"I'm angry, this girl, suddenly cursing so much.

After returning to the camp, Zhang Fei still felt angry at night, and couldn't help but curse and curse.

Zhang Song did not dare to speak on the side, for fear of being affected.

Anyway, he can't win, scolds if he doesn't win, and he doesn't dare to scold.

After a while, Zhang Fei seemed to slow down slightly.

"Dumb, don't say a word, what do you want to do

this Lu Lingqi?" "General Hui, in my opinion, this Lu Lingqi's sudden dispatch of troops to provoke must be some plot."

"You're not. When Zhang Fei heard this, he replied angrily.

"General, I'm not done talking yet. Zhang Song felt that Zhang Fei was deliberately angry with himself.

"If there is a fart, hurry up.

"The other side is so provocative, the purpose is only to lure our army into battle and test the truth."

"Now that the two armies are holding each other, I am afraid that Zhuge Qiu has already expected it, and our army is waiting for reinforcements."

"Mr. Kong Ming said before that he has an internal response in Hanzhong, and if this statement is true, this person will inevitably shake Zhang Lu's heart of confrontation."

Although Zhang Lu is not as weak as Liu Zhang, he is also not talented, and he is easy to listen to rumors.

"Zhuge Qiu must be anxious to engage us before this, and the general only needs to wait for reinforcements to arrive."

Zhang Song looked at Zhang Fei and said all his analysis.

"There is some truth in what you said. After Zhang Fei listened, he also thought about it, and did not rule out the possibility of what Zhang Song said.

In any case, it is naturally advantageous to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"If the general does not believe it, he thinks that the enemy will definitely make a move tonight.

Zhang Song added confidently.

"Well, pass the order down, and the army is on guard. The

first half of the night passed quickly, seeing that there was still no movement, Zhang Fei was also ready to rest after making a round.

As soon as I closed my eyes and felt sleepy, I heard the sound of drums and shouts of killing.

"The whole army is on alert. Zhang Fei immediately jumped up from the bed, took the weapon and rushed out.

Many of the soldiers were a little flustered, except for the original patrol and the guards, the other soldiers did not even have time to wear armor.

Zhang Fei didn't blame them, because he didn't even wear armor.

I just waited for a long time, but there was no movement of the soldiers looting.

"Strengthen your guard and the others go back to rest.

Zhang Fei left a sentence and said hatefully, it is impossible for everyone to wait like this.

As soon as I went to sleep, I thought it was okay, but the sound came here.

The army was on guard again, but the result was still a false alarm.

After repeating it three times, Zhang Fei's face darkened.

"I'll take someone to kill you.

"Generals must not ah, this is their exhaustion of the army, now the situation of the enemy is unknown, rash troops, easy to ambush." Zhang Song hurriedly stopped him.

"But do you just let them attack?

Zhang Fei scolded displeased, even if this thing knew that the other party was intentional.

But you can't help but get up, otherwise, if it is true or false, once it is true, you will be caught off guard and in danger of destruction.

But every time there is a false alarm, such a frequency, they can't rest at all.

On the second day, the third day, the fourth day, and so on, they will also greatly reduce their combat effectiveness.

"This Zhuge Qiu is really tricky.

Zhang Fei scolded, but there was no way to do it for a while.

"The general retreat, get out of here, and retreat to a flat place, so that they cannot ambush in the mountains and forests, with such tricks."

"Now that you can't take Yangping Pass, the location on the left and right is also occupied by Lu Lingqi and Zhang Qiying, so you can only retreat and wait for Mr. Kong Ming's arrival."

Zhang Song looked at Zhang Fei and continued to speak, instead of being scared here, it was better to withdraw first.

"Kong Ming's tips, you go to my camp and find out."

Zhang Fei didn't want to retreat, thinking of what Zhuge Liang said at the beginning, when he had nothing to do, he could open the bag.

I didn't open it last time, but this time it works.

He wanted to see if Zhuge Liang had calculated correctly this time.

Zhang Song went quickly, took it out after finding it, and handed it to Zhang Fei.

Without hesitation, Zhang Fei opened it directly, and there was a note inside.

After opening it, Zhang Fei and Zhang Song both saw a word.


"Mr. Kong Ming, sure enough, he calculated that we would be attacked and run, which means retreat."

"Mr. Kong Ming's use of running words shows that we should quickly retreat."

"The general must not stay here for long, otherwise he will be harassed more if he stays more."

After Zhang Song saw it, he quickly explained, and at the same time he was relieved in his heart.

He was afraid that Zhuge Liang was not talking about retreating, and Zhang Fei did not retreat, then he would suffer with it.

Zhang Fei saw that Zhang Song finished explaining so quickly, and he was confused.

His intuition told him that the meaning of this was not at all what Zhang Song explained.

But Zhang Song was so sure, he looked like he understood the king.

Thinking that it would continue like this, I really couldn't bear it, and finally agreed.

"The army retreated thirty miles. "

When the army got the order, it was naturally desperate to retreat, so toss, let alone sleep.

Getting up back and forth, I can't stand it.

Therefore, the army retreated quickly, so as not to be disturbed.

When Chen Zhi was about to wait for the signal, Zhuge Qiu had already changed into armor and appeared holding Fang Tian's halberd.

"Sir, why are you here, we are still ready to wait for your signal."

"No need, when I see Zhang Fei's army retreating, I will kill it with me."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Chen Zhi and said, such a toss, he didn't believe that Zhang Fei could always insist.

If you don't retreat tonight, continue every day.

Chen Zhi naturally nodded after hearing this.

Zhang Fei's tens of thousands of troops retreated, and although there was cover of night, Zhuge Qiu had already prepared to prevent him from retreating.

Nature was soon discovered.

Zhuge Qiu also smiled, it seems that Zhang Fei's patience did not disappoint him.

I thought he could last for two days.

With a drum sound, Zhuge Qiu immediately led everyone to rush out.

"Zhang Yide, I've been waiting for you for a long time, where are you going?"

Zhuge Qiu stopped in front of Zhang Fei and scolded.

"This Kong Ming. Zhang Fei saw that he was stopped as soon as he retreated, and he knew in his heart that he was afraid that it was not good.

Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment, what does this have to do with Kong Ming.

"It's just right, I just wanted to kill you, since Kong Ming is not your opponent, I just killed you today, one hundred." Zhang

Fei didn't wait for Zhuge Qiu to think more, and the Eight Snake Spear was already stabbing towards Zhuge Qiu.

"Then try it. Zhuge Qiu was not afraid, but he did not dare to take it lightly.

Fang Tian drew a halberd, opened and closed widely, and went straight up, and immediately collided with the Zhangba Snake Spear.

The huge force made both of their weapons emit a deep sound, as if it was their fighting intent.

"Besides, I have to fight you for three hundred rounds today. Zhang

Fei was shocked in his heart, Kong Ming, he was miserable by you this time.

When I go back, I have to settle accounts with you.

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