"What nonsense are you talking about, what has died once, don't talk nonsense.

"This man cannot be resurrected from the dead, and if he has died once, is it a ghost before you now?" Zhuge

Qiuqiang suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Yu Ji and refuted.

This kind of thing, he naturally will not admit.

Yu Ji's words can be described as true and false, he is crossed, if from the soul, he is definitely not dead.

But for the self in the afterlife, it is already dead in the afterlife.

As for Yu Ji himself, he was cut by Sun Ce once, and it seems to make sense.

"Hahaha, why should Xiaoyou react, Xiaoyou and talk about whether it can be changed or not." Yu

Ji saw that Zhuge Qiu denied it, and he was not surprised.

This kind of thing, if you can admit it casually, it should be strange.

"Change, it's not impossible, but this is not the place to talk, it's better to find another place, just to discuss one or two."

Zhuge Qiu didn't directly refuse this time, because Yu Ji's words really shocked him a little.

When he first saw Zuo Ci, Zuo Ci didn't find anything at all.

When he encountered Guan Yuan, he calculated that Xun Zhi's life was not long in coming, but for himself, Guan Yuan could not calculate it.

That is to say, this somewhat evil Yu Ji seems to see the clue.

This had to make Zhuge Qiu pay attention, of course, he would not admit it.

"Okay, just according to Xiaoyou, then the old man will first treat this side of the people.

Yu Ji did not refuse, and it can even be said that he agreed very cheerfully, as if expected.

This made Zhuge Qiu a little surprised again.

"Can you really save people?" Zhuge

Qiu was still a little puzzled, after all, he also believed that Sun Ce would not find trouble with Yu Ji for no reason.

According to the speech, Sun Ce is jealous. Or rather fear of Yuji's appeal.

According to Sun Shangxiang, Sun Ce saw that Yu Ji was a demon and treated people to kill people.

There must be truth or falsehood in both.

However, I also happen to be waiting for the meeting, so I can take this opportunity to ask clearly.

"If you cure the disease, you can't cure the heart."

Yu Ji said with a smile, and then walked back in the direction of the futon.

"Little friend, go back, the old man will find you."

"What did you two just mutter, how did you get to the back and feel that what you said, we couldn't hear clearly."

After Lu Lingqi saw Yu Ji return to the futon, she looked at Zhuge Qiu with a puzzled expression.

"General Zhao, did you hear that?" she

also asked without forgetting to turn her head to look at Zhao Yun on the side.

"Don't tell the girl, this voice is too small, and I can't hear it clearly.

Zhao Yun shook his head, he also felt very strange.

At first, he thought that he couldn't hear it, but now it seems that Lu Lingqi didn't hear it either.

Zhuge Qiu also saw their doubts, and sighed in his heart about Yu Ji's means.

Of course, he understood why Lu Lingqi and Zhao Yun were so confused.

The martial arts of the two of them are both unusual, especially Zhao Yun's martial arts are far above Lu Lingqi.

At such a close distance, with the six senses of those who practice martial arts, there is no hearing at all.

But the result was really inaudible, which naturally surprised them.

"Okay, go back, this person is not simple.

Zhuge Qiu said, not letting them continue to entangle.

After all, some words just now, Zhao Yun they don't know, it's not a bad thing, and they don't want them to know.

"Well, it's really this guy's magic. As soon as Lu Lingqi heard this, she immediately became angry, and soon thought of something, looking at Zhuge Qiu.

"By the way, he didn't do anything to you, did he?"

I'm okay, we're two men, how else can he drip.

Zhuge Qiu hurriedly spoke, otherwise, Lu Lingqi's words were accompanied by this look staring at him, he always felt strange.

"Zilong, after you go back, you will send some soldiers to maintain order so as not to cause chaos.

"And when the time comes, record those who were saved by Yu Ji."

After thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu felt that it was more secure like this.

If someone was killed by Yu Ji this time, then it means that what Sun Shangxiang said is credible.

Even if it is a little difficult, I have to fix this Yujiban.

After returning to the mansion, Zhuge Qiu was still full of emotion about Yu Ji's affairs today.

He was a little looking forward to Yu Ji being able to solve his confusion, and he wanted to know how much Yu Ji knew.

In a flash, the time for the afternoon will come.

"Sir, I'm back. "

Zhao Yun came to Zhuge Qiu at this time, in order to be cautious, Yu Ji's matter, Zhao Yun personally took people there.

"What's wrong?"

Zhuge Qiu saw that Zhao Yun had returned, and immediately asked.

"This Yuji Daoist did not let the people leave until after noon.

When they left, many people were very happy, and according to the gentleman's question, it seemed that there was nothing unexpected for the time being.

Zhao Yun told Zhuge Qiu everything he knew.

"Well, but you still can't relax, pay attention.

"Understood. Zhao Yun nodded, he knew that Zhuge Qiu wanted to observe for a few more days.

"Haha, Xiaoyou is really cautious.

After Zhao Yun left, not long after, Yu Ji pushed the door and came to the study.

"You just came in?"

Zhuge Qiu was also surprised, were the guards in his mansion all decorations.

After thinking about it, it was Yu Ji, and everything seemed to be very reasonable again.

"Little friend, if there is anything you want to ask, the old immortal can solve your confusion for you.

Yu Ji looked at Zhuge Qiu and spoke, and also consciously found a place to sit.

Good guy, you're familiar with it.

"So, then I wonder how Sun Ce happened in the first place, why it was rumored that he killed you, and you took revenge on him after you died. Zhuge

Qiu was also not pretentious, Yu Jidu had already spoken, and he didn't ask in vain.

"Old Immortal and his affairs may be predestined.

"When I used spells to save people and save the people in the land of Wuhui, I was also doing good deeds for myself and accumulating virtue.

"If I lost my hand, a child died, and the people were in a panic, and all my sins were my sins."

"It is precisely because of the sins of old age that perhaps this calamity occurred, and Sun Bofu wanted to kill me because of this."

"It's a pity that the old man studied the Taoist art by himself, studied the Taiping Qing Dao, and the way of mortals, although it can't kill me, it can hurt me."

"Sun Bofu sits in the land of Jiangdong, and there is a luck of qi on one side, and when the luck of qi disperses, it is the time of death.

Yu Ji was also embarrassed after speaking.

It was precisely because of that time that his vitality was greatly injured, and he no longer haunted the world, and if it were not for Zuo Ci, he would not have come to find Zhuge Qiu today.

Zhuge Qiu did not speak after listening, but continued to ask, "Then why do you say that I and you are generally dead?" Zhuge Qiu

looked at Yu Ji, he wanted to know what Yu Ji knew.

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