"Two sons, are you going to find Xiliang Jinma Chao?"

The man leaned over and looked at Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun and asked, seemingly very interested.

Zhuge Qiu didn't expect that there were really ears on the wall.

There were still people who cared about this, and he looked at the person carefully, and he was immediately speechless.

He wondered, in the later life, the phenomenon of maternity is not good, all kinds of demons and monsters are flying all over the sky, and women's clothing bosses are emerging one after another.

In ancient times, there were so many Xibei goods, and they all liked to play women pretending to be men.

"What's the matter with you, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being unkind to you."

Zhao Yun didn't find it, he only felt that the boy brother was also beautiful, and seeing Zhuge Qiu looking at the other party, he immediately became vigilant.

"You... You actually did this to Ben... Gongzi speaks? When

Xibei heard this, he was also immediately angry, and it seemed that he had not suffered this grievance.

Zhuge Qiu thought about it, maybe it was the eldest lady of which family had time to play this woman pretending to be a man.

Zhuge Qiu saw that Zhao Yun did not find out, and immediately began to play around.

"I can tell you, this is our famous Zhao Gongzi, and it is polite for him to talk to you like this."

"If you dare to entangle again, Zhao Gongzi will teach you a lesson."

After Zhao Yun heard this, he was also a little unresponsive.

Wasn't it all shouting Zilong and Old Zhao before.

How will this become itself, Zhao Gongzi?

Pathetic, we don't know, we don't dare to ask.

"Okay, I'd rather see how you teach Ben Gongzi, if you can't teach Ben Gongzi, I don't think you need to go to Ma Chao."

Naxibei, when he heard this, was also angry, like a rooster in a fight, and he wanted to do it.

Zhao Yun frowned, "I don't want to do anything with you."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the guy dressed as a man with a thoughtful look.

Now that he has entered the territory of Liangzhou, this person dares to say Ma Chao's name so brazenly, and he is not afraid at all.

It can be seen that this person's background is not small.

If this is changed to an ordinary person, even if you want to say it, it will be hidden a little, so as not to be taken advantage of by people with intentions.

"You don't want to, and today you have to think if you don't want to."

The brother Gongzi, who pretended to be a man, directly started after speaking.

Zhao Yun hurriedly retreated, but the man was pressing step by step.

Zhuge Qiu was still watching, he was not worried that Zhao Yun would suffer losses.

However, this woman's moves are indeed somewhat familiar, perhaps because there is no weapon, and Zhuge Qiu is also a little uncertain.

"I said this son, if you force me again, then I will fight back."

Zhao Yun saw that he had put up with it for a long time, but that person still didn't know how to be a villain, and he didn't want to endure it anymore.

Zhao Yun threw the spear to Zhuge Qiu on the side, and then also began to fight back.

With Zhao Yun's skills, even if he didn't use weapons, he could easily win.

The two fists exert force, and soon the gap in strength is revealed.

She was originally pressing step by step, but at this time, she was directly beaten by Zhao Yun and stumbled, and took several steps back before standing firm.

"Sure enough, he has some skills, no wonder he dares to speak wildly."

It seems that his face is a little unbearable, and he does not forget to look at Zhao Yun and reprimand.

Zhao Yun was also speechless, when did I say something wild.

It's always you being aggressive, okay.

But he couldn't manage so much, after seeing that the other party attacked again.

Zhao Yun also would not avoid it, and smashed it directly with a punch.

Seeing that Zhao Yun smashed directly towards his chest, the man couldn't help but immediately protect his hands to resist.

The whole person stepped back again, and it took a while to stand.

"Shameless." After standing still, he was not in a hurry to start, but looked at Zhao Yun breathlessly and scolded.

Zhao Yun looked confused, just fighting, if it weren't for his own convergence, he would have destroyed you a long time ago.

He even said that he was shameless, and there are still such people in the world.

Zhuge Qiu naturally knew why, who let Zhao Yun find the right place to fight.

"If you are not convinced, you can ask your brother to go out in person."

Zhuge Qiu stepped forward with a smile, he already had an idea in his heart.

"To deal with you, I don't need my brother to go out in person."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, the man subconsciously spoke.

However, his eyes were staring at Zhao Yun, obviously calculating how to get back the field just now.

"Seeing that you are also a man of guns, you will dare to fight me and horseback tomorrow."

After thinking about it again, she thought that since she was not an opponent in footfighting, she would defeat you on horseback.

Foot combat is more about the strength of the competition, but horse combat is not only strength, it requires more skill.

The more I think about it, the more feasible it is, and my heart feels much better.

Wait until I get on the horse with a gun and beat you up.

Zhao Yun looked at the person who was still full of anger, and gradually giggled again.

He subconsciously wanted to refuse, this person is uncertain, there is something wrong with his brain.

But before he spoke, Zhuge Qiu had already agreed.

"Okay, let you rest for a day, tomorrow will still be here, Zhao Gongzi will try it with you and make you convinced."

Zhao Yun wanted to ask Zhuge Qiu why he agreed, but it was difficult to ask for a while.

But he knew that since Zhuge Qiu agreed, he would definitely not be able to leave.

"Okay, in a word." The woman answered immediately.

Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun didn't say much and entered the inn directly.

"Give this girl to watch them, don't let them run, especially the one surnamed Zhao."

After Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun entered the inn, they immediately looked at the people around them and ordered.

"Miss, otherwise, let's tell the general about this."

The man nodded, then hesitated and asked.

"I said, clean them up, you don't need your brother to go out personally, you look after people well, if you run away, only you ask."

He replied impatiently, then turned around and left in a huff.

The people left behind had to stay by the inn, paying attention to the movements of Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun.

"Sir, why do you have to fight with that man, I see that there seems to be something wrong with that person's brain."

After Zhao Yun entered the inn, he finally asked.

"I'm doing it for your own good." Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and said with a smile.

"Besides, do you know who his brother is?"

"His brother?" Zhao Yun was stunned, "What does his brother have to do with us?" "

It's strange to say, how did Zhuge Qiu know that the man had an older brother.

"Sir, did you recognize the man?"

"When you win tomorrow, you will know that you will not be disappointed when the time comes." Zhuge Qiu smiled, but still did not say directly.

Not disappointed?

See how I teach him tomorrow, I'll see who his brother is.

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