"What's not good, Pang Tong just passed on a letter.

Zhuge Qiubai glanced at the messenger, but it was just a letter from Pang Tong, what was the fuss.

However, after Pang Tong burned the vine armor army, he also stayed in Luocheng for a long time, and he never returned.

After receiving the letter, Zhuge Qiu directly opened it, and there was no evasion.

Zhao Yun naturally saw the contents of the letter next to him, "Sir, Yunchang was detained?" Zhao Yun

saw that what the letter said was that after Guan Yu went to Chengdu, after worshiping Zhang Fei, Liu Bei didn't seem to want Guan Yu to leave.

"It's not a big surprise.

Zhuge Qiu replied, it was normal for Liu Bei to keep Guan Yu.

As for the button, Zhuge Qiu felt that it was impossible, unless Liu Bei was crazy.

Guan Yu's character, Zhuge Qiu believes that Liu Bei still understands, lectures on morality, but also arrogant, eating soft rather than hard.

If Liu Bei dared to use force against Guan Yu, it would only be counterproductive.

If it was useful to Guan Yu, I am afraid that Old Cao would have already overlorded the bow.

Liu Bei must also know Guan Yu's character, so if he is smart, he will definitely not forcibly detain Guan Yu, and at most he will play the emotional card.

Compared with Guan Yu's matter, another thing mentioned by Pang Tong in the letter attracted Zhuge Qiu's attention more.

That is, the contradiction between Chen Lin and Wei Yan intensified, and Wei Yan shouted every day to cut Chen Lin.

Zhuge Qiu naturally knew Chen Lin, this guy would be sent by Cao Cao to Luocheng, and he deserved it.

He didn't plan to regulate this matter, no matter what Wei Yan did, he wouldn't stop it.

"Okay, there's nothing to do, let's go out for a walk." After

Zhuge Qiu put away the letter, he got up, and in the palace these days, in addition to dealing with official documents, he played cards.

Playing every day, it will also be tired, of course, the main thing is that no one can win themselves.

Lu Lingqi, and there are no cards, he didn't admit it if he lost, and the most infuriating thing was that he lost to Zhao Yun and them, he confessed.

Only if she lost money to herself, she did not admit it.

No wonder the ancients said that only women and villains are difficult to raise.

The group of three left the Taishou Mansion and walked around Jiangxia City.

"Before Lu Xun attacked Jingzhou, it caused panic among the people, and some of the people were mistakenly injured when attacking the city.

Walking on the street, Zhao Yun looked at the streets that seemed to have recovered some vitality and liveliness during this time, and couldn't help but sigh.

When Lu Xun marched, Jiang Xia was not to mention the night, and there were few people in the streets during the day.

Unless forced to do so, they hide in their rooms and do not come out to avoid being accidentally injured.

Of course, not only by mistake, but also worried about whether Jiang Xia would be pulled to defend the city if Jiang Xia could not hold it.

This kind of thing was very common in ancient times.

"Now you understand why I emphasize unification as soon as possible.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and said.

"After Yunchang returns this time, he will attack Yizhou with his division, and he must take Yizhou. Zhuge

Qiu felt that he could not delay any longer, and this time he hit Liu Bei hard and was the best opportunity to attack.

"Let's go, let's go and see, there are living immortals in front."

"Really, where are the living immortals.

"Just ahead, the Living Immortal is trying to save people from the water. Zhuge

Qiu and them were talking, when suddenly many people around them rushed towards their left front with an excited face.

Not only them, but also some houses of ordinary people along the way, which were originally closed, also opened at this time.

"Hurry, you hurry, or you won't be able to catch up."

"Hurry up, take Xiaobao with you."

Not far away, Zhuge Qiu saw a man anxious to urge his wife, who was still holding a child.

"Strange, what living immortals, where there are any immortals.

After Lu Lingqi saw it, she immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu with doubts.

"I don't know about that. Zhuge

Qiu saw Lu Lingqi ask himself, he was also confused, just came out, where did he know what immortals are not immortals.

Moreover, in this kind of thing, he still maintained an unbelieving attitude.

"Sir, or let's go over and take a look."

Zhao Yun saw that everyone didn't know what was going on, and he looked very curious, so he immediately opened his mouth and suggested.

"Then take a look. Zhuge

Qiu was also curious in his heart, so naturally he would not stop it, anyway, he would come out to shop.

In this Jiangxia, there was a living immortal, and he didn't even know it, so he didn't go out to see how it would work.

In this way, the three people walked slowly and followed the direction where the group of people went.

Compared with those who are excited, dragging their families and mouths are all running forward, a few of them are also different.

When many people ran past them, they would unconsciously look at each other, as if they were curious about why several of them were so slow.

"You are so slow, but when the time comes, you will let the living immortals blame, this is not a godly thing. Finally

, when an aunt holding the child passed by them, she opened her mouth to remind them.

However, after saying that Zhuge Qiu did not give them a chance to speak, the aunt already continued to run towards the front.

"It seems that this living immortal does not seem to have a low status in the hearts of the people.

Zhuge Qiu smiled bitterly and looked at the running people.

Although this was also expected, when they arrived at their destination, Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun were still shocked by the scene in front of them.

The entire street, on the road in front of them, was already full of kneeling people under black oppression.

The people were very religious, knelt there, and then after the salute, they raised their heads and looked ahead.

The same was true of the people who came behind, who consciously followed behind and knelt down.

In this way, Zhuge Qiu and a few of them, they will definitely not kneel, and they will be very abrupt at one time.

"What kind of people are you who come to see the living immortals and are unwilling to kneel?"

"Look, these people, dressed richly, even if they don't believe in living immortals, they can't come, but now they come, they don't want to kneel."

"Can't let them anger the immortals, everyone kick them out together." "

Soon from the beginning of complaining, to the beginning of preparing to do something to the three of them.

Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun both frowned, this is a bit difficult to handle.

To deal with those people, they must not be able to kill the enemy as if they were on the battlefield.

But now they are angry, do not move, and do not know what will happen.

"Stop it. Just

as many people were surrounding them, a voice came.

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