Zhuge Qiu was also speechless, and he could encounter this kind of vain disaster when he went shopping well.

The hand subconsciously pushes away the person who presses on him.

Where I started, I only felt a softness, this stepping horse is not what a man should have.

Even the pectorals are not so soft.

Before Zhuge Qiu could react, the person who was pressing on him was already electrocuted and climbed up sharply.

"Snap, scoundrel, smelly faceless. As soon as

Zhuge Qiu got up, he immediately swept over with a slap.

Where can Zhuge Qiu not understand ah, this stepping horse is a Xibei goods, just a tomboy.

What a hell, how did this ancient and modern times turn around.

There are many women's clothing bigwigs in the future, not to mention, sissy, pseudo-lady is a large piece, and those little white-faced stars with makeup for all kinds of ladies are also a lot.

How come there were so many women dressed as men in ancient times?

This was the case when I first saw Huang Yueying, and now there is another one.

However, it is also the ancient status of men and women that are very different, and it is really convenient for women to pretend to be men.

"Hey, you make some sense, it's clear that you hit me first, forget it, slap you and count it twice."

Zhuge Qiu was speechless, whether this horse was peach blossom luck or something.

"Okay, you two old men, what kind of hooligans, less fun with me."

"Smelly boy, quickly give the money to Lao Tzu, dare to steal Lao Tzu's things, let you know how powerful." The

big man who chased after him and the little brother behind him were immediately unhappy, and the leader took a breath, and then pointed to the Xibei goods in front of Zhuge Qiu and scolded.

"Whoever stole from you, don't talk nonsense. Xibei also knew at this time that it was not the time to calculate with Zhuge Qiu, and immediately spoke.

"Hey, you still dare to be tough, and when Laozi finds it, see if I don't break your dog's leg." When

the leading man heard this, he was immediately unhappy, and made a move, "Toast without eating, eat and punish wine." The

little brother behind him immediately surrounded him.

"Brother, the money will be given to you, I will go first. Seeing

that the situation was not good, that Brother Gongzi looked at Zhuge Qiu and shouted, and then he actually jumped and rushed out directly from the crowd.

Zhuge Qiu didn't expect that this guy was a trainer, and when he wanted to run, it was too late.

You step on the horse, yin me.

No, Zhuge Qiu found that he really had an extra bag of things in his arms.

If this thing is found by them, this group of scoundrels will really beat themselves.

There's nothing to say to them.

Zhuge Qiu quickly took the money on his body, and put all his brains into the storage ring except for his clothes.

"Guys, big brother, I really don't know him, I didn't take his money, I don't believe you searched." Zhuge

Qiu saw that people came up and took the initiative to speak.

"Look, I just got a slap, and you all rushed out of nowhere.

Zhuge Qiu shook his sleeves while speaking, and then, patted his arms, and jumped twice.

Don't say anything, you can't even hear a sound.

"You go and search. The

big man at the head frowned, half-believed, and asked a little brother next to him to search.

Zhuge Qiu did not resist, this show met the soldiers, it is reasonable to say, anyway, they can't search for it.

"Big brother, there really isn't.

"The next time I meet him, don't break this kid's leg."

The big man looked at the direction the tomboy left and cursed and said, and then left directly with the person.

Zhuge Qiu was also relieved, fortunately, the other party still talked about martial virtue.

Ate some tofu, slapped and earned a bag of silver money.

Zhuge Qiu didn't know if he had earned anything, and continued to walk forward with a curse.

This girl's strength is really not small, and her face is still hot.

Rubbing his face, Zhuge Qiu still walked the streets and alleys, like dirt buns entering the city.

Finding a place where there was no one, Zhuge Qiu began to take things out of the storage ring.

I can't get slapped in vain.

Not to mention that there is really a lot of gold and silver in it, three large gold ingots, and a lot of broken silver.

Among them, the five-baht money, that is, similar to the copper money, most of them circulate in the hands of the people, and the five-baht money is less.

However, five baht money is not worth much, which is one of the reasons why the people suffer.

In this way, this fight is not a loss.

"Give me my money back.

When Zhuge Qiu was happy, a voice sounded behind him.

Zhuge Qiu was also excited, and immediately took back everything to the storage ring.

"What your money. Zhuge Qiu turned around, isn't it just the girl who slapped herself.

"You slandered me as your accomplice, almost made me beaten, and you still have the face to ask me to take money, don't say no, even if there is, don't give it."

Zhuge Qiu said with a very bare look.

How can the money that went into the pocket be returned, this is the cost of mental damage, the cost of medicine.

"If you don't give it, don't blame Ben Gongzi for being unkind.

"Gongzi?" Zhuge Qiu gave him a blank look, all like this, and pretended in front of him.

"Why, is there a problem, people who practice martial arts, muscular, why not?" seemed

to think of what happened before, immediately blushed, and then retorted.

"Oh, yes, then may I ask you, why are you martial arts practitioners so pompous?"

Shameless, hand over this girl's money. "

She didn't pretend either, and it went straight to the showdown.

Reach out and search your body.

Zhuge Qiu wanted to hide, but this guy was really good, and he stopped him all of a sudden.

Then the hand had already begun to fumble on Zhuge Qiu's sleeve, as well as the front arms.

"You're a girl, can you be more reserved?" "

Hey, men and women are not related, can you pay attention to the influence."

"Come, it's rude. "

Strange, obviously saw him come out with silver, how could he not find it.

"Can you still make a face, quickly take out the money of the money of the money of the girl of Qianben, otherwise you will be ignored if you call your throat." "

Can't find silver, Zhuge Qiu shouted so shamelessly, the other party is also angry.

She had never seen such a shameful person.

"Who dares to hurt my husband?" Zhang

Liao thought that he had misheard, but when he took a look, he saw a man with his hand on Zhuge Qiu.

And he also said that no one paid attention to his throat, although the thunder was not light, but he also rushed over immediately.

"Zhang..." After

seeing the person coming clearly, the woman subconsciously said, and then immediately glared at Zhuge Qiu.

"You dare to covet this girl's silver, you wait for me, next time I want you to look good." After

speaking, he just slipped through the cigarette and left directly.

"Sir, you too... That's that, if I hadn't happened to pass by, I'm afraid it would..."

"Just your size, she's a woman."

Zhuge Qiu could see Zhang Liao's dirty thoughts at a glance.

He was a little curious, this Xibei seemed to know Zhang Liao, and deliberately avoided him.

Kind of interesting.

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