Zhang Fei originally had an opinion on Zhuge Liang's plans these times, and he pitted himself so miserably, and now Zhuge Liang actually spoke for Zhao Yun, and he was immediately unhappy.

In a word, he is worthy of comparing with my second brother, and immediately turned Zhao Yun away, like falling into an ice cave, when he descended to Cao, in addition to protecting Adou, it also had an impact on Yu's deeds.


Zhuge Qiu were here, he would definitely be very disdainful.

Come on, the first person to doubt Guan Yu was not you, the ring-eyed thief, if Guan Yu hadn't killed Cai Yang to prove himself, could he talk so well?"

Liu Bei spoke after a while, looking at Zhang Fei and scolding.

But this painless sentence made Zhao Yun chill.

Zhang Fei didn't trust himself, even if he was cold, he could understand that Zhang Fei was originally this temper.

But Liu Bei is his own lord, after the death of Gongsun Zhan, Liu Bei is at the end of the day, even so, he has no hesitation to follow.

Today, he fell a result that was inferior to even Lu Bu, and a result that was not worthy of being compared with Guan Yu.

It seemed to see Zhao Yun's cold heart, and Liu Bei also remembered that this was not quite in line with his personality, so he looked at Zhao Yun again and sighed, changing his words.

"Zilong, when you surrendered Cao Cao, everyone saw it, and now that you return, it is inevitable that Yide will be suspicious.

"In this way, if you really return, you can tell me everything about Cao Ying."

"Zilong has nothing to say, although Cao Cao has not persecuted me, he has never conspired with Zilong.

Zhao Yun answered truthfully, indeed in Zhuge Qiu, Cao Cao did not avoid him when he spoke.

But none of the things Zhuge Qiu has done in the past few days have anything to do with Liu Bei.

Eat hot pot, drink, play poker, chant poetry.

"Big brother, you saw it, you give him a chance, this kid doesn't know to cherish it, and he has an iron heart to protect Cao Thief."

As soon as Zhang Fei heard Zhao Yun's words, he immediately opened his mouth as if he had found a spearhead.

Liu Bei glanced at Zhao Yun, as if to say that I am disappointed in your performance.

"Go back to the camp first, and I'll summon you again if something happens."

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave, obviously not wanting to pay attention to this matter anymore.

"No need, since the lord does not believe in Zilong, then there is no point in Zilong staying here, on the contrary, it will be considered a fine work.

Zhao Yun finally made a decision the moment Liu Bei turned around.

It was heartbreaking, but he knew it had come to this and had nothing to say.

"Zilong, you..." Hearing this, Liu Bei turned around, seemingly unexpected.

Zhao Yun knelt down and bowed goodbye to Liu Bei, "Changbanpo battle, Yunben has the heart of mortality, helpless to bear the young lord, dare not abandon, today the lord is suspicious, Zilong has nothing to say, so say goodbye, and hope that Jun is well." He

got up and picked up the gentian silver spear and walked outside.

"Zhao Zilong Xiu left, and Zhang Fei saw through your thief heart, so you can't wait to turn to your new master?"

Zhang Fei roared, holding the Zhangba Snake Spear to move.

No, at least not now, because he was also confused and confused in his heart.

Although Cao Cao cannot be blamed for today's situation, he is an indispensable factor.

"Tsubasa, stop.

Guan Yu stopped Zhang Fei and signaled him not to stop Zhao Yun.

Maybe he had the same experience, or maybe he still remembered the righteousness with Zhao Yun in his heart, so he pleaded with Liu Bei.

"Big brother, let Zilong leave, Zilong returns, if you kill it, it will damage the reputation of the eldest brother, who will dare to vote for the eldest brother in the future, and with Zilong's martial arts, if he swears to resist to the death, I am afraid that death and injury are unpredictable." "

Lord, what Yun Chang said is extremely true, the alliance with the Jiangdong Sun Clan is imminent, if you kill the general at this time, I am afraid that you will be discussed, so it is not good, why not let him go, in order to show the lord's benevolence, I believe that the world will have a public opinion."

Zhuge Liang also opened his mouth again at this time to intercede.

"Let him go. After Liu Bei listened, he agreed, signaling Zhang Fei not to entangle.

Zhao Yun's heart was not even more unpleasant, but after taking two steps, he looked at Zhuge Liang as if he had thought of something, and reminded him, "Military master, you are not his opponent." "

This can also be regarded as a reward for Zhuge Liang speaking for himself.

Looking at the back of Zhao Yun leaving, thinking back to this sentence, Zhuge Liang was a little confused and scratched his head.

After leaving the tomb, Zhao Yun had an indescribable feeling, sadness, or relief?

"Sir, you have miserable me." Zhao Yun smiled bitterly and disappeared into the crowd.

"Ah Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu rode his horse and walked leisurely, and suddenly sneezed.

"Damn, who's scolding me behind my back.

Zhang Liao was already surprised by this Zhuge Qiu's sudden words, but just smiled, "Sir, you are a big red man next to the prime minister, who dares to scold Mr."

"It must be Xu Chu's tiger force, I don't have alcohol in his absence."

"Didn't the gentleman give him a bottle when he left?"

"Is that for this, that's this shameless scoundrel." Zhuge

Qiu thought of being punished by Xu Chu with a bottle of Wuliangye when he left, and he was unhappy in his heart.

Xu Chu was so big, Zhuge Qiu felt that half of it was estimated to be because of thick skin.

Zhang Liao also smiled, of course he knew Xu Chu's friendship with Zhuge Qiu.

"Sir, you will arrive in Jiangxia in about two quarters of an hour.

Zhuge Qiu nodded, finally coming to this horse riding is a little guilty.

Although there is a mat, there is no Takahashi saddle, and the horse pedals are also triangular and simple, let alone the horseshoes.

Therefore, if this horse walks and encounters a place where stones pull ballast, it is even more sinful, and it must be careful.

Jiangxia County rules fourteen counties, but this Jiangxia City is a strong city and very imposing.

Zhuge Qiu looked at it and felt that compared with Xiangyang Town, it was not too much.

Jiangxia is also an important town, and most of Jingzhou's money and grain are hoarded here.

This is one of the reasons why although Liu Bei was defeated in history, he was still able to quickly gain a foothold in Jingzhou.

Money and food in hand, soldiers and horses naturally have.

"Wen Yuan, you first go find a place to live, put the horses away, I'll go shopping first, and after an hour, gather here."

Zhuge Qiu looked around, and then pointed to the Tianfeng Tea House in front of him and said.

"That gentleman be careful.

Zhang Liao thought that leading a horse in the city was indeed too eye-catching, and after thinking about it, he agreed.

Zhuge Qiu saw that Zhang Liao had gone to find a place to live, and he also began to shop.

Here, every city is equivalent to a tourist place, full of freshness.

"Yes, the ancient folk customs are still very simple.

As soon as the words fell, in the alley, a figure followed by a group of people rushed out.

"Stop, stinky boy don't run. "

Groove. Zhuge Qiu couldn't dodge and was directly knocked to the ground.

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