At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Jiangxia County led fourteen counties: Xiling, Jingling, Xiyang, Xiang, Qiu, Xuan, E, Anlu, Shaxian, Xiaochun, Zhen, Yundu, Xiahe, Zhongwu, Xiang, Zhongwu in Eastern Han Province, and added Pingchun County and Nanxin City County.

Although there were changes during the Eastern Han Dynasty, they were largely the same, and by the Three Kingdoms period, both Wei and Wu established Jiangxia Commandery.

Now Liu Bei is stationed in the Jingling Tomb, and after more than a month of rest, Liu Bei can be regarded as having recovered some vitality.

The reputation of the imperial uncle of the Great Han is equivalent to a golden signboard, so gradually Liu Bei gathered tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Liu Bei's little days began to moisturize again.

Liu Bei, who was already dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang, seemed to have hope in his heart.

At least at the time of the tomb, Zhuge Liang recruited troops, and everything was still planned only in an orderly manner.

When Jiangling was besieged, it was also thanks to Zhuge Liang that he came here.

"Lord, now that Cao Cao is in the land of Jingxiang, sooner or later he will continue to attack us, and if he wants to completely defeat the Cao army, it is not enough to rely on us, Liang has already sent people to Jiangdong, presumably there will be news in the next few days." The

feather fan in Zhuge Liang's hand shook gently, and then reported to Liu Bei.

"In the battle of Changbanpo, our army was defeated, will Sun Quan be willing to join forces with me and others?" Liu

Bei was obviously still a little worried, how to say that Sun Quan is also a big family now.

"Lord rest assured, my brother Zhuge Jin works together in Jiangdong, and the truth of the cold lips is still clear to the Jiangdong monarchs.

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and analyzed very confidently.

When he first arrived at Jingling to rectify the army and horses, he had already sent someone to send a letter to his old brother Zhuge Jin.

"Moreover, the lord is the uncle of the Han emperor, Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and the Jiangdong Sun clan wants to resist Cao Cao's army justifiably, and the reputation of the lord is indispensable.

"This is true, if this is the case, then the matter will be left to Kong Ming." "

Liu Bei has always been very proud of the Great Han Imperial Uncle's signboard.

Zhuge Liang's words can also be regarded as unintentional, and he took the horse fart in place.

"Report, Lord, Military Master, General Zhao Yun is back.

"Zilong, what did he come back to do, didn't he already return to Cao Thief?" Liu

Bei was a little surprised when he heard this, and then said with a cold snort.

Zhao Yun is indeed a fierce general, but he is an unfaithful fierce general, so naturally it has no effect in his eyes.

"That... Master, shall I go and invite General Zilong in?" the

soldier saw that Liu Bei was displeased, and immediately asked.

"You go out first.

Liu Bei frowned and did not answer.

"Lord, it's a good thing that General Zilong is back, why didn't the Lord see him?"

"Hmph, it's been a month, and I'm only coming back now, I'm afraid that he came back this time to persuade me to surrender for Cao Thief."

Liu Bei snorted coldly, not hiding his displeasure.

"But Lord Lord, as far as I know, Zilong is not such a person, Lord is better to see him. Compared

to Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang felt that Zhao Yun was better to use.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are Liu Bei's righteous brothers, and they don't put themselves in their eyes at all.

If it weren't for the battle of Jiangling, he would have finally relieved them of the siege, I am afraid that he would have been hacked to death by Zhang Fei long ago.

After Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words, he hesitated.

Before he could speak, then movement outside came in.

"What happened outside?" Liu Bei quickly asked.

"It was General Yide and General Zilong who fought. The soldier replied immediately.


At this time, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei both held weapons and glared angrily.

"Well, you are a Zhao Zilong, Li Zhang Fei knows that you are not a good bird, and you dare to show your weapon in front of Li Zhang Fei, just to try your jin two."

Zhang Fei heard that Zhao Yun had returned, but he was the first to run to settle the account, and he didn't expect that he hadn't scolded yet, and Zhao Yun was angry.

"Yide, I don't want to make a move with you, don't force me.

Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Fei and took a step back and said, if it weren't for Zhang Fei's harsh speech and aggressiveness, he wouldn't have flashed his weapon.

"What about forcing you, let's see if you have become stronger after you return to Cao Thief."

Zhang Fei said disdainfully, seeing that Zhao Yun did not make a move, he became even more powerful, "If you don't make a move, then I will teach you a lesson first, just to clean up this traitor of yours for the eldest brother." After

Zhang Fei finished speaking, the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand actually stabbed directly towards Zhao Yun.

Although Zhao Yun didn't want to make a move, it didn't mean that he would sit still, and he could only shoot to resist.

"I have already said that I am not a traitor, and that I surrendered that day because the young lord was forced to do so, and Cao Cao promised to let me return in a month.

Zhao Yun explained again, he did not use the reason Zhuge Qiu gave him to lie that he had fled back.

Instead, he told everything truthfully.

"You think Zhang Fei will believe you?" Zhang Fei sneered.

"You first voted for Yuan Shao, then Gongsun Zhan, and then with my eldest brother, and now you voted for Cao Cao, Lü Bu is a family slave with three surnames, and you are not even as good as a family slave with three surnames. "

You are not even as good as the three family slaves.

You are not even as good as the three family slaves.

These words continued to echo in Zhao Yun's ears, impacting his heart over and over again.

He didn't expect that he would return here, without any comfort, in exchange for such an evaluation.

The hand holding the spear couldn't help but increase its strength, as if to vent.

The humiliation and anger in my heart are about to fill up at once.

"No, I'm not wrong. "


Zhao Yun drank violently, and he couldn't bear it anymore, and the gentian bright silver gun in his hand shot out directly like a bolt of lightning.

Zhang Fei didn't expect that Zhao Yun was so powerful under his rage, and suddenly stumbled back a step.

"Enough, Zilong, don't stop yet. When

Liu Bei came out, he saw this scene and immediately scolded angrily.

Zhao Yun saw that Liu Bei came out, so he put away the spear.

With such a big movement, Liu Bei actually came out now, and the first thing was to reprimand himself.

Zhao Yun suddenly became a little stunned, and his heart was a little unhappy.

"Why, when you come back, you don't know me?"

"Zilong has seen the lord. "

Although I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I still have to abide by the righteousness of the king, and perhaps the lord is also a momentary anger.

"Why are you two fighting here?" Liu Bei nodded in satisfaction and asked.

Zhao Yun did not add oil and vinegar, but simply said all the things, including the surrender of Cao Jun to save Ah Dou that day.

Zhao Yun believed that even if Zhang Fei did not believe and misunderstood himself, Liu Bei should believe in himself.

"General Zilong means that when you return to Cao that day, you are following General Guan's former return to Cao. Zhuge Liang took the lead in speaking for Zhao Yun.

"Yunchang is my second brother, he deserves to be compared to my second brother?"

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