"Shouyi, you are about to get married, why do you seem to be a little absent-minded?"

Zhuge Qiuye City's mansion, at this time, the threshold of those who are already congratulating has been broken.

It's just that except for people who are familiar with them, the others Zhuge Qiu basically won't stay for a long time, return a gift and send it away.

After Xun Yu and Pang Tong came together today, they looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked puzzled.

"The big wedding is naturally a big joy, but now the people who should come to Yecheng have also come in the past two days, but there are still two big gifts, and I haven't received them yet."

Seeing Xun Yu asking, Zhuge Qiu glanced at him and replied with a smile.

This made Xun Yu a little stunned, "And the big gift?"

"Shouyi, didn't you say on weekdays that you are not greedy for money?"

Xun Yu, I didn't expect you to want to take advantage of the posture of getting married and receiving gifts.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xun Yu speechlessly, "Gongda, were you scared and stupid by Guan Yuan that day." "

This big gift that Shouyi said is not an ordinary gift, and now that such a sensational thing has happened in Yecheng, does Gongda think that Liu Beisun Quan and others will sit idly by?"

Pang Tong pondered for a while, and soon understood what Zhuge Qiu meant.

After all, in the face of such a good opportunity, I believe that if I am Liu Bei or someone close to Sun Quan, I will not let it go.

Nowadays, it can be said that many readers and people are agitated, how can they not take advantage of such a situation.

Otherwise, once the heat of this matter passes, I am afraid that no one will mention it at that time, let alone be indignant.

"See, this is a discussion, if the person is clever, this phoenix is really not called in vain."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xun Yu, and then looked at Pang Tong and boasted.

"Shouyi, don't be like this, you praise me, I'm not used to it."

Pang Tong hurriedly waved his hand, but he knew very well that Zhuge Qiu this guy would be good if he didn't pit himself, and praised himself.

Except for when he matched himself and Miss Cai, this guy has not done a few personnel.

The main thing is that it is yourself who is unlucky every time.

"Look at what scares you." Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tong and was speechless, is he so terrible, and he can't eat people.

"Yes, what I'm worried about is that Liu Bei and Sun Quan will take action, to be precise, I conclude that they will act."

Zhuge Qiu did not joke anymore, but watched the two begin to analyze and say his judgment.

"Shouyi, although your words are reasonable, why are you so sure that Liu Bei and Sun Quan today, in such a short time, can they still set off storms?"

Xun Yu still felt that it was not possible, one was trapped in Chengdu, one was in the battle of Hefei, the killed lost their armor, more than 100,000 troops, and suffered heavy losses.

Even if they act at the same time, they cannot be united and cause a huge impact.

"Gongda, I have a sentence here that may be useful to you."

"Never underestimate your opponent at any time, lion fighting rabbit, do your best."

Although Zhuge Qiu understood Xun Yu's thoughts, he felt that there was something wrong with his attitude.

What's more, whether it is Zhuge Liang or Jiangdong Lu Xun, they are not ordinary rabbits.

Xun Yu was stunned for a moment, and then understood, and he was also very ashamed in his heart.

"Taught, it was indeed my negligence."

The previous self was not what it is now, maybe he was really old, and he knew that he had not lived for two years, but he was careless.

Although Pang Tong did not speak on the side, he also remembered Zhuge Qiu's words.

"Then with Shouyi, you see, if they send troops this time, where will they break through."

Xun Yu was also cautious at this time, watching Zhuge Qiu begin to seriously inquire and analyze.

"Luocheng Xiba County and Jingzhou."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two, and then replied.

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Pang Tong frowned.

"Liu Bei wants to retake the west of Luocheng, I can understand, but what if Kong Ming wants to use this to annex Zhang Lu and take Hanzhong first to strengthen himself?"

He felt that if he was Zhuge Liang, he might not rule out the idea of going to Hanzhong to strengthen himself.

"I also thought that what Shiyuan said was very likely."

Xun Yu felt that what Pang Tong said was very reasonable, after all, there was Huang Zhong Wei Yan and their town guarding Ba County, in comparison, it was obvious that Zhang Lu was a fat meat that was easier to get.

"Do you think Lu Xun will be willing to make a wedding dress for Liu Bei?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two of them, what you can think of, Lu Xun can also think of.

How could he let Jiang Dong bear the pressure of Cao Cao's army, and then let Liu Bei pick the fruit.

Even if cooperation is imperative, Lu Xun will not suffer such a loss.

Moreover, when Zhuge Liang sent someone to send a challenge letter before, he had already asked Zhang Lu to be more guarded, so Zhuge Liang only honestly hit Huang Zhong and Wei Yan this time.

And if you really win, then you can directly kill Jingzhou and Jiangdong from Hanchuan all the way back to the place where the army of Jiangdong merges.

"Zhang Lu is just a piece of fat in Hanzhong that can't run away, and you can eat it whenever you want, but it's definitely not now."

Pang Tong also understood at this time, Zhuge Qiu had already said it so clearly, and he couldn't react so much and was too sorry for the title of his phoenix chick.

"In this way, Sun Quan chose Jingzhou to avoid Zhang Liao, in addition to avoiding Zhang Liao, so that when Zhuge Liang killed Hanchuan, he could gather his troops."

Xun Yu also understood, so there was no need to explain the rest.

It's just that the only thing he can't think of now is why Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun are so confident.

You know, once Zhuge Liang can't be killed, the Jiangdong army will be beaten one by one.

"Then Shouyi, please report to King Wei as soon as possible and make arrangements."


Yizhou Chengdu.

At this time, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and the others had already gathered in the study.

"Kong Ming, since Jiangdong has already chosen to cooperate this time, then you can talk about your plan."

Liu Bei glanced at everyone, and finally stopped his gaze on Zhuge Liang.

"Big brother, you asked him to give advice again?" Zhang Fei was a little afraid.

"You won't be afraid, then we will be sold by him again."

"Yide, don't talk nonsense, this time to set Chengdu, conquer the southern barbarians, won't it be thanks to Kong Ming's power?" Liu Bei glanced at Zhang Fei and reprimanded.

"General Yide rest assured, this plan is not an overnight thing, but it just happens to have this opportunity."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhang Fei and persuaded with a smile, after all, it was up to Zhang Fei to charge the battle.

"Hmph." Zhang Fei snorted, and then glanced at Zhuge Liang, as if this was a little better.

"Then tell me about your plan."

"No hurry, Liang still has a few distinguished guests who have not arrived, and when they arrive, you can do it all."

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