"Hahaha, Bo Yan, you are really strategizing, this time we attack and don't fight, Cao Jun can't keep up."

"According to the report from the spies, that Cao Ren has done his old job, and he has eaten mice again."

"That's not it, I heard that Cao Ren vomited, and he vomited directly on Yu Ban."

"That scene was a laughing death."

In Lu Xun's big tent, the Jiangdong generals who got the news at this time all bent over with a smile.

"Haha, what General Ling said is, I dare not think about that scene, I heard that the yellow filth that was forbidden was vomited."

"Thanks to the merits of the generals, as long as I wait to continue to attack and besiege, the Cao army will definitely not attack and break itself." Lu Xun was also very happy.

If you can't win it, can't it drag you down this time?

"No matter how powerful that Zhuge Qiu is, he is also a human, and he can't make food out of thin air."

"That's what Bo Yan said." Suddenly, there was a sound of joy in the camp.

The next day, early in the morning, Lu Xun also sent a large army to the city to call for battle.

"Cao Jun Xiaoer, don't you come out to fight soon?"

"If you are afraid, you can ask Cao Ren Xiaoer to come out together, he is not a mouse who eats too much, he found a hole to hide."

"But I heard he vomited."

Jiangdong Shipai immediately burst into bursts of laughter.

The soldiers at the head of the city also had ugly faces, after all, the Lord would be humiliated, and they were not comfortable in their hearts, and they had heard about this.


After Cao Ren heard the news of the soldier, his face immediately turned livid.

Although I ate mice that day and felt sick to my stomach and wanted to vomit, the most direct reason was the sweet potatoes that I was holding forbiddenly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Yu Ban, full of unhappiness.

"Zixiao, you can't blame me for this, this is not passed on by me, besides, didn't you say Zhenxiang later."

Yu Ban felt Cao Ren's gaze, and he felt that he had to say two words, and he couldn't carry this pot.

"I..." Cao Ren wanted to refute, but thinking that he really ate a lot later, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, you'll deal with it this time." Cao Ren finally decided to suppress the ban as the main general.

"You are the main general, you have the final say." Yu Ban was helpless, cursed and left and went towards the city.

After Yu Ban went out, the Jiangdong army was still cursing there.

Listening to their somewhat scarce words, Yu Ban was also emotional.

Cao Zixiao has now quit mice.

"I thought it was Cao Ren Xiaoer coming, it turned out to be Yu Wenze, dare to come down and fight?" After Ling Tong saw Yu Ban, he cursed again.

"Drop the arrows."

Yu Ban glanced at it and didn't say anything more.

Zhuge Qiu had already ordered that no matter what Lu Xun's army did, they would not be able to go out of the city to fight.

Although he didn't know why, they naturally did what Zhuge Qiu said.

After a rain of arrows, they forced the people back, after all, they had no intention of attacking.

"All retired."

After Zhuge Qiu received the news, he was not surprised.

"Wen Ze, you sent people to all parts of Jingzhou to buy grain with great fanfare."

"Send someone again? I have asked secretly before, and no family is willing.

Yu Ban looked at Zhuge Qiu with some incomprehension.

"And sir, didn't you say that these potatoes and sweet potatoes are enough now, let's last a few months?"

"Today, Lu Xun's army came, but it was just to test it, and they already knew the news that Cao Ren let my army eat mice before."

"Naturally, we have to further let Lu Xun know that we are short of food."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Yu Ban and explained.

Besides, if you don't use the excuse of buying grain, how can you transport the potatoes and sweet potatoes that you let the Huang family secretly grow before.

"The end will understand."

The words were so clear, Yu Ban naturally reacted.

This is a plan, and once Lu Xun thinks that they really can't stand it, they are likely to attack in a big way.

Then you can take the opportunity to catch them off guard.

Yu Ban sent people to collect grain, and naturally someone soon passed on news to Lu Xun.

It can be said that the people who are forbidden have just arrived at some families, and they have already been told to Lu Xun.

"Offended the family, and even wanted to take grain from the family."

Lu Xun couldn't help but laugh when he saw the news, this time it was originally a plan by them and the family to unite.

"This time they can't buy food, as long as we drag on for a month or two, when the army is in chaos and the soldiers have no will to fight, it will be the time to win."

Lu Xun said as if he had seen that victory was beckoning to him.

"Bo Yan, I heard that the Cao army is suffering now, and after only a few days, they have had three incidents of soldiers making trouble."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Lu Xun looked at Ling Tong a little surprised, he didn't know about this yet.

"The news I just got is said to be because of the lack of food and grass, and now they can't even eat porridge, so they can only drink water."

"If Zhuge Qiu hadn't personally come forward, I'm afraid he would have mutinied."

"Hahaha, this is good news, it seems that maybe we don't have to wait a month or two." Before Lu Xun could speak, someone had already spoken.

"No." Lu Xun's face was solemn, and he immediately denied it.

"Zhuge Qiu's actions are unpredictable, if we send troops in advance, the Cao army is likely not yet at the end of the mountains."

"This, won't it be too cautious, it's about to mutiny, we have to wait so long?" Ling Tong felt a little too careful.

"Against Zhuge Qiu, you can't be too cautious."

Lu Xun shook his head and said very solemnly.

The stalemate in Jingzhou, Xu Chang's side naturally also knew.

Cao Cao was not worried at all, but Jia Xu was very worried.

"Shouyi, what's going on, we can't stalemate with the Jiangdong army, so isn't it following this Lu Xun's wish?"

"Yes, Shouyi's strategy this time, I also can't understand it."

Xun Yu also answered, this stalemate is completely unreasonable.

Cao Cao did not answer their words, but instead asked, "What is the attitude of these families?"

"The attitude of the family is naturally not to buy and sell grain with me and others, and even now some people can't buy food."

Jia Xu frowned and sighed.

"Pay more attention to the actions of the Maison, and there is no need to say anything else."

Cao Cao listened and looked at everyone and replied.

It's very simple, because he believes Zhuge Qiu, and he also believes what Zhuge Qiu said, this time the family's plan will definitely not succeed.

More than a month passed quickly, and Lu Xun also got a bigger news.

Even Lu Xun couldn't believe it.

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