"It's really daring, even His Majesty dares to fight, it seems that this Great Han Imperial Court is really going to cease to exist."

In Sun Quan's hall, Lu Xun at this time also looked at the information transmitted from Yecheng with great emotion.

"Holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes, this time it seems that this Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu, this is not even wanting to give Liu Xie the last face." Sun Quan was also embarrassed.

Although he also knew that this day would come sooner or later, his father was also an official of the Great Han Imperial Court.

"However, according to the detective, it was that Liu Xie, because of the matter of the Wei Royal Palace, made a move against Miss Sun and Miss Huang, which led to this, and it was Miss Sun who was the happiest at that time."

Lu Su on the side said weakly, as if he wanted to remind Sun Quan that this matter is also related to your Sun family.

The corner of Sun Quan's eyes twitched, even if Lu Su didn't say that he was naturally clear, he just deliberately didn't mention this.

Married to Zhuge Qiu, then naturally he Zhuge Qiu's person.

"Lord, this is a great time, Liu Bei asked the Lord to fight Cao together, I don't know what the Lord means?"

Zhuge Jin looked at Sun Quan and said, which can be regarded as resolving Sun Quan's embarrassment.

"Bo Yan, tell me if we want to promise the big eared thief, and if so, where should we start."

After Sun Quan listened to Zhuge Jin's words, he saw Lu Xun and asked.

"Lord, now join forces to resist Cao, that is the trend of the times, but this Liu Bei is still in the land of Chengdu, Yizhou, west of Luocheng, Baxian and Hanchuan all the way in the hands of Huang Zhong and Wei Yan."

"There is Zhang Lu in Han, it can be seen that Liu Bei's momentum is not optimistic, if he unites at this time, I am afraid that Liu Bei will use us to contain Cao Cao, and realize the unification of Yizhou, and the heart of the tiger will swallow Hanzhong."

After thinking about it, Lu Xun watched Sun Quan and everyone say what he thought.

Hearing Lu Xun's words, the others did not speak for a while, and indeed what Lu Xun said made sense.

If he wanted to deal with Cao Cao, Liu Bei's closest way was to drive Huang Zhong out first and fight Cao Cao's forces.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have touched Cao Cao's territory with that long hand.

Similarly, Cao Cao wanted to fight Liu Bei, except to kill Zhang Lu first, otherwise he could only march from the west of Luocheng.

Chengdu has the natural danger of the Sword Pavilion, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At that time, once Cao Cao counterattacked, he would be beaten the most viciously, and that would be their Jiangdong.

"Then in your opinion, we can't ally with the big-eared thief?"

Sun Quan frowned, and also understood Lu Xun's concern.

"It is possible to cooperate, but it is not enough to rely on a letter from them."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and replied, if he agreed with just a letter, then it would be too child's play.

"Lord, Bo Yan, there are very few people in the world who can resist Cao now, if you don't agree, I'm afraid that when the time comes, I will hurt your harmony, which is not conducive to future cooperation."

Zhuge Jin persuaded again, because he knew that the advantages of the alliance outweighed the disadvantages, and he also promised Zhuge Liang that he would try his best to facilitate this matter.

"I didn't say no, my lord will understand if he replies to Brother Ling about this."

Lu Xun looked at Zhuge Jin and said with a smile, but he shook his head in his heart.

How can this cooperation be so easy to hurt peace.

Moreover, the most fundamental thing is interests, and harmony is worthless in the face of interests.

In this way, this Zhuge Kongming is much more powerful than Zhuge Jin.

"Do as you say."

What else did Zhuge Jin have to say, but Sun Quan was already directly clapping.

Zhuge Jin naturally didn't have to say anything, so he could only do so, and after leaving from Sun Quan, Zhuge Jin was ready to send people to send letters to Zhuge Liang non-stop.

This Sun Quan naturally meant that he needed to tell Zhuge Liang.

However, when Zhuge Jin just returned to the mansion, the subordinates in the mansion had already stepped forward.

"The master is back, not long after you went out this morning, someone sent a box, saying that it was handed over to the master to open personally."


Zhuge Jin was a little puzzled, he was busy, who sent himself this boring thing.

"People come and say, the master must see it as soon as possible, there are things that can relieve the master's worries." That Jia Ding looked at Zhuge Jin and added.

That's what the person who came said, he didn't want to really delay things because he didn't express it properly, then he couldn't eat and go.

Zhuge Jin saw that he said so confidently, so it would not take long to look at it.

Zhuge Jin took the things and went back to the study, ready to read them before writing the letter.

When I opened the wooden box, there were two letters inside, and something wrapped in red cloth, something that looked like a book.

"My brother Zhuge Jin personally enlightened."

Zhuge Jin picked it up and glanced at it, could it be that Kong Ming wrote it?

Quickly opened the letter, after Zhuge Jin read it, it was indeed written by Zhuge Liang, and for Lu Xun's attitude today, Zhuge Liang had long expected it.

After Zhuge Jin read it, he was also full of emotion.

"Sir, the ink has been sharpened."

"No need." Zhuge Jin waved his hand.

Since Kong Ming said to give Lu Xun this letter and the contents of the box, then everything has an answer, and he naturally does not need to write a letter.

Even if it is fast, day and night, I am afraid that it will be a few days after it is sent to Chengdu.

"Hurry up and send these things to Lu Xundu's mansion."

"Forget it, I'd better go in person."

After Zhuge Jin thought about it, he immediately changed his words again, picked up the wooden box, and then went directly to Lu Xun's mansion.

Today's Lu Xunna is the governor of Jiangdong, and his mansion is naturally not bad.

And I heard that Sun Quan seems to have the intention of marrying the daughter left by Sun Ce to Lu Xun.

It's just that as for which one, then it is unknown, and the most said in private may be the daughter under the knee of Mrs. Big Qiao.

This can alleviate the discord between Lu Xun and the old lady and Da Qiao caused by the capture of Zhuge Qiu last time, and can also block the mouths of many people.

"Ziyu, why are you here?"

After Lu Xun saw that the next person reported that Zhuge Jin was coming, he was also unexpected, and immediately let him in.

"I have seen the governor, and when I come this time, there is something that needs to be handed over to the governor."

Zhuge Jin first saluted, and then took out the wooden box to say what he meant.

"This object was given to me by Zhuge Kongming?"

After Lu Xun took the box, he was surprised again.

Zhuge Jin nodded and did not deny it, "After I returned from the Lord's Mansion, someone sent it.

Lu Xun opened the letter and read it, and the more he looked at it, the more surprised he felt.

"Zhuge Kongming, really a great talent, knows my worries."

Lu Xun was a little amazed after reading it, but soon he wondered.

"This Zhuge Kongming has such talent, why has he repeatedly lost to the hands of Zhuge Qiu, and Gong Jin is also the same."

"Could it be that he is the nemesis of genius?"

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