"Sir, according to the news from King Wei, the killing of Chen Lin this time was making a lot of noise in Xu Chang, and many people also put this matter together with Xu Chu's killing of Xu Yu in the first place."

"Now the Chen family is shouting for His Majesty to preside over justice, and let King Wei summon you and Wen Chang back to Xuchang."

In Jiangxia's palace, Pang Tong watched Zhuge Qiu tell Zhuge Qiu all the news from Cao Cao.

"Then go back."

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised, he also knew very well that this matter was just a fuse.

The main thing is that Liu Xie saw Chen Lin's death and had the opportunity to provoke confrontation and use it against Cao Cao, and wanted to do a death throes.

After all, Chen Lin, as one of the seven sons of Jian'an, still has some status among the literati, and the Chen family is also a big family.

"Just go back like this, in case King Wei..."

"It's nothing, do you think Old Cao likes Chen Lin very much?"

Zhuge Qiu interrupted Pang Tong with a smile, he was aware of Pang Tong's concern.

At the beginning, Chen Lin's article, "For Yuan Shao's Yuzhou Text", which scolded Cao Cao's ancestors for eighteen generations, stinked, and also scolded his Chen Lin's reputation.

Therefore, how much Cao Cao can like Chen Lin, it's just that Chen Lin scolded for being famous, and forgiving Chen Lin can more directly show Cao Cao's courage.

"That's what the gentleman said." Pang Tong thought that this was also the truth, besides, Cao Cao couldn't let his daughter keep the empty room so quickly.

If Liu Xie hadn't intervened, it would really be difficult to say, but Liu Xie intervened horizontally, originally between Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao.

Now it has become a matter between Cao Cao and Liu Xie.

How could Cao Cao let Liu Xie win, how could he give hope to those old ministers?

This is absolutely impossible.

"Sir, you are ready to return to Xuchang, but Yunchang has not returned yet."

Zhao Yun understood, after Zhuge Qiu wanted to return to Xu Chang, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and said worriedly.

It has been almost a month since Guan Yu returned to Yizhou, and he has not returned yet, and Zhao Yun is also a little worried.

He believed that Guan Yu said that he would come back, then he would come back, but the more so, I was afraid that Liu Bei would not let Guan Yu go.

"Don't worry, Yunchang will be back soon, and after we go back, we will temporarily hand over this place to Lao Pang."

Zhuge Qiu was not worried about what Zhao Yun said, everything seemed to be expected by him.

"Leave it to me?" After hearing this, Pang Tong was stunned for a moment, he thought he was going back.

"Why, you're not happy yet, you won't be in a hurry to go back to see Miss Cai."

Seeing Pang Tong's reaction, Zhuge Qiu immediately smiled back and quipped.

Pang Tong suddenly did not speak, Zhuge Qiu did not say, he still did not feel anything.

But after Zhuge Qiu said it, he felt that this seemed to be really a little.

"Okay, Lao Pang, don't be aggrieved, don't worry, in less than a month, Yunchang will return."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tong's reaction and immediately laughed.

The next day, Zhuge Qiu went on the road with Zhao Yun and Wei Yan to return to Xuchang.

The road was peaceful, but it may be that they brought fewer guards, and they also encountered a robber.

Zhuge Qiu also took pity for them, and as a result, before he could make a move, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan solved all the dozen people.

Xu Chang's side naturally also knew that Zhuge Qiu was already on his way back.

"Sir, the people of the Chen family are here again."

"No, these idiots."

After Sima Yi heard this, he immediately refused to meet.

The last time we met, it was already a mistake, and I overestimated the group of fools of the Chen family.

I said it all at the beginning, and His Majesty couldn't help Zhuge Qiu.

It is to tell the people of the Chen family not to involve this matter on Liu Xie's body.

But Chen Jing's mental retardation not only said it, but also said it directly in the imperial court.

It could have been done in colluding with the generals in Zhuge Qiu and making a big fuss, causing Cao Cao's suspicion.

The result turned out to be a contest between Cao Cao and Liu Xie.

It became a contest between the King of Wei and the imperial power, and what suspense was the result.

Since this is the case, then there is even less need for you to participate and cause trouble.

"Then I'll go back for the adults." The people in the house answered and complied.

After about a cup of tea, someone came in again.

"Sir, Prince Cao Pi is here."

"Hmm." Sima Yi nodded, put down the book in his hand and got up.

"Pi Gongzi is here, Sima Yi has seen Gongzi."

"Zhongda doesn't have to be polite, why do you and I have to be so polite, besides, I came here today as a friend."

Cao Pi watched Sima Yi come out to greet him, and immediately said with a smile.

In this way, the two entered the study together.

Sima Yi directly repelled all the subordinates.

"Gongzi came here today because of Chen Lin's affairs?"

"Hahaha, I really can't hide anything from Gongzi, but I also heard that people from the Chen family also came to you before."

Cao Pi did not deny it now, and also looked at Sima Yi and asked.

"Gongzi is really well-informed, it is true, but the people of the Chen family are too stupid, they don't have any chance."

Sima Yi did not deny it, but watched Cao Pi continue to speak lightly.

"Yes, Chen Lin didn't like his father, and the text he wrote for Yuan Shao at the beginning, it was worthless for my Cao family to scold."

When he said this, Cao Pi also smiled bitterly, quite self-deprecating.

"Zhongda, since the Chen family is bound to lose, is there really no way to let my father take advantage of this matter to have a bad heart for Zhuge Qiu?"

Cao Pi then continued, his voice also suppressed a little.

"It's difficult, and now he's King Wei's son-in-law." Sima Yi shook his head.

"Why is Gongzi so persistent?"

"Why should Zhongda knowingly ask, now the position of the son of the world is undecided, but everyone with discerning eyes knows that the father values the younger brother more than Chong."

"Zhuge Qiu has the best relationship with Brother Chong, with him, what hope do I have, if I don't have him, then Brother Chong must not be able to compete with me."

Cao Pi glanced at Sima Yi and said with a bit of cruelty.

Sima Yi also did not refute, if not for Zhuge Qiu, Cao Chong would have died a long time ago, and naturally could not compete with Cao Pi.

"Gongzi, speak bluntly, Zhongda also thanks Gongzi for his trust in his heart." Sima Yi looked at Cao Pi and replied.

"So Zhongda, you must find a way, if even you can't help, I really don't know what to do."

"Don't worry, if I become the son of the world, I will not treat you badly."

Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi and said solemnly.

"Pi Gongzi, the words are serious, Zhongda did his best, but this matter should not be rushed, it is needed..."

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