"Who dares to take care of Grandpa's affairs?"

"Hey, boy, the beauty around you is also very good."

After the man subconsciously looked over, he saw a man and a woman, and it was the man who spoke.

"Blind your dog's eyes, molesting the women of the good family in broad daylight, and now you dare to hit my wife's idea, if I don't teach you a lesson today, I won't be surnamed Zhou."

Zhou Yu's face immediately darkened, originally he came here under the pretext of accompanying Xiao Qiao back to his hometown to worship his ancestors.

The purpose was to quietly return to Wu County from Lujiang, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing.

You must know that he did not encounter this kind of thing when he was in Xuchang, doesn't it mean that their Jiangdong governance is not as good as Cao Cao.

"The surname is Zhou, aren't you Zhou Yu, the former governor of Jiangdong?"

Someone recognized Zhou Yu, after all, Mei Zhou Lang did not blow.

"Even if you still have a little eyesight." Zhou Yu snorted coldly, which can be regarded as admitted.

"Big brother, we can't afford to mess with it."

After confirming the identity, someone immediately whispered.

After all, they are also ruffians, bullying and bullying ordinary people, naturally they can't afford to provoke Zhou Yu.

"Metropolitan Governor, we are wrong, we are blind, let's go, this woman gives you."

"Yes, my lord, let's go."

Soon he threw himself two big mouths and wanted to leave.


Seeing this, Zhou Yu was discouraged, after all, he came secretly and couldn't make a big deal out of it.

I thought that when the matter was over, I would settle the accounts well in the future, and at the same time, let Sun Quan manage everything well.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu and his wife, he didn't expect to meet Zhou Yu here.

But thinking that Xiao Qiao is a sister and is also from Anhui County, he understood.

He knew that Zhou Yu would be impatient and could not stay in Jingzhou, but he did not expect that he would also come to Anhui County and met in this way.

"Girl, it's okay."

After Zhou Yu walked away, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and spoke.

Seeing Zhuge Qiu looking at himself, his eyes were even more strange, he was a little puzzled, of course he didn't know that this was Zhuge Qiu.

Because he wouldn't think about it at all, but there was still an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Zhuge Qiu just nodded and didn't speak, thinking that he had to buy two sets of clothes to change back.

"Girl, looking at you dressed up, it's very familiar, but it's a little like my sister."

At this time, after Xiao Qiao looked at it, he finally thought of something.

Zhou Yu was also reacted when Xiao Qiao said this.

It was indeed similar, but he felt that the familiarity in his heart seemed to be a little wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong with him.

"Look at the girl, it's also from abroad, since we have a fate, let's go all the way, so that those people don't come back to trouble you."

Xiao Qiao saw that Zhuge Qiu did not speak, thinking that the other party was like his sister, which was also considered fate, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Yes, my wife said so."

Zhou Yu saw that Xiao Qiao spoke, and because of that strange sense of familiarity, he naturally would not refuse.

In this way, they did not give Zhuge Qiu a chance to refuse.

Thinking that he might show his stuffing as soon as he opened his mouth, here Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao were more familiar, so they could only follow behind them.

Alas, sure enough, where there are difficulties, there will be their own people.

Zhuge Qiu followed them, deliberately half a step behind, after all, he didn't want to have any unnecessary misunderstandings.

Wan Zhouyu thought that he wanted to eat Xiaoqiao tofu, but it would be miserable.

While pondering what excuse to use to leave later, Zhuge Qiu suddenly found that Zhou Yu always seemed to look at himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Could it be that he found something?

It stands to reason that it won't, but Zhou Yu's IQ is not covered.

It seems that he just stopped talking, and that's right.

Zhou Yu naturally didn't know that his gaze was noticed by Zhuge Qiu.

In fact, he just wanted to figure out why he had a familiar feeling.

Of course, what Zhou Yu didn't notice was that not only Zhuge Qiu noticed it, but Xiao Qiao also noticed it.

She wouldn't even think about it, the only thing she could think of was whether Zhou Yu liked this girl.

Although this woman did not speak, Sister Yu looked a little like her, and her appearance was not bad.

Thinking of these combined with Zhou Yu's behavior, the more Xiao Qiao thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

The next day, Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao went to the sacrifice together, and when he returned, Zhou Yu found that Xiao Qiao had something on his mind, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Madam, you seem to have had something on your mind since yesterday, and today it is still the case, I don't know what happened?"

"Husband, let me ask you, what do you think of that girl yesterday?" Xiao Qiao also spoke after thinking about it.

"Except for not talking, everything else is fine, and for some reason I always have a familiar feeling." Zhou Yu thought about it and said truthfully.

"When it's really familiar, or the husband has taken a fancy to this girl." Xiao Qiao said a little jealous.

As soon as Zhou Yu heard this, he was subconsciously stunned, right?

So he quickly denied it, "Madame misunderstood, if Madame doesn't believe it, I'll send her away later, and then we'll go back to Jiangdong to take a look."

After going back, Zhou Yu proposed to send Zhuge Qiu away.

Zhuge Qiu was naturally 10,000 willing, even if Zhou Yu didn't say anything, he was ready to leave.

Otherwise, sooner or later it will be discovered.

"When I returned from the ancestor worship today, I found that the guard at the city gate seemed to have been strengthened, so I'll send you away."

After thinking about it, Zhou Yu said that if a good person does it to the end, and personally sends people away, Xiao Qiao will not doubt himself.

I don't have to wonder what this familiar feeling is about.

When he came to the city gate, sure enough, Zhuge Qiu also found that it was indeed as Zhou Yu said, and the guard was stricter.

I think Lu Xun will arrive soon, these people should have been ordered to search.

Seeing that without having to open his mouth, Zhou Yu can get out of the city for himself.

Zhuge Qiu was also full of emotion in his heart, and sure enough, Zhou Yu was not surprised.

The plan he had originally prepared was not useful.

With Zhou Yu opening his mouth, it is naturally not difficult to send a woman out.

Looking at the back of Zhuge Qiu leaving, Zhou Yu was also relieved.

Then he went back to pick up Xiao Qiao, and the two of them were ready to leave Anhui County and return to Wu County.

When I went out of the city, I met Lu Xun and hurried with people.

"Bo Yan, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Gong Jin." Lu Xun just said hello, didn't care about anything else, and then took out two portraits.

"Have you ever found this woman, or has this person left?"

One is Zhuge Qiu's women's clothing photo, and the other is a normal portrait.

"Bo Yan, could it be that this Zhuge Shouyi ran away again?" When Zhou Yu saw it, he immediately understood, but he still didn't understand.

"But who this woman is, some familiarity."

"This is Zhuge Qiu's appearance after disguise, and she disguised herself as Mrs. Da Qiao." Lu Xun subconsciously replied.

"Husband, isn't this the woman you sent away?"

As soon as Xiao Qiao heard this, he immediately spoke, no wonder, he felt that this person was like his sister at first. Soon she knew as if she had said something wrong again.

For a while, Lu Xun and the others all looked at Zhou Yu again.

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