"Does this big eared thief and Sun Quan Xiaoer really have such guts?"

After listening to Xun Yu and Zhuge Qiu's words at this time, Cao Cao seemed to be a little unconvinced.

"King Wei, this matter is in the next thought, Shouyi is reasonable, and now the princes of the world, the people who can barely compete with the King of Wei are only the two of them."

After Jia Xu stood for a while at this time, he agreed and agreed.

"If they dare to send troops at this time, I will definitely not let them have a good time."

Cao Cao also snorted coldly at this time, he wants to marry his daughter, but you are looking for something at this time, the purpose is naturally obvious.

"Lord, don't worry, even if everything is as Shouyi said, but Ba County has two generals, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, to guard it, and Jingzhou has Cao Ren, Li Dian and Yu Ban generals to guard it, how can it be so breached."

"Even if they want to advance by land and water, he Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, where can they have the confidence that they can defeat General Huang Zhong out of Hanchuan in a short time."

After Cao Cao finished speaking, Chen Lin looked at Cao Cao and everyone and analyzed.

"Sima Yi, what do you think?"

Cao Cao did not comment on Chen Lin's words, but looked at Sima Yi, who did not speak on the side, and said.

"Back to the King of Wei, what Lord Chen said is not unreasonable, and today's Liu Bei and Sun Quan are naturally inferior to the King of Wei in terms of strength."

"But Mr. Zhuge has no strategy, what he said must not be wrong, so no matter what conspiracy Liu Bei has, he must not be prevented."

Sima Yi listened to Cao Cao's words and said, he can be said to have taken both sides into account.

But Sima Yi was so careful, there was no way.

I can have the opportunity to stand here, instead of raising horses, which is when I go to the Huns, I bought my life.

Since that incident, I have been a low-key person and the situation I have survived cannot be ruined just like this.

After Zhuge Qiu heard Sima Yi's words, he also looked at Sima Yi.

He also found that Sima Yi has indeed been very low-key recently.

It seemed that even with Cao Pi, Sima Yi was not as close as before.

"Yes, in that case, then Shouyi, I wonder if you have any countermeasures, or any other worries?"

Cao Cao also opened his mouth at this time, he also believed Zhuge Qiu's judgment, and although he did not think that Liu Bei could kill it, but since Zhuge Qiu opened his mouth, he believed that this matter would not be so easy.

"I'm worried about Nanban."

Zhuge Qiu did not hide it, when Zhuge Liang gave him a challenge letter, it happened to be shortly after they pacified Nanban.

Zhuge Qiu believes that this will not be a coincidence, and it will definitely be rewarding for Zhuge Liang to give himself such a solemn battle letter.

If Liu Bei's strength had not improved, Zhuge Liang would have been a cautious person, how could he have given himself a brainless provocation at this time.

There is only one reasonable explanation, that is, when Pingnanban was in the past, Zhuge Liang gained a huge harvest.

So coupled with the previous humiliation and unwillingness, Zhuge Liang also regained his self-confidence, or floated, and made a challenge declaration for himself.

"Nanban?" Cao Cao was also stunned, he didn't think about it, after all, it was just a group of backward and uncivilized natives.

"Sir, although you have no strategy, I am afraid that you have miscalculated this time."

"What can these southern barbarians do if they are just a rabble, a group of uncivilized people?"

Chen Lin saw that Cao Cao did not consider Nanban either, and he also spoke immediately.

Originally, I thought that Zhuge Qiu would have some high opinions, but I blamed this on a group of natives.

He, who had favored Zhuge Qiu for Cao Cao and ignored a group of old ministers, seized the opportunity this time, and naturally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to strike a blow.

Zhuge Qiu naturally heard this Chen Lin's hostility.

Although he and Chen Lin did not have a great intersection, but today Chen Lin suddenly had such hostility, which surprised him.

Of course, he didn't want to entangle whether Chen Lin had taken the wrong medicine today.

If he blindly targeted himself, he would not endure it.

"Although the people of the Southern Barbarians have not been educated, their means are not within the reach of ordinary people, if Lord Chen does not believe it, you can try it."

Zhuge Qiu is very clear that whether it is the vine armor army, or the tiger and leopard driving army, or the elephant soldiers, they are not so easy to deal with.

"Sir exaggerated, Sir's cautious attitude is worthy of recognition, but this group of barbarians has become a big trouble for you."

"If King Wei is willing, Chen Lin is willing, and with this old body, he will advise King Wei and assist General Huang Zhong in defending the city."

"By the way, I also see what skills this group of barbarians has."

Seeing Zhuge Qiu's attitude, Chen Lin felt even more uncomfortable in her heart.

Originally, I just wanted to take this opportunity to teach Zhuge Qiu a lesson.

I didn't expect that this guy was like a hedgehog and didn't eat at all.

Since you provoked me, do you think I really dare not go?

However, at his current age, even if he spoke, Cao Cao would not agree.

Therefore, when Chen Lin asked for orders, she was also very tough, very righteous and awe-inspiring.

"Well, since that's the case, then there's work."

But what he didn't expect was that Cao Cao directly agreed.

Chen Lin was a little confused, but he had already said it, if he didn't want to go, wouldn't it be a joke.

"Yes, King Wei."

In the end, Chen Lin could only agree.

Thinking that as long as he kept it, then he could hit Zhuge Qiu's face fiercely, and he was relieved.

After Chen Lin agreed, Cao Cao signaled that Chen Lin could go back and prepare to leave.

Looking at the back of Chen Lin leaving, Jia Xu, Sima Yi and the others were like mirrors.

Obviously, Cao Cao was standing on Zhuge Qiu, although they didn't know what Chen Lin was confused about today, and they didn't want to think about the relationship between Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao.

"Shouyi, if Nanban really has the means, I don't know how to deal with it?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked after Chen Lin left.

"Different barbarians have different strategies..."

Zhuge Qiu began to explain the means he knew about Meng Yu them.

Cao Cao was also stunned when he listened, which they had never heard at all.

Some even wondered if it was true.

"Shouyi, why do you know so well?" After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, Cao Cao couldn't help but ask.

He once again felt that in this world, it was as if there was no Zhuge Qiu and did not know things.

"Maybe I read more books." Zhuge Qiu snorted and said perfunctorily.

Everyone is a smart person, knowing that Zhuge Qiu does not want to elaborate, it doesn't matter.

Cao Cao really wanted to ask what kind of book, but he still endured it.

While they were discussing countermeasures, at the same time, Zhou Yu was absentmindedly wandering the streets of Yecheng.

There was a collision in the crowd, and before Zhou Yu spoke, there was already one more thing in his hand.

It seems that the Lord still hasn't completely abandoned me.

Zhou Yu was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately pulled Xiao Qiao back, which made Xiao Qiao a little unexpected.

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