Zhuge Qiu naturally knew that the guards around him were rightly worried.

However, looking at the group of people, he also frowned.

It's not just because this matter is not easy to handle, once there is a real riot and kill them, then it will save people in vain, and slaughtering the people will ruin their reputation and reputation.

The massacre of victims is even more spurned, even if they don't care about reputation.

But he really couldn't do this kind of thing.

Moreover, after entering Jingzhou, he knew that many people were very resentful, and blamed this disaster on the anger of the heavens caused by himself.

He has never disclosed his identity, but he does not want to cause riots and delay disaster relief.

But today, these people come straight here, and the destination is not ordinarily strong.

Could it be that someone is instigating this?

The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible, if this is the case, I am afraid that it will be more difficult later.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me."

Zhuge Qiu tried his best to make his voice heard by more people.

"What else is there to say, it is because you are disobedient, you will be angry and resentful, and pity the people of Jingzhou, because you suffered this natural disaster."

A middle-aged man at the head immediately retorted, his voice seemed to be a little louder than Zhuge Qiu.

"Don't listen to his demon words to confuse the public, I have already inquired clearly, this Zhuge Qiu can speak eloquently and sophistically equally."

"At the beginning, many Jingzhou literati and talents were not his opponents, so don't listen to him more, think about our homeland."

"Think of our relatives who were buried in the ruins and underground, who were once so happy, as if today people say goodbye."

Listening to the man's constant inflammatory words, Zhuge Qiu was already sure that this person was not an ordinary disaster victim.

It must have been ordered by someone, and it is very targeted, making a fuss about dead relatives.

Originally, when those who saw that there were officers and troops coming out to guard and maintain, many people were a little afraid and hesitant.

At this time, his eyes were already red, as if he really remembered those dead relatives.

"Yes, we want to avenge our dead relatives, we can't let this dog official get away with it."

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and soon many people echoed, as if they would be infected.

"Adults, be careful, rest assured, if they dare to advance, we will protect them." The guard hurriedly spoke.

At the same time, the soldiers were ordered to press in, which was a very ordinary defensive operation.

Suddenly, it gave people with intentions the opportunity to play.

"Did you see it, this dog officer has these, the guard of the minions, he wants to kill us and kill us."

As soon as these words came out, the people could not restrain themselves.

"Give me all down."

Zhuge Qiu also shouted at this time, and the soldiers and people around him were frightened by this momentum.

"Sir..." the guard hesitated.

"Stand down."

In the end, the soldiers retreated, leaving enough distance for the people and alleviating the sense of persecution of the previous confrontation.

"I know it's hard for you to lose your loved ones, but natural disasters are beyond human control, so if you act impulsively now."

"It will inevitably lead to chaos in the disaster relief order, the progress will be delayed, and more people who are alive, and those who may be saved, will die because of you."

"Is that what you want to see?"

"If something happens to you, those relatives who have passed away, presumably they will not be at ease in heaven."

Zhuge Qiu seized the brief gap and quickly spoke.

Although the people are now encouraged to hate themselves, he believes that most people are still unwilling to oppose the government.

"As long as everyone unites and gets through this difficulty, I will definitely help you rebuild your home and let your deceased loved ones rest in peace."

"Guys, don't listen to his nonsense, this dog official is the best at demagoguery."

The leader saw that someone began to hesitate, and quickly stirred up again.

"You are a nonsense, how Mr. has saved the people these days, can't you see?"

"There are gentlemen in many places, and some of you were saved by gentlemen with medical skills."

Before Zhuge Qiu could speak, someone had already walked out from the side.

"Yes, Doctor Zhang."

Someone recognized that person, Zhang Ji was Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing treats and saves people on weekdays, but the people are very loved, this time Jingzhou suffered, he also did not hesitate to help treat and save people.

After listening to Zhang Zhongjing's words, some people hesitated again.

Indeed, many of them have been personally treated by Zhuge Qiu.

At that time, they did not know Zhuge Qiu's identity, and they kept praising him as a good official.

There were also people who were dug up by Zhuge Qiu himself under the house.

If you think about it, apart from the uncontrollable natural disaster, this person does not seem to have any sorry for himself.

On the contrary, his means of disaster relief are those who used to flee to Jingzhou, which they find most effective and quick.

Zhuge Qiu did not expect that Zhang Zhongjing would come at this time, and usually the two of them were almost divided into two cities to save people.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhongjing spoke, this time more effective than himself.

"Doctor Zhang, what you said is right, but so what, it's just that he is making up for his sins."

"If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have needed treatment at all, we wouldn't have been victims."

The leader was stunned for a moment, and then immediately spoke, but this time his momentum was a little weaker.

"That's right, Big Brother Han is right, he is atonement."

It was the voice that echoed before, Zhuge Qiu heard it, this is the dog tray.

And it is also a dog tray that is more evil than a dog tray.

"Atonement?" Zhang Zhongjing laughed, "If saving people is atonement, then is the old man also atonement?"

"If he is gone, will the people who died because of it want you to atone for their sins?"

"The healer is benevolent, the old man believes in Mr. Zhuge and he passes on his medical skills to us without reservation, which shows his benevolence and righteousness."

Zhang Zhongjing glanced at the man and spoke again, originally he came back to ask Zhuge Qiu if there were any medicinal materials, and Fan Cheng lacked medicine.

It turned out to be this.

"Everyone go back, if you don't leave, the soldiers around me won't leave, they want to save people."

"Don't worry, I will do what I say, help you get through the difficulties, and ensure that you do not become displaced people."

Zhuge Qiu saw that the opportunity had come and spoke again.

"Seriously? But I heard that the food was going to run out, and we were going to starve to death here. Finally

someone else tried to speak.

"Seriously." Zhuge Qiu said affirmatively.

It seems that this is the root cause of this gathering.

With Zhuge Qiu's affirmative answer, there was also Zhang Zhongjing on the side to guarantee.

The people began to disperse, they really just wanted to live.

If they really starve until that day, it will not be too late for them to rebel.

"Thank you." Zhuge Qiu thanked Zhang Zhongjing, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

"Medicinal herbs, there are not many Xiangyang." After knowing Zhang Zhongjing's intentions, Zhuge Qiu frowned.

"Report, sir, General Zilong is back."

"Really?" Zhuge Qiu was delighted, "Go, let's see how many supplies Zilong brought back." "

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