"Zilong, why did you come back alone?"

When Zhuge Qiu saw Zhao Yun alone, he was also very surprised.

After what happened just now, he knows the importance of materials, and if the materials can't keep up, I'm afraid that the people who left today will gather again next time.

And there will definitely be more than today's people, even if Zhang Zhongjing opens his mouth at that time, I am afraid that it will have no effect.

Zhao Yun glanced around, obviously someone seemed uneasy in him.

Zhuge Qiu immediately understood, it seems that Zhao Yun's side is not going well.

"You all go down first, I'll talk to Zilong alone."

After everyone was ordered to leave, Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun, "Is the preparation not going well."

"The nearby cities and counties are all insufficient."

"Some were transferred because of the war, and there are few left, and even affected by natural disasters, other counties and towns, food prices have skyrocketed."

Zhao Yun sighed and said, "Now in the hands of the family clans and grain merchants, there is plenty of food and grass, but they are hoarding, and although the government has looked for them, their prices are too high.

Zhuge Qiu frowned, sure enough, there are people who have made disaster fortunes at all times.

According to Zhao Yun, the government really can't take much, years of war, land is deserted, and grain production is limited.

Now that grain merchants have driven the price of grain, the people rush to buy, and it may be difficult for the government to close the warehouse and save itself, let alone save Jingzhou.

"I also heard about the almost riot of the people just now, and I suspect that someone is manipulating the two, so I only raised food and grass materials here, less than ten days, and I didn't dare to transport them at all."

"You're doing the right thing."

"It's right not to ship it directly."

Zhuge Qiu nodded, of course he knew that someone was manipulating.

These grain merchants are so united, and they are buying so fast.

"You bring grain in tomorrow, remember, to take the largest official road, you must pass through the place with the most victims."

"But ten days' worth of grain will soon be delivered, and the people will panic when they see it."

Zhao Yun said worriedly, ten days of food could not last at all, and the disaster victims survived the difficulties.

Even badly damaged places, let alone reconstruction, cleanup is a problem.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu knew Zhao Yun's worries, but he didn't come in for the past ten days.

The grain and grass supplies in hand can't even last for three days, and the same will show their stuffing, and there are at least ten days left.

"Zilong, tomorrow according to my method to transport grain, in the evening, I will send some people to help you."

Then Zhuge Qiu began to give orders to Zhao Yun.

When night fell, Zhao Yun's side also began to take people as Zhuge Qiu said, and quietly left.

The night became a natural cover, and it also covered Xu Chang.

"Gongzi, everything is done according to plan, and now a large amount of food has been controlled."

"In addition to buying at a high price, they can only wait for the people to riot, and I also arranged it in Jingzhou."

"That's good, now the imperial court simply doesn't have that much money to buy grain, and the money is spent on armaments."

Cao Pi nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

If it weren't for the lack of money, his father would not have set up a special captain to dig graves to feed the army.

"Okay, you did a good job, go down and receive the reward, after receiving it, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

"Thank you Gongzi." After hearing Cao Pi's words, the man was even more happy.

It's just that he doesn't know, Cao Pi looked at his back as he left, a little more sneering and indifferent.

The next day, as soon as dawn broke, Zhuge Qiu personally inspected and organized rescue in the city, where the victims gathered.

Hmph, see how proud you are.

Pi Gongzi has long had a plan, when the time comes to completely cut off the grain, even if you have a hundred mouths.

When the time comes, thousands of mouths here will not be fed, and they will tear you to pieces.

The person who was the leader last night also saw Zhuge Qiu, and immediately said in his heart.

It was as if he had seen that day coming.

Either Zhuge Qiu raised his butcher's knife and slaughtered these people, completely becoming sinners, or he was torn apart by them.

As he was thinking, Zhuge Qiu was already walking towards him.

"What's wrong, how is your body recovering, your surname is Han, right?"

Zhuge Qiu asked with concern.

"Little... The younger one is surnamed Han, called Han Ye, last night I was rude, and asked the adult to spare his life.

Han Ye looked terrified and immediately knelt down.

But the voice is not low at all.

This made the people who went to make trouble with them last night dissatisfied again.

Is this going to be settled after the fall?

Isn't the next one?

"You hurry up, how can I blame you."

"You are all ordinary people, I just want to tell you that another batch of grain has arrived, it will arrive soon, so you don't have to worry about it."

Zhuge Qiu also knew the man's thoughts, and quickly helped him up.

After waiting for this thing, see how I clean you up.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, before those people had time to think, Zhao Yun arrived with the soldiers to transport grain and grass.

Passing in front of them, it left very heavy wheel prints on the ruined ground.

The people were also happy to see it, and finally they didn't have to worry about hunger.

However, some people wonder if there is really so much food.

As if knowing their thoughts, suddenly a soldier did not stand firmly under his feet.

The grain truck was carried directly and almost rolled over.

The grain was directly scattered.

Everyone saw the plump grains of rice and scattered them all over the place.

"What have you done, these are the life-saving things of the people, what sin should you sprinkle on the ground?" Zhao Yun shouted loudly.

"General spare your life, general, the small one is really tired, there is too much food and too heavy, and the small one has not rested for a few days."

With a pop, the soldier quickly knelt down and shouted for mercy.

"You can't stand this tiredness, General Ben rests, the grain will be transported for five or six days in the future, what should you do?"

"That's it, think of your first offense, no longer pursue it, hurry up and get it up."

"General Xie, General Xie."

"Take advantage of this opportunity to take away the grain cloth and show it to the people."

Zhao Yun ordered while collecting grain, and suddenly the cloth of each car was lifted, and the full grain made people feel at ease.

When Zhao Yun's army left, the excitement in the hearts of the people did not dissipate, but some of them did not look good on their faces.

During the day, the rescue was still going on, and Zhuge Qiu had the opportunity to talk to Zhao Yun at night.

"Zilong, you did a good job." Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and said with a smile.

"Continue tomorrow, leave at night while it is night."

"Zilong understands."

"Well, I'm going to leave tonight, go to meet the grain merchants, and I will definitely come back in ten days."

"That Han Ye, I also sent someone to stare."

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