"The ring-eyed thief has not yet come out to die. The

next day, early in the morning, Lu Lingqi led the army to the place where Zhang Fei's army went down.

"Ring-eyed thief, let you escape that night, how, hiding in the camp today, like a shrunken turtle.

Lu Lingqi held Fang Tian's halberd and cursed, I have to say that she is serious about scolding Zhang Fei.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the back, but he was a little anxious.

"Chen to see it, this is the end of no culture. "

Sir, what do you mean by this?" Chen Zhi was a little puzzled, Lu Lingqi was quite devoted, he didn't think there was any problem.

"Don't you hear it, she's going back and forth, just two sentences, this word is really lacking."

"Just scolding like this, I tell you more than two hours, it's easy to dehydrate."

Chen Zhi also wanted to laugh a little when he heard Zhuge Qiu's words.

This is according to Zhuge Qiu's meaning, scolding people and scolding tricks.

However, thinking of Zhuge Qiu's scolding, it seems that no one can really take advantage.

"Look at it, scold like this, Zhang Fei will definitely not come out. As

soon as Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, a pawn came out from the direction of Zhang Fei Dazhai and rode out.

"Girl Lu, my general said, although you scold, if you are tired of scolding, go back by yourself, and he will not accompany him."

"But don't scold those words, it's easy to get tired of listening." The

pawn's voice was not very loud, but it also reached Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu's ears.

This can make Lu Lingqi angry, this damn Zhang Fei.

"Chen Zhi, come here, I'll teach you a few curse words. Zhuge

Qiu also knew that Lu Lingqi would definitely be angry at this time, so he planned to help her.

Otherwise, at Lu Lingqi's level, if it is in the future life, it is estimated that he will be scolded to death.

As for swearing, it is still necessary to serve future generations, big brothers.

As soon as the keyboard rang, the paragraph was ten thousand taels.

After Chen Zhi heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he was also a little confused.


these words are too bad, which simply scolds Zhang Fei's eighteen generations.

By the way, even Liu Bei did not let go.

"So, sir, do I really want to tell Miss Lu?"

Chen Zhi felt that he was a little unable to say this kind of words.

"Go quickly, what so many words. Zhuge Qiu smiled and urged Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi was helpless, so he could only bite the bullet and come to Lu Lingqi's side.

"That general, sir, said, he has some curse words here, let me tell you, you can try."

Chen Zhi was a little embarrassed at first, as if he couldn't speak.

But as he said it, he actually felt that this feeling seemed really good.

Scolding like this seems to be really smoother than scolding yourself before.

"Are you scolding me?" After

Chen Zhi finished speaking, Lu Lingqi's face was already dark.

She could see it very clearly, Chen to the scolding one in the back with feelings.

"No, I... It's just a word. Chen Zhi ran directly after speaking.

He now knew what happened to Zhuge Qiu's smile just now.

Lu Lingqi watched Chen Zhi run to Zhuge Qiu, and she immediately recorded the account on Zhuge Qiu.

"You guys come to me. Then

Lu Lingqi called a few soldiers over and asked them to be responsible for scolding.

"Haha, how about it, the daughters of the three family slaves, after hearing this, are they angry.

"Zhang Song, I have to say that scolding still requires you to be good at reading, which your Grandpa Zhang can't compare."

Zhang Fei saw that the pawn nodded, looked at Zhang Song on the side and praised with a smile.

"General, pass..." The word "Victory..."

Zhang Song also reacted, where is this boasting people.

And this Zhang Fei, a mouthful of Grandpa Zhang, he suffered a big loss.

When it comes to swearing, I'm not as good as you, and I can't speak out in the first place.

"No, it's not good, General, there is another scolding outside, a change of words.

"Change it, change it, not just those few words, what is fresh, see what makes you anxious, you will be tired of hearing it later." When

Zhang Fei saw that soon another soldier hurriedly came in, he immediately said unimpressedly.

"No, General, this time the words are very fresh, and they have been scolded for a while without repeating them.

"Many of our soldiers who were guarding the camp were listening to the excitement, and some even learned it.

The man quickly shook his head and explained.


Fei did not believe in evil, and immediately left his camp.

After Zhang Fei went out, he heard the soldier on the opposite side scolding.

This time, it was not Lu Lingqi alone, but hundreds of soldiers scolding there.

"Ring-eyed thief, you haven't come out yet, are you angry and your face is black.


Song listened to this on the side, and also subconsciously looked at Zhang Fei.

It's good that this doesn't look good, and he jumped up when he saw Zhang Fei.

"Look what, I'm born with it. Zhang Fei looked at Zhang Song and roared.

Zhang Song immediately felt that his brain was buzzing.

"Take my Eight Serpent Spear. Zhang Fei directly led the troops.

"All for Lao Tzu.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you today, and the three family slaves are here, and Zhang Fei is not afraid, and he is afraid that you will not succeed."

Zhang Fei listened to the mouthful of fragrance, and he only felt that his blood was surging.

Where have I received such insults.

We have not suffered this grievance.

"If you see it, don't you scold it." Zhuge Qiu smiled and glanced at Chen Zhi.

"Sir, who can stand this, if you scold me like this, I can't help but fight with you." Chen Zhi said speechlessly.

Lu Lingqi Fang Tian drew a halberd move, let the soldier retreat, and once again grappled with Zhang Fei.

After dozens of rounds, Lu Lingqi began to lose.

Where Zhang Fei was willing to let go, he immediately led the troops to chase and kill.

After the two armies fought and each suffered damage, they withdrew.

"Chen Zhi, you took the brothers who fell into the camp tonight and ambushed in the mountains and forests on the left, watching me raise the fire as a trumpet.

"When you see the fire trumpet, you can beat the drum, but don't fight, you understand."

"But if you don't send troops, then..." "

I have my own arrangements, just do it." Zhuge Qiu knew Chen Zhi's doubts, but now was not the time to explain.

"Yes. Chen left after receiving the order.

"What about me?" said Lu Lingqi after seeing Chen Zhi leave.

"No hurry, let Chen Zhi toss him for a while.

"Stay until the middle of the night, and you're circling in the direction of their retreat."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lu Lingqi and continued to speak.

"The other Zhang Qiying and Zhang Wei are ready.

Lu Lingqi looked at Zhuge Qiu and said nothing more, and immediately took the order.

When she was just about to go out, Zhuge Qiu thought of something and stopped her.

"If you can use a spear, you can draw a halberd from Fang Tian and borrow it from me." "

Fang Tian Drawing Halberd borrowed you?" Lu Lingqi was stunned for a moment, did not react for a while, and then handed Fang Tian Painting Halberd over.

Holding Fang Tian's halberd in his hand, Zhuge Qiu's arms exerted slight strength, and suddenly a metallic sound sounded, as if Fang Tian's halberd was whispering.

Lu Lingqi then remembered that this guy was not only tricky, but also deeply hidden in martial arts, and he was not comparable to himself.

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