This old man looked older than Sima Wei, but he was afraid that he was older.

Dressed in a plain Confucian costume, full of spirit, he really looks like a bit of a hermit and a cultural Confucian.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the person in front of him, and he also had some conjectures in his heart, this is to talk about the old man who can be compared with Sima Wei in the land of Jingxiang.

There are really few of them, although Huang Chengyan and Sima Wei can be regarded as having friendship, they cannot be compared in the eyes of those people.

"Zhuge Shouyi, now you know how powerful it is."

"I really thought I could look at no one at will."

The others saw that Zhuge Qiu just looked at it, did not speak, and immediately became proud.

"Shut up you, Pound Duke has not yet spoken, where is it your turn to jump beam clowns, barking wildly here?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced coldly, the few people who spoke, and then looked at Pound Degong and arched his hand to show respect.

Anyway, this looks like sixty or seventy years old, and it should be polite.

"Zhuge Shouyi, really worthy of his name, no one has ever introduced Lao Immortal, but Lao Immortal is an idle person in the mountains, but you know Lao Immortal."

Pang Degong also spoke at this time, looking at Zhuge Qiu, but there was no hostility.

"Today's old age is not actually aimed at you, the old age is living here in seclusion, and it has long been out of the world, but the people involved in today's matter have some friendship with old age."

"Therefore, the old man came here today to be regarded as a witness."

Pang Degong looked at Zhuge Qiu and said very calmly, not like the others, he was filled with righteous indignation and had a deep hatred posture.

"So it is." Zhuge Qiu originally thought that Pang Degong was here to pull the sideline.

"Okay, I'm here today, and Duke Pang is also here, I don't know what you have to say, what do you want to try?"

At this time, Zhuge Qiu did not pay attention to Pang Degong anymore, but looked at everyone and began to question.

"We know that whether you are arithmetic, or poetry, or couplets, you are all accomplished."

"Now that you have chosen to assist Cao Thief, why don't we have a debate about the general trend of the world?"

At this time, Shi Guangyuan on the side also spoke at this time.

"Debate?" Zhuge Qiu glanced at the man, as if he was sure.

This group of people is really boring enough, not to mention whether he can win himself in this debate, even if he wins, so what?

What else can they change?

"Yes, are you afraid?" At this time, Meng Gongwei also spoke, obviously they had already discussed.

"I have nothing to be afraid of, since that's the case, let's get started."

Zhuge Qiu said lightly, he wanted to see what fart this group of people could put on.

"If there is chaos today, Cao Cao coerces the Son of Heaven to order the princes, causing the Son of Heaven to lose face, and the prestige is not there, so the world is in chaos."

"He is even more against the sky, contrary to the words of Emperor Gaozu, not the Liu family but the king, his heart can be blamed."

"If there are many princes today, they are all the calamities of Cao Cao, and Ru helps Cao Ping the world, isn't it against the world?"

Shi Guangyuan looked at Zhuge Qiu and said first.

"Yes, it is not but after the eunuchs, how to control the power of the world, eunuchs mislead the country, since ancient times, Cao Cao is even more."

Meng Gongwei also began to lash out at this time.

For a while, there were more and more people who echoed, and to sum up, that is, in one sentence, that is, the world of the Han Family.

Cao Cao is not worthy of being crowned King of Wei and holds real power in the world, and it is precisely because of this that there will be today's chaos in the world.

Zhuge Qiu was also crying and laughing when he heard it, what kind of debate is this, isn't it a large-scale Cao Cao execution battlefield.

They took out all the insults of Cao Cao, and then brought themselves with them.

"Qin lost its deer, and the world chased it together, since ancient times, the general trend of the world, a long time must be divided, divided for a long time."

"How can the chaos in the world be attributed to one person, you say that Cao Cao caused the chaos in the world, but you have not seen the people of the north living in peace and contentment."

"You say that I aided abuse, so I don't know how to help abuse?"

"You said that the world should be returned to the Liu clan, if so, why didn't Emperor Gaozu return to the Huan clan in the first place? Or is it Ji? "

You... Tyranny Qin has no way, naturally replaced by Han, how can he speak wantonly? Shi Guangyuan immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and refuted.

"Violent Qin Wudao, that's just what you said."

"So Huan, Ling Er Emperor, what? Why is there a yellow turban chaos?

"As far as you are concerned, is it possible that in this world, only the suffering of the people is the orthodoxy of the Han family in your mouth?"

Zhuge Qiu directly asked back again.

"Today I am not afraid to put words here, if any of you are not convinced today, who thinks that this world belongs to whom, although you go out to complement each other, let's compete."

"Instead of using your pedantic words to spread rumors here."

"You... You... Arrogant? Shi Guangyuan's face turned red, and he could only hold out these words.

"Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn a boat, I think you will not understand."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Shi Guangyuan and asked again.

Obviously, the end of the Han Dynasty, although very regrettable, but this is just the cycle of history.

And at the end of the period, it was indeed the people who did not have a good life, plus the princes with bad intentions divided the world.

"I don't know, who else wants to step forward?" After a while, Zhuge Qiu spoke again.

"Since ancient times, chaos has been impermanent. Since Gaozu's snake uprising, Qin Wudao was ruled by chaos; Two hundred years of mourning and peace, peace for a long time, Wang Mang usurped, and from rule to chaos; Guangwu Zhongxing, reorganizing the foundation, and returning from chaos to governance; For two hundred years to come, the people have been safe for a long time, so there are four revolts, and when this is from the rule to chaos, will you not hear that 'those who follow the heavens are relaxed, and those who go against the heavens work', and they cannot be taken away; Where life is, man must not be strong. "

Sir's words, I have been taught." Cui Zhouping looked at Zhuge Qiu after speaking.

"Today, if the world is chaotic because of me and so on, the people will suffer, and from now on, I, Cui Zhouping, will continue to hide in the mountains and wilderness, and will not participate in the affairs of the world."

Cui Zhouping arched his hand towards everyone, then finally bowed to Zhuge Qiu, apologized, and left.

As soon as Cui Zhouping left, the others were also a little chaotic.

After all, scolding and scolding can't win, and to put it bluntly, they really didn't have a festival with Zhuge Qiu.

Gradually, people began to follow and leave.

Shi Guangyuan and Meng Gongwei, seeing that their friends were gone, could only set their sights on Pang Degong.

However, Pang Degong looked at everyone as if he did not see it.

"Little friend can come here today, it is also a great good, all of you disperse."

After speaking, he looked at Zhuge Qiu again, "Xiaoyou is smart, as the water mirror said, I don't know if Xiaoyou can solve the confusion of old age?" "

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