"I heard that, Wei Yan killed Chen Lin, and Shouyi wanted to protect Wei Yan. "

Xun Mansion, Xun Yu was watching there with a book, Xun Yu took a sip of tea, sat down and spoke.

"With this matter, why did he kill Chen Lin?" Xun Yu was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't know.

Although after the previous events, he also saw through the situation and understood that the Han family could not be guaranteed, and Liu Xie was even less worthy of protection.

But he gradually did not want to worry about the affairs of the imperial court, did not want to serve the imperial court, and did not want to work for Cao Cao.

The reason why he sits in an official and a half-post is more because he thinks of Zhuge Qiu's words and does things for the people of the world.

It doesn't matter who the official is and who he is working for.

"Chen Lin, this guy, when he is old, he began to be jealous, he was not used to keeping righteousness, repeatedly ridiculed, Luocheng battle, and had a conflict with the martial general.

Xun Yu sighed, he didn't know what to say, and sighed.

"It seems that Chen Lin is old, and he is not as good as that Xu Yu.

After Xun Yu listened to Xun Yu's words, he seemed to remember the past.

"Yes, at the beginning, Xu Yuhao was helping the King of Wei, took Jizhou, and defeated Yuan Shao, but he was still cut down by Xu Chu.

"This Chen Linluocheng battle, without merit, but still does not know how to converge.

Xun Yu also nodded in approval, although this Xu Yu matter has passed so many years, it does not mean that it has been completely forgotten.

"Why, are you worried that the kid will be blamed by King Wei, or that King Wei will not let him protect Wei Yan?"

Xun Yu put down the book in his hand and looked at Xun Yu and asked rhetorically.

After all, he also knew that the relationship between Xun Yu and Zhuge Qiu was very good, and the two often mixed together.

"Yes, although Shouyi is King Wei's son-in-law, Chen Lin is a member of the Chen family, and presumably they will not give up.

"King Wei originally protected Xu Chu because Xu Chu was King Wei's favorite general.

"However, the relationship between Wei Yan and Shouyi is different, and if Wei Yan is Shouyi's love general, the nature is even different.

Xun Yu thought about it and still voiced his worries.

Xun Yu naturally knew what Xun Yu meant, but he also felt that this Xun Yu was a little worried.

He didn't have two years to live, and he still had the mind to manage Zhuge Qiu's affairs and worry about others.

"This matter has nothing to do with our Xun family, I think it is better not to mix it up.

"But Shouyi, this friend is worth making, and everything just goes with the flow." Xun Yu persuaded after thinking about it.

Xun Yu naturally understood what Xun Yu meant, that is, this matter, they ignored it, what should they do.

Now that I think about it, it seems that this is the only way, even if they want to make a fuss and do not need to help themselves, they will not be righteous opponents.

In addition to Xun Mansion, at this time, many people were already discussing this matter.

"Mr. Sima, this time, you must speak for our Chen family." In

Sima Yi's mansion, someone also came to the door at this time and begged.

"I believe that King Wei will decide on this matter. Sima Yi glanced at the kneeling young man in front of him and spoke.

He naturally knew about this matter, and when he first heard about it, he was still very surprised.

Because he didn't expect such a thing to happen, he also knew that Zhuge Qiu was bold.

That's why when he was in Yecheng, even Liu Xie's mansion dared to enter directly.

"Master Sima, please also Mr. Sima, you must be the master."

After listening to Sima Yi's words, the man was obviously still dissatisfied, and quickly spoke.

"As long as Lord Sima is willing to speak, I think King Wei will definitely severely punish Wei Yan and Zhuge Qiu.

Young Master Chen got up and spoke.

Sima Yi quickly helped the person up, but he was very disdainful of these words in his heart.

"Young Master Chen overestimated the status of Mr. Zhuge in the heart of King Wei, this is not to say Xu Chang now, even if it is the world, how many people don't know?"

Sima Yi glanced at him, and then asked rhetorically.

"I know below, but it is precisely because of this that there is a greater need for someone like Mr. Sima who can speak out.

"In this way, we can further bring out the integrity of Lord Sima and wait for me to wait for the greatness of the grievances." "

Hahaha. When Sima Yi heard this, he also immediately laughed.

That Young Master Chen saw Sima Yi laughing, and he also laughed.

I thought that my own horse fart seemed to have played a role.

"What are you laughing at?" Sima Yi heard his laughter and glanced at the man coldly, "Are you laughing at your own ignorance?"

I..." At this time, the man also reacted, his face changed, a little flustered, he knew that he would be wrong.

"Integrity, greatness?" Sima Yi laughed disdainfully, as if looking at a fool.

In such troubled times, no matter what integrity and greatness, these are just fools.

If it weren't for his own wit, he would have died a long time ago, earlier than Chen Lin, how could there be today.

"You go back, I can't help you in this matter, even Your Majesty can't help Zhuge Qiu, do you think you can?"

Sima Yi looked at the man and directly issued the eviction order.

"Please also think twice, if the adults are willing to help, my Chen family will saddle the horse for Mr. After

that, he withdrew.

Looking at the back of the man leaving, Sima Yi seemed to be a little more thoughtful, and when the back disappeared, he only spoke.

"Stupid people don't survive to the end, and they are not qualified to be our Sima Yi's pawns. "

The next day, the Xuchang Palace was in the early dynasty, and with a sound of the upper dynasty, hundreds of civil and military officials rushed in.

Today's upper dynasty, in fact, is more about taking a situation.

Because everything needs to be decided through Cao Cao and his civil staff.

These official posts have long been distributed.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, your father has been wronged, and please ask Your Majesty to be the master." Just

as everyone was going through the motions, suddenly the person at the end of the queue stood up and shouted.

For a while, the faces of the others also changed, and they naturally knew something.

But what he didn't expect was that this Chen Lin's son really dared to stand up.

"Oh, Chen Aiqing, I don't know what you said?" Liu

Xie actually heard some things, and when he saw the Chen family stand up, he was also happy in his heart.

He was afraid that this Manchu dynasty was civilized and martial, and no one dared to stand up and say a word about Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu.

"Back to Your Majesty, his courtier was an official in the imperial court, valued by the King of Wei, and Luocheng was an enemy, but he died at the hands of that Wei Yan for no reason.

"Zhuge Qiu even shielded Wei Yan and asked His Majesty to be the master."

"Oh, and such things, how can there be such absurd things under the Great Han World and the King of Wei." Liu Xie looked shocked.

"King Wei, you don't know about this. And what should I do with it?"

then Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao and asked.

"If there is such a thing, what do you think should be done with it?" said Cao Cao and replied lightly.

"This... I thought that I should return justice to the Chen family, but in order to avoid wronging Zhuge Aiqing, how about letting the two of them return to Xuchang first?"

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