"Have you heard, this Zhuge Qiu was in Yecheng, openly breaking into His Majesty's mansion and beating His Majesty."

"There is such a thing, this is also too lawless, does he still have His Majesty in his eyes, and the imperial court?" Some literati immediately became indignant, as if his father and mother had been beaten.

"People are the red people in front of Cao Thief's eyes, such as who doesn't know today, this court is in the hands of Cao Thief."

"Brother Han's words are good, then Zhuge Qiu, not only does he not have to bear any charges, he also has to marry Cao Cao's daughter in the Wei royal palace."

"This Cao thief, where would he attack his son-in-law?"

The more several people spoke, the more angry they became, and their faces were very ugly.

"However, how did I hear that it was His Majesty who first tricked Zhuge Qiu's wife into entering the mansion, wanting to attack him in order to retaliate against Zhuge Qiu."

At this time, one person at the next table also stood up, looked at the four people and spoke.

"Joke, how could Your Majesty act like this."

"Moreover, if the king wants the subject to die, the minister has to die, let alone the lady, it is to give death to Zhuge Qiu, and he cannot resist."

The man sneered, and seeing that there were still people talking to Zhuge Qiu, he immediately became disdainful.

"Brother Fang is right, the king wants his subjects to die, and the subjects must not die, then Zhuge Qiu and Cao Thief have long deserved to die."

The other two also chimed in.

"Oh, so it is." Zhuge Qiu lengthened his voice.

"The king wants the subject to die, the minister has to die, well, since you all think so, then I can fulfill you."

Zhuge Qiu actually didn't expect that he could meet this kind of two fools when he came out to sit.

"Do you really think that our product is frightened, joke, who do you think you are, how do you listen to the meaning of your words, do you still want His Majesty to kill us?"

Fang Pin looked at Zhuge Qiu with disdain, with a righteous and awe-inspiring posture.

"Brother Fang said well, count me Han Xue, Mo said that he does not have this ability, even if he has, I will die without regrets."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two of them and also laughed.


Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun on the side, whispered a few words in his ear, and asked him to go to Cao Cao, but it was just two holy orders.

"It's still like that." Fang Pin saw that Zhao Yun beside Zhuge Qiu had left, and mocked.

"Guys, let's keep drinking and see what he can do."

After Fang Pin finished mocking, he did not forget to beckon his friend to sit down and continue to eat and drink.

Zhuge Qiu saw that this party was stupid, and with such cooperation, he also saved trouble.

Zhao Yun's speed was very fast, and he only came back in about a moment of incense.

When he saw Zhao Yun come in, Zhuge Qiu didn't speak, and that Fang Pin and Han Xue had already stood up.

"Oh, I'm back, how is it, please come to the Holy Decree."

"Take it out, we're so scared."

The two of them said a word, which immediately caused many people to laugh.

"Zilong, show them." Zhuge Qiu has always fulfilled this kind of request.

Zhao Yun was already unhappy, at this time Zhuge Qiu had already spoken, and he directly took out the holy will.

"Fang Pin, Han Xue listens to the order."

This thing can be wholesale in Cao Cao's place, and Liu Xie is also needed to cover the jade seal before.

But since the last incident, Cao Cao directly put the jade seal beside him, and he didn't even look lazy to do it.

When they listened, it was as if they were dreaming.

"You... Who do you know if it's true or not? Han Xue questioned after reacting.

"Keep your dog's eyes open." Zhao Yun directly threw the holy will in front of them.

The big seal of the jade seal clearly appeared in front of their eyes.

The two were frightened and immediately threw the holy will aside.

He looked at Zhuge Qiu with a pale face, "You... Who the hell is it?

"I, ah, I am the Zhuge Qiu who is a big disobedient." Zhuge Qiu said lightly.

After hearing this, the faces of the two of them turned even whiter and bloodless.

"Guys... Lord Zhuge spare your life, we... We are just drinking nonsense, and asking adults for grace.

Fang Pin quickly kowtowed, like a chicken pecking rice.

Han Xue was no better, and his whole body began to tremble.

Their other companions immediately knelt down.

"No, it's not that I'm going to kill you, it's a holy decree."

"The king wants his subjects to die, and the subjects have to die, isn't that what you just said."

Zhuge Qiu smiled and asked rhetorically, since they liked it, it was natural to be fulfilled.

"Nope... No, this... This is what we said nonsense, the saint also has a place, and ask the adult to spare his life.

Fang Pin quickly shook his head, and then continued to beg for mercy.

"Since the divine decree has been given, you should suffer less flesh and skin."

"But in the next life, if you don't have the ability, don't be ashamed to talk about the dynasty."

Zhuge Qiu will not sympathize with this kind of person, after all, it is not their group of readers who scold him the most.

"Spare your life, my lord... The adults spare their lives, the little ones know that they are wrong, and you will let me go as a dog. Fang Pin's head slammed even louder.

"yes, we were all barking just now." Han Xue quickly echoed.

"If you have always been so dignified, as you say, maybe I will not kill you, but it's a pity."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he left directly, and just out of the restaurant, there were already soldiers outside the door, pulling Fang Pin and Han Xue away.

After Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun left, they no longer paid attention to the two of them.

Since this incident, Yecheng and even the cities in Jizhou and the north have quieted down.

Only beneficial to Chengdu, but the noise is hot, and they can't wait to eat Zhuge Qiu one by one.

"Kong Ming, what do you think of this public opinion now?"

In one of the restaurants, Liu Bei listened to the scolding around him, which was called a cool.

Once upon a time, he was the rat crossing the street, and he was scolded all the way from Jingzhou.

Finally, it was Zhuge Qiu's turn, and sure enough, feng shui took turns.

"Yizhou public opinion is available." Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and replied.

Of course, he knew that these were all shadows of Liu Bei's help.

Zhuge Qiu could suppress the north, which was Cao Cao's territory, but in Chengdu and Jiangdong, Zhuge Liang also believed that Sun Quan would not let go of this opportunity.

This is a good opportunity for public opinion to attack Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao, and this is not just to hold the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes.

"Hahaha, that's good, by the way, is there any news from the Jiangdong side."

Liu Bei saw Zhuge Liang's answer, and he was also happy and immediately asked happily.

"With my brother here, there must be no accident, and Lu Xun also hates Zhuge Qiu for a long time." Zhuge Liang replied after thinking for a while.

"Very good, isn't there still half a month to be his wedding date, Kong Ming, let's give him a big gift this time."

"Yes, Master."

Zhuge Liang also nodded when he heard this, this time Zhuge Qiu's marriage is not only Cao Cao's daughter, but also Huang Yueying's wedding, which is also held together.

"Remember, it's important to succeed this time, not just for me, but for yourself."

Liu Bei patted Zhuge Liang's shoulder and instructed again.

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