The road of Luofengpo is narrow, the trees are thick, and the high places on both sides of the mountain road are easy to ambush.

"Mr. Kong Ming, this Pangtong army is about to enter this Falling Phoenix Slope, what should I do?"

Wu Yi asked Zhuge Liang, who was also crouching on one side, at this time.

After all, even if it is an ambush, there must be a plan.

"When the enemy army comes, let the front army go, and when the time comes, cut them in two and shoot them with archers?"

Wu Yi looked at Zhuge Liang, he felt that this was the best he could think of, the best, and the most suitable strategy for ambushing.

"Your strategy is indeed the most suitable strategy for ambushes, but we don't have many archers this time, and Pang Tong will definitely be prepared."

Zhuge Liang looked at Wu Yi and whispered.

He only left such a way for Pang Tong's army to rescue Luocheng, and everyone knew that there would be ambushes here.

Then Pang Tong had already been prepared, and the so-called ambush did not have the effect of surprise.

It's just that he has the advantage of the terrain and fights with Pang Tong's army in this Luofengpo.

"Therefore, your strategy is not needed, but it can allow the archers to find the opportunity, and once Pang Tong enters the Falling Phoenix Slope, he can shoot it first."

The thief captures the king first, although it may be cruel to do so himself.

But the Tao is different, and he will definitely not be soft.

The army marched forward, Yan Yan took the lead, and led the front army into Luofengpo.

Wu Yi was ready to make a move, but was stopped by Zhuge Liang.

"We only have one chance, the veteran Yan Yan has extraordinary martial arts, and it is not easy to shoot him at once."

Zhuge Liang hurriedly stopped and said that the people he brought with him were mainly the Vine Armor.

At this time, the army has not yet entered the valley.

Wu Yi didn't make a move, but he muttered a little more in his heart.

It's not much different from what he said, it's not to let the front army enter Luofengpo first.

Yan Yan's army walked very slowly, as if he was deliberately challenging Zhuge Liang's patience.

Of course, if Zhuge Liang and they look closely, they will see the difference.

"This Yan Yan is too arrogant." Wu Yi couldn't help it when he saw them grinding like this.

Zhuge Liang pulled Wu Yi again and made him calm down, "This is Pang Tong's intention, don't be impulsive, and fall for his strategy."

Zhuge Liang believed that Yan Yan must have received Pang Tong's order to do so.

After grinding like this for a long time, Yan Yan's former army seemed to have completely entered the Falling Phoenix Slope.

Zhuge Liang was relieved, even if he knew that there was an ambush.

This is a yang scheme, you have to choose.

Just as I was thinking about it, the Pang Ziqi also came into view at this time, with black characters on a white background, fluttering in the wind.

"The ugly man on horseback is Pang Tong."

Zhuge Liang saw from a distance, similar in shape to the person of Pang Tong, leading the army.

With Zhuge Liang's ugly man.

Wu Yi endured it for so long, and finally couldn't bear it.

The archers aimed one after another, and the arrows rained down, all going in one direction.

"Quick, protect the military master."

The soldier shouted even more when he saw it, which made Zhuge Liang even more sure in his heart that this guy was Pang Tong.

However, the rain of arrows still shot the man, even the man with the horse, into a hedgehog.

"Okay, it's done."

Zhuge Liang was overjoyed when he saw this, and all the ambush soldiers on both sides were killed.

Wu Yi stood on a high place, "Pang Tong is dead, kill me." With

this order, the vine armor army also immediately killed.

They were dressed in rattan armor, flexible and light, and some even jumped out directly from behind the stone.

With the few, but very deadly archers.

As soon as it fell within the phoenix slope, Cao Jun was immediately intercepted into several segments.

"Hahaha, we occupy a favorable location, and with the help of the vine armor army, this group of Cao troops is like lambs to be slaughtered."

Wu Yi looked at the chaotic Cao Jun, and laughed proudly when he stood on a high place.

"Kong Ming, sir, look at this group of Cao troops, there is no way to fight back, you only know to flee out."

Zhuge Liang naturally did not ridicule proudly like Wu Yi, but he was also very satisfied with such a scene in his heart.

Such an advantage killed Pang Tong, and he believed that no matter what, the rout of this group of Cao troops was a matter of the overall situation.

In the Falling Phoenix Slope, in a small space, the melee combat ability of the Vine Armor Army has been greatly developed.

Because opponents don't seem to have any other options than melee and flight.

"These Cao Jun are really useless, Mr. Kong Ming saw no, now within this mountain road, Cao Jun's figure has become less and less."

"Yan Yan, our famous old general in Yizhou, is now like a dog who lost his family, he only knows how to escape."

Wu Yi looked at the battle situation below, and his heart was happy.

It seems that he didn't expect to kill so smoothly and so coolly.

After killing Yan Yan, no one would dare to blatantly accuse themselves because of Liu Zhang's death.

Even if there is, no one will echo it, but not everyone has the prestige of the old general Yan Yan.

If it weren't for his prestige, how could Zhuge Qiu and them take Ba County so quickly.

"It's all our people?"

After Zhuge Liang heard Wu Yi's words, he was also stunned for a moment.

As a strategist, his eyesight did not seem to be as good as Wu Yi's.

He also reacted to being said this, and sure enough, if he looked closely, it seemed that this was really the case.

There were really not many Cao Jun who went in.

Thirty thousand Cao troops, even if they are divided into front and rear armies, the front army that has just seen it enter, there are several thousand people.

Even if the Vine Armor Army is powerful, they can't run around so quickly.

Looking at the terrain, and then at the soldiers who were still fighting below, Zhuge Liang suddenly had a strong uneasiness in his heart.

"Not good, we may have hit the plan." Zhuge Liang's face changed, and he almost blurted out.

Wu Yi was also taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't believe it, and soon laughed.

"Mr. Kong Ming, you are joking, we have killed Pang Tong now, Cao Jun has suffered countless deaths and injuries, and we have occupied a favorable position, how can we be successful."

Wu Yi felt that this was not nonsense, this falling phoenix slope, the vine armor army was almost full, no matter how he thought, he didn't think there was any problem.

"Retreat, retreat quickly, let the army withdraw from this narrow passage, since the Cao army has suffered countless casualties, we should also withdraw."

Zhuge Liang felt that no matter what, he could not continue to stay.

The Vine Armor Army had to withdraw.

Before Wu Yi could take the order and react, at this time, there was a fire rushing out of the passage.

The fire is fierce and very fast.

Zhuge Liang immediately understood that he really had a plan.

The vine armor army tried to rush out, but two rockets shot out again.

Zhuge Liang's face turned pale, and his body almost didn't stand firm. "It's over, the vine armor army is over."

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