuge Qiu, he was still so rigid, he thought that with so many people, he would definitely admit it.

But soon, he shouted excitedly as if he had grabbed Zhuge Qiu's handle.

For a while, it naturally provoked many people to echo it.

"Put it in my eyes, why should I put you in my eyes, if you know each other, let me get away, it's not your turn, in front of me, pointing fingers."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Wang Dan, before Sima Wei, he was already very face-saving for this guy, and he was still energetic.

"You... You are simply insulting Sven, and I can tell you, if you offend me today, you will offend, all the literati hermits in this Jingzhou.

Wang Dan's face was a little ugly, and he naturally couldn't hang on to his face, and immediately blushed again and retorted with a thick neck.

Apparently this is to pull him alone into a whole opposite.

"Yes, originally I thought they might have said too much, but now it seems that you are indeed a domineering person."

"What do this kind of people who help abuse him say so much?"

Wang Dan's words quickly had an effect, and for a while the others immediately cursed with righteous indignation again.

Zhuge Qiu sneered and looked at the group of people.

"Yes, it's ridiculous that he can represent you, and why do you think you can represent the hermit literati of Jingzhou?"

"It's ridiculous to help the abuse, you think, do you have the qualifications."

Since he came to find fault, Zhuge Qiu naturally wouldn't give them a good look.

"You... You..." "

Don't be you, not convinced, you can compare, but if you don't roll now, I will mobilize Xiangyang's army and give you a ride."

"I'm a helper who does everything."

What Zhuge Qiu is most unaccustomed to is this group of trolls, and now they are spraying on their heads.

As soon as they heard Zhuge Qiu's words, some of them immediately provoked.

They don't doubt that Zhuge Qiu can transfer the soldiers, and now who doesn't know Zhuge Qiu's position in Cao Cao.

"Okay, let's see."

In the end, someone snorted coldly and spoke first.

After watching them leave like this, Zhuge Qiu entered the Huang Mansion.

"You boy, don't be afraid to do this, let them turn against you more and more."

Huang Chengyan also smiled bitterly at this time and said, as far as he was concerned, he could only close the door.

Zhuge Qiu spread his hands, indicating that it was not vain at all, some people if you take a step back, you will only change an inch.

This matter soon spread again, after all, the mouths of this group of readers were still very broken, and Zhuge Qiu was even scolded for a while.

"Shouyi, you are going to offend the wrath of all." Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and sighed with emotion.

"Master, this group of people actually slandered Master like this, I will go and say justice for Master." Deng Fan also looked at Zhuge Qiu at this time and immediately said.

"You alone are afraid that it will be difficult." Lu Su answered at this time.

"Shouyi, although your strategy is somewhat damaged, but the combatants of these two armies are not tired of deceit, I can't see such words."

Then Lu Su looked at Zhuge Qiu again and said.

Although they had also thought about getting rid of Zhuge Qiu, they disdained this means of slander.

Zhuge Qiu also laughed after listening to their words.

"I can solve this matter myself, and this matter needs a source, I believe that there will be a chance soon."

"Chance, now those people can drown you with a mouthful of spit."

Zhou Yu saw that Zhuge Qiu could still laugh at this time, and he was speechless.

"Shouyi, I don't think you have ever seen that group of corrupt people, they can't say anything." Zhou Yu added an opening and said.

Zhuge Qiu did not answer, the mouth of this group of people, he naturally clear.

But if this is about spraying people, their own combat strength, it has been tempered by various network holy places.

"Sir, sir, something is wrong, this... Someone has sent you a challenge to argue with you.

Cai Mao was also in a hurry at this time and walked in with a piece of paper.

"Sir, this group of people is so bold, it is better for me to personally bring you people and kill them all."

Cai Mao handed over the things in his hand, and then spoke.

"What the hell, don't you see who wrote this thing."

"Cui Zhouping, Shi Guangyuan, Meng Gongwei, what's wrong?"

Cai Mao replied after another look.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cai Mao with a confused look speechlessly, this guy can live in Jingzhou for so long, it is not easy.

"These people are also famous men, I have also heard their names, and they are also the leaders of this incident who were regarded as leaders by the literati of Jingzhou."

Zhou Yu looked at Cai Mao and couldn't stand it?

This horse has long known that you are so stupid. I should take Jingzhou down before Cao Cao goes south.

In this case, the battle of Chibi does not know what kind of result it will be.

The more I thought about it, the more angry he became, then wasn't he stupider than this guy before.

"Yes, I did it on purpose before, naturally not for those few little words, this group of people is just a cloud of people."

"Even if you kill it, it's just a few corpses left, all you have to do is shut up a few of them."

Zhuge Qiu didn't know about Zhou Yu, so he went to his own day again, and he continued Zhou Yu's words.

"Okay, don't bother, you go and make a notice, three days later, I will definitely go to the banquet in person."

Zhuge Qiu finally looked at Cai Mao and said, and he also answered this matter.

Three days passed quickly for Zhuge Qiu, and he didn't have any other burdens.

Big deal, I'll give them a tongue battle group today myself.

Wen Ya Ge.

At this time, there were already many people who read books, as well as people who watched the excitement.

Before Zhuge Qiu arrived, there were already many scoldings.

"Brother Cui, I don't think this Zhuge Qiu dares to come, after all, the people who came today, in addition to the three of us, there are more respectable people."

"What Brother Shi said is very true, if I were him, I would not dare to fight, but only dare to shrink in the middle."

As soon as the man's words fell, Zhuge Qiu was already pacing over.

"That's you, you are not me, how do you know if I don't come, I see that you can shrink now."

"You... Well, a good Zhuge Qiu, I have a bit of courage, but today is not the place for you to go wild.

"Mr. Water Mirror is not involved in this matter, don't think that no one will cure you."

The man's face was ugly, and then he spoke again, quickly giving way to a path.

I saw an old man suddenly appear in front of everyone, and at this time he also looked at Zhuge Qiu.

This surprised him a little.

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