In Xiahou's courtyard, Zhuge Qiu calmly lay on the backrest chair to bask in the sun.

Cao Cao and Xu Chu were also there, Xu Chu wanted to fight the landlord and defraud the golden flower, but Cao Cao was not in the mood and glared at him directly.

Lao Xu could only wait obediently on the side.

"Master, sir, Zhao Yun has left Xiangyang.

Zhang Liao also walked in at this time, and then told them the news.

Zhuge Qiu didn't react, just nodded.

Cao Cao sighed, and after a while he spoke, "Shouyi, do you think Zilong will come back?" Zhuge

Qiu knew that Cao Cao couldn't help it, laughed, and spread his hands, "I don't know, maybe it will, maybe not."

Zhuge Qiu said truthfully, even if it is himself in this world, he does not have 100% confidence to judge people's hearts.

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and everything seemed relieved again, "Now that Liu Bei has run away and Zhao Yun is gone, you have to give me a good idea."

"Then I'll go to Jiangxia for you to take a look."

Zhuge Qiu thought about it and said, just take this opportunity to go out and see more.

"Take Jiangxia, if you can't stop Sun Liu from uniting at that time, there will be no worries.

"Then I'll let Wen Yuan accompany you, be careful."

Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu was not joking, so he agreed.

Cao Cao sat for a while and left, he was the lord of the three armies, and he was the prime minister of the Great Han, and there must be a lot of things.

"Newspaper, sir, Cai Mao came to ask for a meeting. "

Cao Cao left, and Zhuge Qiu was about to go back to the room when a soldier came in to report it.

"Cai Mao, why is

he here?" Zhuge Qiu was also surprised, but the other party knew that he lived here, and he must have come here prepared.

"Let him in.

Zhuge Qiu thought about it and decided to meet him.

Cai Mao soon came, and the somewhat fat figure soon appeared in front of him.

"Cai Mao has seen Mr.

Cai greeted with a grin and saluted.

"General Cai said seriously, I have no official and no position, but I am just a kid, but I can't afford this gift, I don't know why General Cai came today?"

Cai Mao just smiled and only took Zhuge Qiu's words as modest, "The previous matter has been properly handled in the next step."

"Han Zhu has been killed, and Kuang Jing will no longer appear in front of Mr. Zhu's eyes.

Zhuge Qiu just listened and didn't express an opinion, although Cai Mao said vaguely, but he didn't die if he wanted to come.

In any case, Kuiliang and Kuang Yue were still influential in Jingzhou.

However, the price must be not small, otherwise Cao Cao would not agree to the result of this disposition.

"Sir actually encountered such a thing in Xiangyang, it is really a mistake under the rule of the subordinates, and I ask my gentleman for forgiveness."

"I don't care. Zhuge Qiu said truthfully.

"Sir generous, in order to apologize, Cai will set up a banquet in the mansion tomorrow to entertain Mr. and make amends to Mr. and ask Mr. not to shirk.

Cai Mao also said his ultimate purpose at this time.

Although Cao Cao had no opinion on the disposition result, he also told him in and out of his words that Zhuge Qiu's opinion was the most important.

A person who was so young and so valued by Cao Cao, he naturally wanted to make friends.

This time is naturally an opportunity.

Zhuge Qiu did not expect that Cai Mao would invite him, but he thought that he was going to Jiangxia, but he didn't know much about Jiangxia.

It just so happened that Cai Mao had controlled the power of Jingzhou for so long, and he definitely knew Jiang Xia better than himself, and he could learn a thing or two from him, so he did not refuse.

"Lord Cai said seriously, I will definitely visit tomorrow." Cai

Mao saw that Zhuge Qiu agreed, and was naturally happy, "Thank you sir, then Cai Mou will be waiting in the mansion."

Then Cai took his leave first. Seeing

Cai Mao leave like this, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but sigh that this guy was able to control Jingzhou under Liu Biao.

In addition to Mrs. Cai's reasons, this Cai Mao is also very good at things.

Other abilities are not clear, but social skills are certainly not bad.

"Well, did he say yes?"

Cai Mao had just returned to the house and found that Mrs. Cai was already waiting in the hall.


Cai said with a smile, looking like I am not at ease when I get out of the horse.

"Come on, don't be proud, tomorrow is coming, you can think about how to entertain him and pull him to our side." Mrs

. Cai saw Cai Mao's smugness, gave him a blank look, and then asked.

"Since he is so valued by Cao Cheng, if he can speak for us, we don't have to worry about it."

"This sister can rest assured, everything is ready.

"I've already found out that the reason why Kuang Jing's indisputable thing will have a grudge with him is because of Yueying.

"Kuang Jing liked Yueying, and was humiliated by her at the poetry meeting, so he formed a grudge, and the poems that have been widely circulated in recent days are his handwriting.

Cai Mao looked at Mrs. Cai and said with a confident smile.

The words have already been said about this, and Mrs. Cai naturally understood.

"If Yueying can marry this person, then he and we are a family of in-laws. "

Mrs. Cai is Huang Yueying's aunt, and Cai Mao is also a relative of Lang's uncle.

"What my sister said is that in this way, not only will our position be stable, but even the position of the Huang family will be stable."

"But I heard that Yueying has already promised a ration, and it seems that the surname is Zhuge Zhuge."

As if thinking of something, Mrs. Cai frowned and said.

She is not very clear about the specifics of this matter, after all, Huang Chengyan is also bent on gossiping about the door for a long time, and wants to be a hermit, and many things have not been told to them.

"Sister rest assured, I have my own arrangements, and when the time comes, the Huang family will be able to sit back and relax in the future, and they will naturally not blame us."

"I'm afraid it's too late to thank us."

After listening to Cai Mao's words, Mrs. Cai thought about it, now in this chaotic world, it is most important to survive and save your life.

"Then you go and do it. Mrs. Cai nodded in approval.

Where did Zhuge Qiu know that Cai risked so much thought, and after getting up early the next morning, he packed up and went out.

After learning about Jiang Xia, he could take a trip for Cao Cao at that time.

Zhang Liao followed Zhuge Qiu, and now he didn't dare to let Zhuge Qiu have any more accidents.

He also counted on Zhuge Qiu to say good things for him, and when the time came, he would be reused by Cao Cao.

"Sir is here, Sir is coming, it really makes Cai Fu Pengxian shine."

Cai Mao personally greeted and looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

"I will introduce someone to Sir later, and I am sure you will be satisfied." "

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