"Then see if you can last three hundred rounds. Zhuge

Qiu glanced at Zhang Fei and responded, and the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand swept out again.

Huge force, indomitable, like a fierce tiger descending a mountain.

Zhang Fei looked at such a domineering halberd technique and strength, and his whole person was shocked again.


Zhang Fei also knew very well that this was not the time to sigh, and the Zhangba Snake Spear was also like a flexible black snake.

The Zhangba Snake Spear quickly entangled Fang Tian's halberd, but the huge force seemed to tear it apart.

The surrounding air also made a subtle sound, as if they couldn't stand the strength of the two of them, and they were directly shattered.

Zhang Fei's arms shook, and the force once again spread into the Zhangba Snake Spear, as if he let out a roar, before shaking Fang Tian's halberd apart.

Zhuge Qiu was not very surprised that Zhang Fei could still resist now, but now he already knew about Zhang Fei's martial arts.

The Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand, without any pause, flew towards Zhang again.

Looking at this continuous attack, Zhang Fei also seemed to have thought of something, revealing an even more surprised look.

"You this... Did you learn this halberd method with the three family slaves?" Zhang

Fei had not fought with Lü Bu once, and he was naturally familiar with Lü Bu's halberd method.

It's just that the few times he just shot, Zhuge Qiu was too domineering, and he didn't think about it for a while.

"Yes, this is exactly Lü Bu's Heavenly Dragon Halberd Method. "

Zhuge Qiu did not hide it, although it was not taught by Lü Bu himself, but this is indeed left by Lü Bu, which can be regarded as respect for Lü Bu.

"No wonder, you kid dares to play ruthless in front of your Grandpa Zhang, but don't forget that the three family slaves, when the tiger was imprisoned, all defeated and fled in panic.

Zhang Fei replied while coping.

Of course, although he said so, Zhang Fei knew very well that Lü Bu's martial arts were really strong and placed there.

It's just that he won't show this, especially in front of Zhuge Qiu.

"Haha, Tiger Prison Pass.

Zhuge Qiu naturally saw the uneasiness in Zhang Fei's depths, and when he heard Zhang Fei say that the tiger was closed, he laughed even more.

"In that case, or you are looking for two adjutant generals to go together."

"Anyway, when you were in the Tiger Prison, didn't you do that?" After

Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he exerted his strength again, this time without any hiding.

Fang Tian drew a halberd and let out a chirp again, and he didn't know whether he felt Zhuge Qiu's battle intent, or if he couldn't stand this force.

Fang Tian's halberd swept out again with a blazing momentum, bringing a gust of wind, blowing the armor of both of them.

Zhang Fei's face changed drastically, and this huge halberd shadow rushed directly towards him.

If this is hit, it will be seriously injured if it does not die.

Zhang Fei knew that he couldn't dodge, so he could only resist hard.

Collided again, clattered.

Zhang Fei only felt that the force coming from the Zhangba Snake Spear made his tiger's mouth numb for a while.

Zhang Fei knew that he was really not this Zhuge Qiu's opponent.

This guy is too perverted, this strength may not be available even if he is a family slave with three surnames.

Zhang Fei made up his mind and found an opportunity to retreat first.

When Zhang Fei was thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu had already exerted his strength again.

"Zhang Yide, you dare to be distracted by trying with me. With

a loud gulp, the force in his hand increased again.

The furious halberd shadow once again overwhelmed Zhang Fei.

When it was about to come into contact with the Zhangba Snake Spear, the overwhelming halberd shadow seemed to disappear again, condensing into a sharp Fang Tian Painting Halberd.

The tip of the halberd and the branch of the halberd emitted bursts of cold light.

The Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand hurriedly greeted him, but this time it was not blocked as he expected.

Zhuge Qiu directly swung Zhang Fei's snake spear away with the tip of his halberd.

A dull sound sounded, and Fang Tian drew a halberd and hit Zhang Fei's armor firmly.

Zhang Fei only felt that he was shocked by a brute bull.

"Poof. Feeling a sweetness in his throat, he couldn't bear it anymore, and a mouthful of old blood directly spurted out.

"General, General.

"General Zhang. Zhang

Song and the pawn were also shocked when they saw this.

Zhang Song looked at the soldiers who were already fighting with Zhang Qiying and Zhang Wei's army who came later, and he knew in his heart that he was afraid that he would not be able to run today.

"What are you shouting, Lao Tzu can't die, it's just a little injured."

Zhang Fei scolded, and the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand stabbed towards Zhuge Qiu again.

Zhuge Qiu was just about to resist, but Zhang Fei was already making a false move, and directly withdrew and retreated.


Zhang Fei immediately ordered and led the men and horses to rush out in the direction of return.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the direction of Zhang Fei's retreat, and he knew that his task was completed.

The next thing is left to the violent woman to solve herself.

Zhang Fei was hit hard by his Fang Tian Painting Halberd, and he was definitely seriously injured, and his chances of surviving were slim.

In his current state, he couldn't be Lu Lingqi's opponent at all.

Zhang Fei led the men and horses to retreat all the way, but this road suffered heavy losses, and by the time they were killed, the army was already exhausted.

Zhang Fei's original black face had already turned miserably white at this time, and sweat was constantly oozing from his forehead.

"General, if you have to hold on, we will definitely be able to kill it."

Zhang Song was also full of worry when he looked at Zhang Fei at this time, and he knew very well that if Zhang Fei really fell, they would be completely hopeless.

Zhang Fei did not scold Zhang Song this time, to be precise, he did not speak.

He no longer had the strength to speak, and he knew in his heart that he would not survive.

Unexpectedly, he died in Hanzhong in the end.

However, it is not a shame to die in battle.

He didn't have the strength to say these words, and he wouldn't say more, because it affected morale, and he had to lead the rest of the people back.

"Keep retreating. After a while, Zhang Fei spoke with some difficulty.

Zhang Song did not dare to delay, so he could only listen to the order to organize the army to retreat, so as not to be caught up.

"Ring-eyed thief, you can't run today. The

army did not go far, and Lu Lingqi was holding a spear at this time and led the army to kill.

Looking at the army that was already exhausted, Zhang Feishi suddenly panicked.

Zhang Fei laughed weakly at this time.

"I said why would he let me go, it turned out to be waiting here."

"Come on.

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, he rushed towards Lu Lingqi.

I want to be the original Taoyuan Yiyi, Tiger Prison Pass Three Ying Battle Lü Bu.

Now he has become his own alone, I don't know when it started, and it is no longer a three-person heart.


a trance, he seemed to return to the manor full of peach trees.

"Is this the Taoyuan?"

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