"High man?"

Not only Zhang Lu looked confused, but others were also confused.

When did this Hanzhong have a master, if there really was a master, why would he help Zhang Wei instead of directly helping Zhang Lu?

"Good." Zhang Wei nodded, "Brother, just rest assured."

Zhang Lu saw that Zhang Wei didn't seem to mean what he wanted to say, and he didn't ask more, this time was not the time to get to the bottom of it.

"Then immediately lead the army to ward off the enemy, and when you return victorious, I will reward you with it."

Zhang Lu waved his big hand, and this matter was decided.

Zhang Wei answered, and then turned and left the hall.

Zhang Wei also laughed when he returned to his mansion, and he was in a very happy mood.

"Hahaha, okay, the two are really a clever calculation, my brother has agreed that I will lead the town to guard Yangpingguan, so please ask the two for help, I Zhang Wei will not treat the two poorly."

Zhang Wei looked at the person in front of him, and his heart was also happy.

Today, everyone in the hall was impressed by themselves, and their shocked people seemed to be unable to open their mouths.

It makes him feel very comfortable, and the feeling of pretending to be forced is as addictive as ever.

"Master Zhang said seriously, it is also fate for me to come to help, defeat Zhang Fei, I don't need a reward to wait."

One of them replied after listening to Zhang Wei's words.

"You're polite, the reward is naturally wanted, and then it will definitely satisfy the two, then I'll leave for Yangping Pass immediately."

Zhang Wei said with a smile, he felt that this should be the other party's excuse.

Besides, if you don't have a plan, then why help yourself.

It's just that maybe what they don't want is something outside the body like gold and silver jewelry.

With his experience of eating, drinking and watching people, Zhang Wei felt that this must be the case.

After hearing this, the two did not say much more, nodded, and prepared to go to Yangping Pass with Zhang Wei.

To go to Yangping Pass, it is necessary to hold the pass and defeat Zhang Fei.

"Lord, this Lord Zhang Wei, today's move, I don't know if the Lord has doubts in his heart?"

After dispersing from the hall, Yang Song followed behind Zhang Lu and asked.

"You have something to do with me, is this the matter?" Zhang Lu's brows furrowed, and he said with a bit of displeasure.

"Do you know that you are provoking the relationship between our brothers?"

"Lord, don't dare to do it below, just worry about the lord in the bottom, this Lord Zhang Wei has always been lazy and does not like the director, today's facts may be surprising."

Yang Song quickly bowed his head, looking like he could admit guilt and accept punishment, but I had to finish speaking.

"There are indeed some accidents, but now that Hanzhong is in danger, my brother has this heart, which is really a blessing."

That being said, Zhang Lu's displeasure was obviously eased a little.

Yang Song knew Zhang Lu's personality, so he continued to speak.

"What the lord said is, but what I am curious about is who this Master Wei said about the master."

"In the land of Hanzhong, people who can be called masters, I really can't think of anyone else besides the lord, I'm afraid that General Zhang Wei will be deceived."

"In the next thought, the lord should still be careful."

Yang Song continued to speak, with the posture that I was thinking wholeheartedly about the Lord and Father.

"Well, I know this matter in my heart, you don't need to say more, otherwise it is to provoke the relationship between our brothers, and I will definitely not spare you lightly."

Zhang Lu scolded, signaling that Yang Song didn't have to follow, and there was no need to say any more.

Yang Song led the order, he knew very well in his heart, Zhang Lu's words were stern.

But Zhang Lu's reaction already said it all, and he was definitely not so calm in his heart.

After Yang Song left, Zhang Lu's mind also became heavy, everything was as Yang Song expected, Zhang Lu was indeed curious, after all, Zhang Wei's changes this time were not small.

With his brows furrowed, Zhang Lu returned to his mansion.

"Dad, why did you end the discussion so early today, seeing that my father is full of thoughts, but he is still worried about Zhang Fei's affairs?"

A young girl was practicing martial arts, and after seeing it, looking at Zhang Lu, she couldn't help but put down the sword in her hand and asked.

"Dad, don't worry, my daughter is willing to go out for my father, and now that Liu Bei sent Zhang Fei to attack Hanzhong, it is not easy to break through Hanzhong."

"Dad, my daughter is willing to lead troops to guard Yangping Pass, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack here, as long as it does not hold, the thief army will retreat."

The girl looked at Zhang Lu and said even more excitedly.

"Haha, my good daughter, you think too much, your second uncle has already asked for an order to go to Yangpingguan, and today your views are the same."

Zhang Lu looked at his precious daughter, and his mood was also much better, and he immediately replied with a smile.

"Second uncle?" Zhang Qiying was a little surprised, "Isn't he always unresponsible?"

"Yes, he has a good help." Zhang Lu nodded and added an explanation.

"What a master, dad, my daughter wants to meet." Zhang Qiying looked at her father and immediately asked.

Zhang Lu knew that Zhang Qiying was also not at ease.

Thinking of Yang Song's words just now, Zhang Lu quickly thought of something.

"Okay, since you want to meet, it's better for you to go to Yangping Pass with your second uncle this time."

Since Zhang Wei refused, he sent Yang Ang and Yang Ren to help.

Then let Zhang Qiying go, then everyone is a family, which is not good for you to refuse.

The more Zhang Lu thought about it, the more feasible he felt, so that he could achieve his goal and not hurt the love of the two brothers.

"Really? That's great. Indeed, she was not at ease and a little curious, but what Zhang Qiying didn't expect was that her father Zhang Lu actually agreed this time.

You must know that his great-grandfather Zhang Ling, but the eleventh grandson of Liuhou Zhang Liang, he also learned the art of war and martial arts since childhood.

In order not to disgrace his ancestors, now he finally has a place to use.

"Dad, don't worry, my daughter will definitely help the second uncle to guard the Yang Pass, and also see for the father who the master in the mouth of this second uncle is."

After Zhang Qiying finished speaking, she smiled and turned around to prepare.

Seeing Zhang Qiying turn around and prepare, Zhang Lu also sighed.

Unexpectedly, he is now reduced to asking for his own daughter, and he is also going to the battlefield for himself.

Zhang Qiying simply packed up a few clothes, then changed into a strong suit of fine armor, and went directly to Zhang Wei.

If it's late, I'm afraid that Zhang Wei is already leading people to set off at this time, in this case, then he won't be able to go at that time.

Zhang Wei and his party ordered Qi Junma, and when they were about to leave, Zhang Qiying had already arrived.

"Second uncle, my father asked me to assist you, and by the way, learn more from the second uncle."

"I heard that there is a high-ranking person around the second uncle this time, can I meet him?"

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