"Uncle Cai..." Quang Jing covered his face full of grievances and unwillingness, as if he wanted to intercede with Cai Mao.

"Quang Jing, you are arrogant and domineering on weekdays, but now you even openly put people in prison, what a big boldness.

"And you dog thing, you actually eat inside and out, if you don't ask your husband to forgive you today, you will both die."

Cai Mao looked at the two people of Kuang Jing and Han Zhu and scolded angrily, looking like they were drawing a clear line.

Han Zhu has no psychological burden, what face, it's all shit, immediately rooster pecked rice, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

When Kuang Jing saw it, his mouth was full of bitterness, and he still couldn't seem to pull his face.

"Since you offended Sir, you might as well let me kill him."

Zhang Liao immediately took a step forward and snorted coldly.

For the things that Kuang Jing and Han Zhu came up with, he was also unhappy.

He was originally a general, and after Lü Bu's death, he submitted to Cao Cao, although Cao Cao also valued himself, but after all, Cao Cao had many capable people.

Moreover, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xiahou Wei, Xiahou Yuan, and Xu Chu are all deeply trusted by Cao Cao, not to mention the first few who are still relatives with Cao Cao.

Therefore, Zhang Liao's position is more embarrassing, there is no chance to make meritorious achievements, and he is still a swinging general.

It sounds good, but he is just a miscellaneous general, and he is only one grade better than a partial general in the martial general system of the Great Han.

This time I still wanted to make a contribution to the south, but such a thing happened.

Just now Zhang Liao's force, Kuang Jing saw no mercy, and immediately frightened his legs soft, and knelt down directly, and a smell of urine also pervaded.

"Sir spare your life, it's me who has no eyes, it's me who doesn't know Tarzan, I beg Mr. to spare your life, please Mr. get out of prison."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Kuang Jing's snot and tears, and avoided it with some disgust.

"If you don't have strength, don't pretend, not every milk is called Trensu." After

Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, at this time, Cao Cao and Xu Chu had already arrived.

"Prime Minister.

Cai Mao and Zhang Liao hurriedly saluted.

Cao Cao did not care about them, but came directly to Zhuge Qiu.

"Shouyi, are you okay, aren't

you hurt?" "Brother Shouyi, tell Li, who hurt you a hair, I screwed his head off."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the two and was also very pleased in his heart.

Sure enough, I didn't take you to drink and bounce in vain.

"I'm fine, I'll leave it to Cao Gong next."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two, the life that should be experienced has already been experienced, how to clean them up, he is really not interested.

He knew that if he said kill directly, Cao Cao would also agree, but he was still a little unaccustomed to life and death in a word.

"Wen Yuan, from now on you are responsible for protecting Mr. Yuan. "

Cao Cao asked Zhang Liao to follow Zhuge Qiu, don't have any more accidents.

"Master Cai, I hope you can satisfy Ben Xiang.

Then Cao Cao looked at Cai Mao and said with a cold face.

Hearing Lord Cai's three words, Cai Mao was also a stirring spirit, obviously Cao Cao was really unhappy, so he would deliberately shout like this.

"Understood, understood. Cai Mao quickly replied.

Cao Cao glanced at it and said no more, and followed out.

In addition to the prison, Cao Cao caught up with Zhuge Qiu, and Zhang Liao was a few steps behind, leaving a private space for the two.

"Shouyi, when Zhao Yun goes back, it should be almost time.

"I'll leave tomorrow."

Zhuge Qiu said calmly as he walked, he knew that Cao Cao must have something to say when he caught up.

"Such a fierce general, do you really want him to return to Liu Bei?" Cao Cao

was a little reluctant, thinking that Guan Yu was the same at the beginning, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

What is this big eared thief capable of?

"At the beginning, Cao Gong also agreed, do you want to break your word?" Zhuge Qiu naturally knew Cao Cao's thoughts.

"Don't hide it, I did think about it, after all, such a tiger general, but my heart is more reluctant. Cao

Cao did not hide his inner thoughts, talking to smart people, honesty is the most correct thing to do.

"We treat each other with sincerity, I believe Zilong can feel it, besides, Cao Gong really thinks that Zilong has stayed with us for a month, will Liu Bei trust him when he goes back?"

Zhuge Qiu replied with a smile, treating Zhao Yun with sincerity and letting him disappoint Liu Bei, this was enough.

"But back then,

Yun Chang..." "Yun Chang is Liu Bei's brother, Zilong is not. "

Zhuge Qiu is still very confident, you must know that in addition to Liu Bei, there is also

Zhang Fei? When Guan Yu passed five levels and killed six generals, Zhang Fei didn't believe it at the beginning, and Guan Yu had to kill Cai Yang to prove his innocence.

"Since Shouyi is so confident, then I am relieved and treat each other with sincerity, then I will go out of the city tomorrow to give us a ride."

After thinking about it, Cao Cao said, it's the same as releasing Guan Yu, he gambled on his own.

"No, you don't have to send each other. Zhuge Qiu immediately shook his head.

Isn't it equivalent to a drama if you send it, even if it is sincere, it will be misunderstood.

Cao Cao quickly reacted and went by himself, and Zhao Yun was afraid that he would think that he was deliberately framing and provoking.

When I returned to the mansion, it was already afternoon.

"Sir is back. When

Zhao Yun saw Zhuge Qiu, he also greeted him with concern, and his previous worries were swept away.

"But what happened

?" "What can be the matter, but it is the previous Kuaijing, by the way, you leave tomorrow to look for the old master, but you have prepared dry food?" Zhuge

Qiu simply said his own affairs, and then asked Zhao Yun.

"It's ready. Zhao Yun nodded.

"Zilong, in the battle of Changbanpo, I threatened you with Ah Dou and left you here, but Lao Cao and I appreciate your ability, and at the same time, each is his master, please forgive me."

Zhuge Qiu first bowed his hand to Zhao Yun to apologize, and did not care about Zhao Yun's reaction, but continued.

"Since you are determined to go back this time, we will not stop you, and Lao Cao will not come to send you, so as not to make Liu Bei suspicious."

"If Liu Bei asks, you can say that you escaped, and Lao Cao and I will coerce and lure you in every way."

When Zhao Yun heard this, his expression also changed, as if he couldn't believe it.

He had long planned in his heart what would happen if Cao Cao insisted on sending each other tomorrow and taking advantage of this separation.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Qiu thought of everything for him.

Thinking of this month's experience and what I saw, the last trace of resentment towards Zhuge Qiu in my heart was gone.

At this time outside Xiangyang City, Zhao Yun shot and horse one by one, heading towards the direction of the party tomb.

Cao Cao did not send someone to send him, did not embarrass him, and Zhuge Qiu did not come.

Just sent a note, remember not to forget to pay off the gambling debt.

Along the way, Zhao Yun was also a little confused in his heart, but he gradually became firmer.

"Drive. "

Until it disappeared at the end.

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