Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun naturally heard this, originally he thought that there would inevitably be a fight, and whether he should leave first.

As a result, as soon as these words came out, this group of ordinary people, who were still agitated, immediately quieted down, as if they had heard a holy decree.

Zhuge Qiu was also emotional, no wonder in ancient times, many emperors were ruthless to some sects that they killed.

This thing is too serious for brainwashing, which is naturally a great threat to the imperial power.

Being able to pull up a large group of people at every turn, obeying orders, is naturally a very terrible thing.

The people who had quieted down soon gave way to a road, which was very neat.

They also finally saw that there was a grass futon in the front, an old man in a plain robe, walking towards him with a smile step by step.

"A few nobles came, and the old man was rude.

"You are the living immortal, you tricked them to worship here?" Lu

Lingqi was the first to speak, with a bit of displeasure and doubt.

She didn't have a good impression of this kind of pretending to be a ghost, especially when she almost caused turmoil and was almost beaten.

"Hahaha, Miss Lu said seriously, the living immortals dare not say, old age is just casting charms to save people.

"Ben girl didn't believe it. Lu Lingqi snorted coldly.

Zhuge Qiu frowned, they didn't report their identities here at all, but the old man in front of him knew Lu Lingqi's surname.

It seems that this old man really has some skills.

Thinking that I had met Zuo Ci before, and Guan Yuan, although the gods were nagging, but the ability was also real.

That is, they once impacted their three views, more than crossing.

"Dare to ask who the old man is?" asked Zhuge Qiu as he looked at the man.

"Sir Wisdom, everyone knows it, why not guess?" The

old man did not answer directly, but looked at Zhuge Qiu with a smile.

A short sentence, but let Zhuge Qiu understand that the other party knew his identity.

That is to say, this guy is most likely a capable person and belongs to Zuo Ci's kind of person.

This is Jiang Xia, in this period in the south, if he is the most sensational, the first thing that comes to his mind is Yu Ji, who is active in the southern Jiangdong land.

Remembering what Sun Shangxiang told him before, before Sun Ce died, he also saw Yu Ji gathering many people and casting spells to save people.

At the beginning, Sun Shangxiang told himself that Yu Ji was a demon and did not save people, so Sun Ce was furious.

Thinking of the scene in front of him, Zhuge Qiu already had a conclusion in his heart.

It's just that Yu Ji shouldn't have been cut by Sun Ce

, but when Sun Shangxiang said it at that time, there seemed to be a hidden secret.

Think about it, if you really hack to death, Yu Ji can still become a ghost to scare Sun Ce to death

, so the paragraph in the speech, whether true or false, seems to really not be able to conclude that Ji is dead, but proves the evil nature of Yu Ji's guy.

After all, Zuo Ci played Cao Cao, and Yu Ji killed Sun Ce, at least hastening his death.

"You are from Yuji Dao.

"Daring, the name of the living immortal is what you can say.

"It's so rude. "


As soon as the words fell, one after another the voice of accusation was already coming.

"It doesn't hurt. Yu Ji smiled and was unimpressed, which made people quiet.

"It turns out that you are Yu Ji. Zhao Yun also remembered at this time, when Sun Shangxiang said this matter, he was also on the side.

"It seems that the three of them all know old age, I don't know what happened to this trip?" Yu

Ji still had a faint smile, everything seemed to be so light, which was also an acknowledgement of his identity.

"Today, seeing the people in a hurry, I was curious, so I came to find out.

"But don't you feel familiar about today's events?"

asked Zhuge Qiu as he looked at Yu Ji.

When he said this, he naturally tested Yu Ji, and when he said déjà vu, he meant the time when Yu Ji was cut by Sun Ce.

After Yu Ji heard Zhuge Qiu's words, his face finally changed a little, as if he remembered something.

"Mr. Fei, I also think that I am demagogic and deceiving, and I want to emulate that Sun Bofu, and then get rid of it quickly?" Yu

Ji looked at Zhuge Qiu, obviously he also understood the meaning of Zhuge Qiu's words.

"If you do not harm the people, I will not care much, but if you really deceive the hearts of the people, it will be difficult to escape this calamity."

"What a delusion, it is difficult to escape this calamity, it was the calamity of old age, and it was also his calamity."

Yu Ji tasted and said.

Zhuge Qiu also knew that he in Yu Ji's mouth was referring to Sun Ce.

"The old immortals are here today, not only for them, but also for you.

After a while, Yu Ji looked at Zhuge Qiu and said softly.

"For me?"

Zhuge Qiu was a little puzzled, did Yu Ji still want to take Sun Ce's set on himself?

"Yes, Zuo Ci said that you are not only extremely intelligent, but also extremely savvy and profound.

"In your hands, there are many things that are unheard of, which ordinary people cannot see.

"Zuo Ci's immortal wood got your call, and then he realized that he said that you also deceived his Taiqing Dan. "


Zhuge Qiu did not expect Yu Ji to know Zuo Ci, and also called Zuo Ci a decaying wood.

Speaking of which, when I first met Zuo Ci, this guy was indeed ordinary and liar.

"I can tell you, I didn't lie to him, he got me so much, Mai Lisu... Immortal elixir, he made a lot of money, if there is no my elixir, how can he open up?" Zhuge

Qiu felt that he had to explain, after all, he was so big that he changed Zuo Ci's heavy metal pill.

Lost in the ring, even the corner of the corner I have to forget.

After Yu Ji heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he was also stunned, "What Mai Lisu?"

No wonder this guy suddenly got the hang of it and showed off to himself.

"This is my secret, I have no comment.

"Zhuge Qiu saw that Yu Ji was interested, of course, he would not tell Yu Ji so easily.

"Xiaoyou is really interesting, no wonder he can see Zuo Ci's Taoism.

Yu Ji smiled and said that the latter seemed to be more curious.

Zhuge Qiu also knew that Yu Ji should have been referring to the time in the Wei Palace, and saw that Zuo Ci was teasing Cao Cao.

"Xiaoyou, if this is not the case, how about the old immortal also exchange one thing with the little friend?" "If the old immortal

did this today, then it will not be fruitless?"

Yu Ji looked at Zhuge Qiu and lowered his voice and spoke.

"This... I'm afraid this is not very good, besides, I also have this thing for people with fortune, if you use it and it has no effect, won't you blame me for lying to you?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Yu Ji with a embarrassed look and said.

But the next moment, Yu Ji came over, and a word shocked Zhuge Qiu.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoyou, like the old immortal, can also be regarded as a person who has died once, and the old immortal has believed. "

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