Zhang Fei was also a little puzzled after hearing Zhuge Liang's words.

And what distinguished guests, a little ability, trustworthy people, have not all been pulled here for discussion?

Inexplicably, this Zhuge Kongming just likes to pretend to be mysterious, and the worst thing is that every time he says the vow, the result is miserable in the end.

The worst thing is that every time it is miserable, it is not Zhuge Liang himself, but the horse is his own charge.

This is outrageous, you move your mouth, but I run and break my leg.

If this continues, sooner or later, you may all have your leg broken.

"Yide, don't be impatient, this time the light will definitely not disappoint you."

Zhuge Liang seemed to have also seen Zhang Fei's small emotions and disbelief, so he said with a smile.

"Kong Ming, don't sell it, let's tell everyone."

Liu Bei saw that many people were just as anxious as Zhang Fei, so he spoke.

After all, he is still a little unhappy with Zhuge Liang's behavior of selling and pretending.

Pretend to be such a thing, who wouldn't want to.

But before Zhuge Liang could answer, at this time, a soldier came to report.

"Report, barbarian king Meng Yu, bring all the village lords to ask for a meeting."

"Quick, please."

After Zhuge Liang heard this, he immediately said with a smile.

"General Yide, our distinguished guest has arrived."

At this time, Zhang Fei was also stunned, he really did not expect that Meng Yu, the king of the Southern Barbarians, would actually come.

Soon Meng Yu and his group were led in, one by one, poorly dressed, wearing tiger skins and authentic leopard prints.

Then the neck and waist are decorated more with the teeth of some beasts.

With the feathered hat on the head, it has a bit of an Indian posture.

"Nanban Meng has seen Yizhou Mu and Mr. Kong Ming."

After Meng Yu came in, he watched Liu Bei salute with his fists in his hands, and then looked at Zhuge Liang and said hello.

"No need to be polite, please take a seat." Liu Bei immediately responded with a smile.

Zhuge Liang naturally knew that it must be Meng Yu's Yizhou Mu, which just made Liu Bei's heart refreshed.

Today's Yizhou is still partly in the hands of Cao Cao's forces.

Yizhou Mu, not to mention whether the imperial court recognized it or not, the territory was not complete.

Moreover, if Nanban Meng Yu came to help, it would also be an excellent thing, and Liu Bei would naturally be even happier.

Zhuge Liang has already said before that although the people of the Southern Barbarians are uncivilized, they do not conform to the etiquette of the Central Plains.

But they do have many unusual means.

When Zhuge Liang first conquered Nanban, it also took a lot of thought.

"Mr. Zhuge 's teachings, as well as the great grace, Meng Yu is unforgettable, now that Mr. Zhuge has spoken, I, Meng Yu, and the lords of the village, will definitely do their best to help."

After taking his seat, Meng Yu looked at Zhuge Liang again and made his attitude clear.

"Heavy talk." Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

It seems that the strategy of attacking the city and attacking the heart is very correct.

With the help of the Southern Barbarian soldiers, it made up for the lack of strength due to Huang Zhong and their occupation of a part of the city.

And the last time he conquered the Southern Barbarians, he saw a lot, the primitive and strange methods of the Southern Barbarians.

At that time, it will definitely be possible to surprise and catch you off guard.

And this is his Zhuge Liang's confidence this time.

"Yes, now Cao Thief is pressing step by step, and even conniving at Zhuge Shouyi and beating His Majesty, this great act of disobedience is the common indignation of the world."

"This time I raised troops for the sake of the world's social welfare, and for the safety of the great Han."

Liu Bei got up and looked at everyone at this time, and said with a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

"Han and thief are not opposed, and Wang Ye is not partial."

"Kong Ming, this matter is very important, you should deploy carefully, don't make another mistake."

"Yes, Master."

After Liu Bei finished loading the pen, Zhuge Liang answered, and then began to deploy.

"Our purpose this time is to defeat Huang Zhong, seize the land west of Luocheng, and cooperate with Sun Quan to enter Jingzhou, so that Cao Thief's forces will be cleared out of the south."

"At that time, unite the power of Jiangdong Sun Quan to resist Cao Thief together, and wait for the opportunity, advance by land and water, and destroy Cao Xinghan."

Although Zhuge Liang knew in his heart that this big man was no longer saved, he also understood that this was the banner that he and Liu Bei were holding now.

Even the banner of all those who oppose Cao must have an upright and upright reason to stand at the top.

In this way, the teacher can become famous and more people can be condensed to join.

Zhang Fei didn't feel much about these words, he had already heard these words from Liu Bei, I don't know how many times.

"Kong Ming, your strategy, let's not say whether it is good or not, but your strategy can be seen through by Zhuge Qiu every time, don't you want to find a way?"

Zhang Fei looked at Zhuge Liang, this was what he was most concerned about, he didn't want to feel like he was beaten every time.

"Yide, rest assured, I have already prepared for this matter."

Zhuge nodded, this time he thought of it.

"Zhuge Qiu will naturally have some doubts, so this time you still need General Yide to personally come out."

"Before the action of the army, General Yide will send out the army with great fanfare, and make a look to attack Zhang Lu in Hanzhong."

"At that time, Jiangdong Luxun will also cooperate with each other."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhang Fei and said all his plans.

After Zhang Fei heard Zhuge Liang's full detailed plan, he believed a little, but he was still a little worried.

"What if Zhuge Qiu still sees through it?" Zhang Fei felt a little scared.

I don't know if I'm afraid of Zhuge Liang or Zhuge Qiu.

Anyway, these two guys seem to be self-defeating.

"He saw through it, no matter what, he couldn't have imagined that we would have the help of the Southern Barbarian King."

Zhuge Liang became even more confident after hearing Zhang Fei's words.

This plan to attack the east and the west, he did not think that he could completely hide Zhuge Qiu.

But his real backhand, I believe Zhuge Qiu can't think of it anyway.

Zhang Fei's eyes twitched after listening to it. I feel like I'm going to be bait again.

It's just that thinking that he is mainly facing Zhang Lu, he is not so worried.

Soon, Zhang Fei thought about it and finally agreed.

Zhang Fei was ready to go down and prepare.

"Yide, I have a bag here, when the time comes, you can open it."

Zhuge Liang handed over a bag to Zhang Fei when he left.

Zhang Fei collected the bag and left, and other matters had nothing to do with him.

Looking at the back of Zhang Fei leaving, Zhuge Liang also fell into deep thought, and after a while, looked at the disappearing back.

Only then did he sigh in his heart.

"I hope you don't need this trick."

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