The Cao army, who originally escaped from both ends, had already become the defenders guarding the passage of Luofengpo at this time.

The arrows that lit the fire continued to shoot inside, and the vine armor of the vine armor army could not resist this fire at all.

Instead, some of the vine armor soldiers struggled to climb back to the ambushed heights.

But it's easy to come down, and it's hard to go up.

Soon, smoke and screams began to fill together.

The fire grew bigger and bigger, accompanied by the scorched smell of corpses, clothing, and rattan armor.

"This... How is this possible, how can the Vine Armor Army be afraid of fire, why is this fire spreading so fast? Wu

Yi knew very well that their reliance was the Vine Armor Army, and the victory was originally in hand.

But now it has changed rapidly, and they don't even have time to react.

"When Yan Yan led the former army into Luofengpo just now, they grinded and rubbed, and now I think it is not to challenge our patience at all."

"This fire is so rapid, it must have something to do with it."

Zhuge Liang knew that even if he understood it now, it was already too late.

"This... But fortunately, we killed Pang Tong, and this Cao army used his example as bait, and we did not achieve nothing.

Wu Yi thought about it, and it seemed that his heart was much better.

"Once defeated, the weakness of the Vine Armor Army has been discovered, will we still have a use for the Vine Armor Army in the future?"

"And with so many vine armor troops dead, how should the Ugo Country Lord explain it."

Zhuge Liang glanced at Wu Yi, I really don't know what Wu Yi thinks, at this time, he even thought that he didn't lose.

Moreover, there was another thought, which also arose in his heart at this time, that is, the person who had just been shot to death was not necessarily Pang Tong.

The screams were still spreading, and it was already very difficult for Wu Yi and them to guide the Vine Armored Army to break through.

Thick smoke billowed out, the fire rushed into the sky, and there was a sea of fire, and they were almost unbearable even at height.

"Retreat, order the vine armor army to also try to break through and retreat."

Zhuge Liang sighed, and the whole person seemed to be drained of his strength.

It was clear that everything was within his plan, but how did it become like this.

Luo Fengpo had completely become a sea of fire at this time.

If Zhuge Liang could still see it, then he would have seen Pang Tong's figure appear in the army.

At this time, Pang Tong looked at everything in front of him, and he was also full of emotion.

It seems that Shouyi is right, only by ending the war as soon as possible and the unification of the world can this casualty be ended.

Although he won, there were not many soldiers who died in Luofengpo.

"If you want to blame you, blame me, it's me Pang Shiyuan who made you bait and outcasts."

Looking at the sea of fire, Pang Tong sighed in his heart.

The movement caused by the fire was also seen in the direction of Luocheng at this time.

"This... This fire is on the side of the road south of the city, and it seems that reinforcements have really arrived. Huang

Zhong and Wei Yan were both delighted when they saw it at the head of the city.

"Haha, Old General Huang, now that we have salvation, I know that Shouyi will definitely have a way, and he will not sit idly by."

Wei Yan looked at Huang Zhong on the side, also changing his previous sad attitude.

"Don't be happy too early, now even if reinforcements come, the battle situation is unknown, who knows who has the advantage."

Chen Lin on the side was not very good-looking, a little yin and yang strange, and poured a basin of cold water.

"Old thing, you..."

Wei Yan was immediately unhappy, but he was still pulled by Huang Zhong.

Although Chen Lin's words were ugly, they were not unreasonable.

The small road in the south of the city, leading to the west city gate, he knew, and Huang Zhong also knew that this road was narrow and easy to be ambushed.

Zhuge Liang and the Vine Armored Army have the advantage of geographical advantage, and it is definitely not easy to pass through the Falling Phoenix Slope.

"Pay close attention to the direction of the west gate of the city, if there are reinforcements, report them immediately and prepare to receive them."

Finally, Huang Zhong said with a serious face.

It is not yet known when reinforcements will arrive, but it is certain that it will be at the west gate of the city.

Compared to Luocheng's guard, at this time, the lord of the Ugo Kingdom, Vulture Bone was saying this to Meng Yu, but suddenly his face changed.

"The direction over there is Luofengpo?"

"Yes, over there is Luofengpo, it seems that Mr. Kong Ming has won a big victory."

Meng Yu saw the direction of the fire and said with a smile.

"You fart." The lord of the Ugo country was vulture bone, but he couldn't help it, and his face turned white.

"How do you..." Meng Yu was stunned for a moment, also displeased, and was just about to question the vulture bone, why did he spit fragrant fragrance in his mouth.

But he found that his face changed, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"The only thing the Vine Armor Army fears is fire."

The vulture bone did not hide it at this time, and he would never let Meng Yu know the weakness of the Vine Armor Army before.

After all, the Fuji Jia Army is his dependency, and the relationship between the two is difficult to guarantee that it will not deteriorate.

"Is there such a thing?" Meng Yu was also stunned.

Subconsciously, I want to ask why I don't know, thinking that even if it is my own hole card, I can't easily tell others.

Although Meng Yu is not flexible in his brain, he is not stupid.

This vine armor army is afraid of fire, such a big fire, that is to say, the defeated person is Zhuge Liang.

Mr. Zhuge he admired the most was defeated.

"Er waits so vicious."

Thinking that his 20,000 vine armor army might be wiped out, Woody Bone couldn't help but scold, his eyes full of resentment.

When Zhuge Liang came back, they were already very embarrassed.

Less than a hundred people came back alive, and all of them were seriously injured by burning.

Whether you can survive tonight is difficult to say.

"20,000 vine armor army, my 20,000 vine armor army."

Vulture said as if crazy.

"Say, why are you like this?"

"That... The Cao army was treacherous, using soldiers as bait, carrying things that caused fire, and his armor was covered with fire oil.

"Not only that, the former army led by Yan Yan Xiaoer turned out to be in addition to the soldiers, but also grass men wearing armor."

Wu Yi looked at the vulture bone and replied.

Zhuge Liang also closed his eyes, these are also said by the living vine armor army.

This is why Yan Yan's army is so grinding.

That's because the grass pawns need to be led by the pawns, and in order not to let them see the flaws, they are naturally slow.

"Mr. Kong Ming, are you not good at using your eyes, can't you even see this?"

After hearing this, the vulture bone directly looked at Zhuge Liang and asked angrily.

Zhuge Liang also understood the mood of the vulture bone, after all, the vine armor army is also a clan member of the vulture bone.

"So what did you take?" Meng Yu hurriedly asked in a circle.

After all, he still admired Zhuge Liang in his heart, and he didn't want him to lose like this.

Zhuge Liang shook his head, "In the battle of Falling Fengpo, I lost, lost." "

Wolong lost.

The phoenix chick was reborn from the ashes through this fire.

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