"You don't stay in Jingzhou well, if you run here, you won't be afraid that Jingzhou will be lost, or that Zhang Wei will know your identity and slaughter you."

"You violent woman, I think every day that I was slaughtered, and I am worried that you will suffer a loss, so I rushed to help."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lu Lingqi and said half-truthfully, in fact, after Pang Tong left, he received a letter from Lu Lingqi, leaving Zhao Yun in Jingzhou, and he left.

The main thing is to worry that Lu Lingqi's brain can't play Zhuge Liang, let alone Zhuge Liang, I'm afraid that this adviser in the Han, Lu Lingqi can't handle it.

"Really?" Lu Lingqi glanced at Zhuge Qiu after hearing this, and then thought of something, "This girl doesn't believe it, and besides, this girl's martial art, they can still be my opponents."

"You see, they all say that you have a big chest and no brains, so you know to fight and kill."

"You... Shameless. Lu Lingqi had never heard this kind of statement, and this guy actually said it so smoothly.

"Alas, don't do it, someone is coming." Seeing that Lu Lingqi was about to explode, Zhuge Qiu hurriedly stopped it.

Since practicing Lü Bu's martial arts, his hearing was far beyond ordinary people.

"Qiying, you came by such a coincidence, our master is also a woman, and in terms of beauty, I am afraid that you are inferior."

"That, Qiying, don't misunderstand, the second uncle didn't say that you were ugly, the main thing is that the person is really good-looking."

"Second Uncle, can you say two words less?" Zhang Qiying was suddenly speechless.

What this is saying and what it is, the more it is said, the darker it gets.

Lu Lingqi is also a person who practices martial arts, and naturally heard it, so she stopped it.

"Miss Lu, can we come in?"

Soon, Zhang Wei's voice was already ringing.

"Of course, I also packed up, are you going to go?"

Lu Lingqi cleared her throat and regained a somewhat cold expression.

Soon, Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu met Zhang Wei, and with him, there was also a woman.

Through the conversation just now, Zhuge Qiu already knew the identity of that person.

Zhang Wei called her Qiying, and there was only Zhang Lu's daughter Zhang Qiying.

"Miss Lu, Mr. Zhuge is the daughter of my brother, Zhang Qiying, this time I went out with the army, I don't want to meet the two, thank you for your help."

Zhang Wei naturally didn't know that Zhuge Qiu was already her identity, so he still introduced with a smile.

"Guest..." Zhuge Qiu said halfway, then he didn't say any more, forgetting that this time he came here mainly for Lu Lingqi.

She is just her adviser, and she can't speak first, which is easy to arouse suspicion.

"It turned out to be Miss Zhang, I saw Miss, in fact, we should go to see Miss."

Lu Lingqi immediately answered, and I don't know if he reacted slowly, or if this guy was used to being an uncle.

"Where, when you are in danger in Hanzhong, you are willing to help, and you should thank you both." Zhang Qiying and Lu Lingqi were also stunned for a moment, no wonder the second uncle said that she was beautiful, and it was really so.

In comparison, he is really inferior, especially the pair of murder weapons.

Zhuge Qiu naturally noticed that Zhang Qiying's eyes were also secretly funny in his heart.

After Zhang Qiying finished speaking, he also noticed Zhuge Qiu's gaze looking at him, thinking of his actions just now, it seemed that he was seen by this person, and he was also a little blushing.

It's all to blame the second uncle, who was just talking nonsense and caused himself to run off.

"This gentleman is also surnamed Zhuge ?"

"Yes, in Xia Zhuge Yi, it has nothing to do with that Zhuge Liang." Zhuge Qiu knew Zhang Qiying's thoughts, so he changed his name slightly.

Naturally, this is also done to save trouble.

"Since people have seen it, let's go."

Zhang Qiying still wanted to say something, Zhang Wei was already urging.

He didn't care about what Zhuge Yi was, he cared about Lu Lingqi.

If he can defeat Zhang Fei's army this time, he will let his eldest brother marry at that time.

Zhang Wei spoke, Zhang Qiying was not good to say anything, after all, Zhang Wei is the boss, or his second uncle, and now this threshold is really not suitable for delaying too long.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Qiying were in the front, and Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu were behind.

"Qiying, how about it, don't look at the girl Lu is a woman, she is not only beautiful, but also has extraordinary martial arts, this time to help us fight Zhang Fei, that is to avenge her father."

"Of course, you are also good, and martial arts are also good."

Zhang Wei didn't say that this was fine, as soon as Zhang Qiying said it, he thought of what happened just now, and he was suddenly speechless.

"Second uncle, when you talk about her in the future, can you not take me with you."

"Okay." Zhang Wei answered.

But in my heart, I don't think so, the second uncle is telling the truth, I still take care of your face.

"Second uncle, what about Zhuge Yi next to Miss Lu, do you know this person?"

"He, ah, is Lu Lingqi's adviser, a weak scholar, Lu girl he has a great use, he has only been here for two days."

"You ask him what he does, you won't fancy him, will you?"

Zhang Wei said while hurrying.

"What to say, how could I possibly like him."

"Didn't you find out Second Uncle, his observation is very keen."

Zhang Qiying refuted, thinking of when they had just met.

His loss of concentration, Lu Lingqi did not notice, but that Zhuge Yi noticed.

He just asked, his surname is Zhuge , and he took the initiative to say that he had nothing to do with Zhuge Liang.

It was as if he had seen through his own mind.

"Nope." Zhang Wei shook his head, "But he seems to be staring at your chest."

Zhang Qiying was suddenly speechless, she kind of understood.

All the thoughts of the second uncle were only on that Lu girl.

Even this time he took the initiative to go to Yangping Pass, most of them were for this Lu girl.

"I still think that Zhuge Yi is not simple, if not, I will try again."

The more Zhang Qiying thought about it, the more she felt so, she didn't like this feeling of not being able to see through.

"No need."

"Besides, the second uncle heard about it, this group of readers, but they are very good at coaxing girls, if you go, in case he deceives, I can't explain it to your father."

Zhang Wei felt that Zhang Qiying made a fuss, is it necessary for a guy without the power of a chicken.

"Second uncle, what is in your mind, besides, I said it all, I can't be deceived so easily."

Zhang Qiying explained wordlessly, she already didn't want to stay by Zhang Wei's side.

No wonder, everyone used to say that the second uncle was out of tune, but this is still not wrong.

Seeing Zhang Qiying riding around and going to the back, Zhang Wei didn't know what to say.

In fact, he also wanted to go to the back, after all, Lu Lingqi was there.

"No, this reader will coax women, and now that Qi Ying has also gone, there are not two around that kid."

"He won't be alone, deceive the two of them."

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