Lu Xun was also bitter in his heart, he was just cautious.

As a result, they couldn't afford to offend one by one.

However, thinking that there is no problem in confirming the identity, I can only endure it.

"The last general is reckless."

"That's it, Lord Lu is also impartial, since there is no room for me here, I will go back tomorrow."

Da Qiao finished with a cold face, and then turned around and entered Wu Guotai's mansion again.

Seeing this, Lu Xun didn't say anything, and Da Qiao took care of Wu Guotai in the mansion, and there was nothing wrong.

It can only be for people to strengthen surveillance, and people entering and leaving must be carefully checked.

At night, Zhuge Qiu had already begun to prepare for his makeup.

Fortunately, the ancients men and women had long hair, after all, the parents who suffered from the skin of the body dare not destroy it.

Therefore, Zhuge Qiu's hair volume can barely make Da Qiao's hairstyle.

Zhuge Qiu looked at himself in front of him, and he couldn't believe that women's clothing, which had no courage in later generations, actually fulfilled his wish in ancient times.

No wonder so many people like to cross, and they can experience anything.

Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu with a look of disbelief.

If she didn't say this, she probably wouldn't believe that this was a man.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Sun Shangxiang's surprised look, and he knew that he was still very successful.

I let all the cosmetics in the storage ring be used.

Da Qiao was also speechless on the side, especially watching Zhuge Qiu wearing the clothes he wore.

The shape is already fake, wearing a veil, no one will see it at all.

Even if the veil is taken, I am afraid that no one will think that this person is Zhuge Qiu.

Soon Da Qiao also figured out that what Zhuge Qiu wanted to borrow was her identity.

Because her identity can leave here at any time, and no one dares to stop her, because Sun Quan's greatest fear is that she stays in this power center.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu was ready to leave the mansion as Da Qiao.

When Da Qiao left, oh, it shouldn't be when Zhuge Qiu left.

Lu Xun had already been waiting with someone for a long time, of course, it was nominally an escort, but in fact it was for inspection.

The prepared carriage was naturally also inspected inside and out, not to mention people, there was nothing extra.

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised by this, Lu Xun's caution was known yesterday.

However, through the frown, he still put on a look of unwillingness to speak and was angry.

Lu Xun also thought that because of yesterday's incident, Da Qiao had an opinion about him.

It is indeed not easy to think about Da Qiao's orphan and widow today.

Now only one person has left, and if you are embarrassed again, it will be difficult to explain it at that time.

As long as Zhuge Qiu didn't leave, he wouldn't say anything anymore.

"Madam, let the last general send you to the dock."

Lu Xun still felt that when Da Qiao left, it was Zhuge Qiu's best opportunity, so he thought of sending her away in person, and if there was any movement on the way, he would have to respond.

Zhuge Qiu did not speak, but with a cold face, he quickened his pace and got into the carriage.

A look of displeasure, but also unable to refuse, helpless.

When he left, Lu Xun did not forget, ordered people, and strictly guarded.

No one may leave at will until he returns.

After getting into the carriage and lowering the curtain, Zhuge Qiu still didn't say a word.

Lu Xun, no matter how cautious you are, no matter how brainy you are, you won't think that I will wear women's clothing.

After all, in this era, wearing women's clothing is not a decent thing.

Otherwise, Zhuge Qiu would not have sent women's clothes to humiliate Sima Yi.

Along the way, Lu Xun was also scratching his head, and there was nothing at all.

Except that Big Qiao in the carriage was too quiet, but this could not be understood, Big Qiao was already angry, and the escort was all men, there was really nothing to say.

If it weren't for her poking her head out from time to time, he would have wondered if there was no one in the carriage.

Until I arrived at the dock, got off the carriage, and sent it to the boat.

Lu Xun still felt like a dream, but looking at the people who were gradually leaving, he still couldn't think of anything wrong.

"Sir, this Mrs. Big Qiao has left, why are you still worried?"

A soldier looked at Lu Xun and asked puzzled.

"Why, the adult is because she offended Madame yesterday, Madame didn't say a word, and the adult didn't care about it?"

"But don't really say, today this Mrs. Da Qiao didn't say a word, her temperament has changed, and several times, if it weren't for Madame sticking her head out, I thought there was no one in the car."

"yes, I feel that way too."

Soon, some soldiers began to echo, but did not wait for Lu Xun to speak.

Lu Xun listened to their words, and his initial reaction was approval.

Then he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

It is no coincidence that everyone feels the same way.

Does Big Joe really have such a natural reaction?

If not, then it's all deliberate, all for people to see.

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Xun's face immediately changed, and he asked people to go back to the dock to chase Da Qiao's boat.

He immediately went to Wu Guotai's mansion to confirm that Zhuge Qiu was there.

If Zhuge Qiu is not there, then everything is very clear.

Lu Xun was a little afraid to think about this result, if this was really the case.

Doesn't it mean that he sent people away with his own hands?

In this case, what is his prudent deployment during this time? Isn't it a joke?

After coming to Wu Guotai's mansion, Lu Xun couldn't even care about greeting this time, and directly took people in.

Although Wu Guotai was angry, he had expected it for a long time.

The results are self-evident.

Lu Xun was angry in his heart, why, why couldn't he be more cautious.

"Well, the priority now is to go to Lujiang Anhui County to intercept people."

Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun with a black face and said.

He was also very angry in his heart, it was Wu Guotai before, and this time even Da Qiao helped him.

Lu Xun did not dare to delay and immediately led the people to leave, and personally went towards Lujiang Anhui County.

Naturally, he couldn't catch up by taking the waterway, and Zhuge Qiu had been leaving for more than half a day.

When Zhuge Qiu arrived in Lujiang Anhui County, it was already two days later.

Zhuge Qiu knew that it was not completely safe to arrive in Anhui County.

However, compared to Wu Guotai's mansion, everything is naturally different.

In order not to be suspected, Zhuge Qiu didn't even bring his own clothes.

It can only be dangling in Anhui County in women's clothing.

I didn't take a few steps into the city, but I was targeted by a group of scoundrels.

"Beauty, who are you looking for, are you looking for my brother and me?"

The man at the head looked at Zhuge Qiu with a lewd expression.

Just when Zhuge Qiu was about to start teaching them a lesson, so as not to disgust himself, a familiar voice came.

"Stop, let go of that girl."

"In broad daylight, you dare to be so rude?"

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