"Jingzhou is in chaos, the people have already made trouble, there are several incidents of soldiers' changes, and even Cao Jun is ready to surrender to us, willing to do internal response."

Ling Tong looked at Lu Xun and said very excitedly.

"Seriously?" Lu Xun still couldn't believe it.

"Could this be Zhuge Qiu's scheme?" Although such news has already been heard before.

"Bo Yan, you are too cautious, the emperor is not bad for hungry soldiers, this Zhuge Qiu can't get food and grass, and the soldiers are naturally unwilling to work for them."

"Yes, now the time is ripe, and the last general also thinks that the army can attack."

Lu Xun looked at them, and he also hesitated.

It had been so long that Cao Jun had not collected food at all, and he knew that.

Because the family had correspondence with him, at this time, he did not believe that the family would lie to him, because it was not good for them.

"If we continue to delay, if Cao Thief gets supplies from other places, I am afraid that we will miss the fighter."

Lu Xun also frowned after hearing this, and this was not unreasonable.

"Well, since that's the case, then General Ling Tong, you will lead the army to attack the city tomorrow to test it."

In the end, Lu Xun agreed, anyway, Zhuge Liang's side was also delaying time.

Even if this temptation fails, a little failure will not affect the overall situation, and it is better than missing the opportunity.

"Ordered." Ling Tong immediately replied, this time he could finally raise his eyebrows.


"Sir, do you say Lu Xun will be fooled?" On the other side, Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and felt a little uncertain.

According to his analysis during this time, this Lu Xun was a lot more cautious, and there was no big movement when so much news spread out.

"It should." Zhuge Qiu replied after thinking about it.

Even if Lu Xun can endure it, others can't help it.

Moreover, Lu Xun was dragging food, he really had to drag it out for too long, and he was also worried that he would raise food.

However, people's hearts are unpredictable, and he is not 100% sure, if Lu Xun really continues to choose Gou, then he can only take the initiative.

The next day, early in the morning, Ling Tong had already led an army to attack the city.

This time, he didn't have any bells and whistles, and directly ordered the siege of the city first, rushing to the front.

"Bo Yan, this General Ling Tong is attacking the city like this, will it be..."

"No, what I want is such an effect, if not, how can I try out the current situation of the Cao army."

Lu Xun watched from afar, but shook his head with a smile.

The attack came quickly, and Cao Ren and Yu Ban personally led the men and horses to resist.

It's just that in order to play the trick well, they naturally can't win, but they can't lose too quickly.

"Cao Ren Xiaoer, I thought you would be like a rat and dare not fight."

"Now that the rats in this city have been eaten by you, if you are willing to surrender, General Ben is willing to reward you with a bite to eat."

Ling Tong fought each other, while opening his mouth to frantically taunt Cao Ren and carry out a spiritual attack.

"If you say wildly, Lao Tzu will starve to death and will not surrender."

Cao Ren was naturally furious, and looked at Ling Tong and directly scolded angrily.

Cao Ren personally went to battle, and at the beginning, the two were indistinguishable.

However, soon Cao Ren began to fall into the downwind, quite a bit of insufficient strength.

Before Ling Tong could continue to export his spirits, when Cao Ren was about to fight back, the war horse under his crotch stumbled, almost knocking his whole person over.

"Zixiao, be careful." Seeing this, Yu Ban hurriedly went to help.

"Retreat." With an order, the army began to retreat into the city.

Ling Tong had people fight on all sides, and it was not until noon that he collected the troops.

"Hahaha, Bo Yan, today is really painful, if you let me take 20,000 more people, I may take it."

"The general is so confident, be careful that this is Zhuge Qiu's trick."

Lu Xun saw that Ling Tong was so happy and killed so quickly, he felt that this was not a good sign.

"Haha, Bo Yan is thinking too much, you didn't see it today, Cao Ren and I fought less than twenty rounds, he lacked strength."

"What if this is his deliberate show of weakness?"

"I know that Bo Yan will have such doubts, this person can show weakness, can the horse still accompany the act?"

"Today, Cao Ren's war horses are already thin and overwhelmed, one stumbled, almost didn't overturn Cao Ren, if it weren't for Yu Wenze's fast coming, I would have chopped Cao Ren Xiaoer."

Ling Tong's fight with Cao Ren was also said.

Lu Xun did not speak, it is true, people can act, horses cannot act, at least he also thinks so.

Can a horse still play me?

"General Ling said so, I also found out that the soldiers of the Cao army who responded to the battle today did not have cavalry."

Without waiting for Lu Xun to continue to think about it, at this time, someone else had already discovered the problem.

"Bo Yan, you can't miss the opportunity, besides, if we haven't made progress for a long time, Zhuge Liang's side will take the lead in breaking the deadlock, then doesn't it mean that our Jiangdong is not as good as him Liu Bei?" Are you not as good as that Zhuge Liang?

Ling Tong looked at Lu Xun and continued to speak.

For a while, there were many echoing voices, and Lu Xun looked at everyone, as if he had made a decision.

"Well, three days later, we will attack in a big way, and conquer the city with a bang."

Lu Xun finally made a decision, the reason why it was three days because it was not just a chance to prepare for himself.

If Zhuge Qiu really lacked food for three days, they could be consumed again.

Three days didn't pass quickly, especially for Zhuge Qiu, because they needed to act out every detail.

Three days passed, and Lu Xun personally led the army to attack the city.

Ling Tong and them took the lead, pointing at Cao Renhe and Yu Ban and cursing.

This time, Cao Ren and they did not go out of the city to fight, and even Lu Xun's heart was put down.

It seems that he is too cautious, where the food problem is solved so easily.

"Soldiers, kill me, the Cao army has long run out of food, and this battle will be won."

With a clarion call, the Jiangdong army directly attacked as if it had beaten chicken blood.

The Cao army at the head of the city also resisted vigorously, and in less than an hour, the city gate was broken.

Looking at the wide open city gate, Lu Xun had no doubts at all.

The city gate was wide open, and tens of thousands of their own army rushed in, how could a group of hungry Cao troops resist.

The army rushed straight in, and Cao Ren and Yu Ban laughed when they saw this scene.

The army entered the urn city, and with a bang, the ground suddenly collapsed.

"Not good, hit the plan."

Lu Xun's face changed, and at this time, he also saw Cao Jun and Zhuge Qiu, who had been waiting for them for a long time.

This Nima didn't look hungry at all.

He was actually played by a horse?

"Lu Boyan, you have finally come to the horse, and I am tired of eating sweet potatoes."

Zhuge Qiu was condescending at this time, and also said with a faint smile.

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