Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know what Zhao Yun thought, and the two chatted for a while, and then let Xiao Er deliver the wine and food, and then ate and drank.

"Although the food in this Liangzhou is rougher, it has a special flavor, and some of the food is really only available in Liangzhou."

Eating, Zhuge Qiu did not forget to comment.

I didn't expect that I would travel to this chaotic world and be able to taste this authentic Liangzhou food.

"That's true, but listening to what Sir means, has Mr. Fei traveled to many places?"

Zhao Yun was eating, although there were indeed many things that he had not eaten before or seen, but whether it was unique to this Liangzhou, he did not know.

"If you say so, it's okay." Zhuge Qiu said while eating.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun had not yet got up, and Ma Yunlu was still dressed in men's clothes and rode with a black iron gun.

"How's that, people are still inside, right?" Ask the person in charge of stalking.

"In, inside, they never came out at all."

But he knew his young lady's temper, and if he didn't look at people, then he would definitely suffer.

"Go, call people out, just say Grandma Ben, oh no, Ben Gongzi has come to teach them a lesson." Ma Yunlu pointed his spear and said very arrogantly.

Zhao Yun and Zhuge Qiu were leisurely eating breakfast, and as soon as they discussed the competition, Ma Yunlu's people had already entered.

"My son-in-law is already waiting outside, Zhao Gongzi, you better hurry out to compete."

"Of course, if you are afraid, you can admit defeat and surrender, and my son will still spare your life."

Looking at the two people eating, he was also very confident in conveying Ma Yunlu's order.

"And let him wait for a while, and when I finish eating, I will meet him."

Since you can't hide, then it's not too late to teach that person a lesson when you're fed and drunk.

Hearing that Zhao Yunlu still had to eat and drink enough before coming out, Ma Yunlu suddenly became angry.

"This surnamed Zhao is quite enjoyable, and I can't clean him up when I think about it."

Finally, Zhao Yun and Zhuge Qiu came out, and the gentian bright silver gun in Zhao Yun's hand was also very eye-catching.

Ma Yunlu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he didn't pay attention yesterday.

This guy's gun looks good, he should have some skills.

"Get on the horse." Ma Yunlu didn't say too much, and directly turned over after speaking.

Zhao Yun was also not verbose, he had already made up his mind to teach the other party a good lesson.

The two of them got on their horses with guns, and the other onlookers were also very familiar, giving way to a large clearing.

This knife and gun have no eyes, they don't want to look at it inexplicably and see themselves to death.

Such things are not unusual, the people of Liangzhou are fierce, and duels can be seen everywhere, so there are often things that see themselves to death.

"The surname Zhao, let's see how you win today, not knock you down."

Ma Yunlu said, and then slapped his horse out, and the black spear in his hand was like a black lightning bolt piercing Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun was also a little surprised when he saw this, as a master of using guns, he naturally saw that Ma Yunlu's shot this time was not simple.

At least such marksmanship attainments are not comparable to ordinary people.

He also understood now why the other party had to compete with him on horseback.

Compared to the starting battle, this is indeed a lot more powerful, but compared with yourself, it is obviously not enough.

The gentian bright silver gun in his hand began to move, and for Zhao Yun, he was very skilled in every move now.

It can be said that the gun moves at will, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Zhao Yun made a strike, and the gentian bright silver spear quickly came out, without any intention of backing down.

Ma Yunlu is not stupid, and when he saw this, he also saw the power of Zhao Yun's marksmanship.

However, she is still more confident in herself.

The arms exerted force, and with a slight shock, the black spear seemed to have responded, making a subtle sound.

It's just that this slight change can't escape Zhao Yun's eyes.

This fierce momentum could not be concealed, and the next moment, the violent gun shadow spread rapidly.

Ma Yunlu's pupils also shrank sharply, as if there were countless silver guns in front of him.

But she knew very well in her heart that this was just an afterimage left by Zhao Yun's marksmanship being too fast.

Originally full of confidence, she was shocked.

However, admitting defeat is not her character, and she still welcomes it.

The black lightning was instantly swallowed by the furious gun shadow, like a mud cow entering the sea.

Then all the gun shadows disappeared in an instant, converging into a silver gun.

There was a clang, a piercing metallic sound, as if it was the roar of the spear's fighting intent.

Only the next moment, the black spear was defeated.

Ma Yunlu felt the force coming from the long spear, almost a body, and did not stabilize, thanks to her superb equestrian skills.

This guy, how can he work harder than yesterday?

Ma Yunlu also felt it, today's Zhao Yun's strength is much greater than yesterday, and he couldn't help muttering.

Zhuge Qiu naturally saw it, and he was also a little puzzled.

Could it be that Zilong also discovered the identity of the other party?

But even if he finds out, Zilong doesn't need to be ruthless.

Although he didn't try his best, Zilong definitely fought harder than yesterday.

Zilong, you don't have any mercy at all.

"Come again."

After Ma Yunlu stabilized his body, he did not admit defeat and continued to walk towards Zhao Yun.

This time, she was a lot smarter, and she didn't collide with Zhao Yun with force like before, but used gun skills and skill.

For a while, the two fought for more than a dozen rounds, and just when Ma Yunlu was about to regain his confidence, Zhao Yun made another effort.

With his legs clamped and slapped on the horse's belly, Zhao Yun shot out.

Ma Yunlu saw that Zhao Yunlu took the initiative to attack, and she knew that she could not resist it, so she had to retreat.

It's just that Zhao Yun seems to have known her thoughts for a long time.

The spear came first, and Ma Yunlu naturally had to block, so the speed naturally slowed down.

Just blocked Zhao Yun's shot, his body was not stable, Zhao Yun had already arrived with a horse, and his right hand was forward.

Then he directly caught Ma Yunlu on his horse and put her on horseback.

This is a standard battlefield capture.

Ma Yunlu reacted for a while, and suddenly he was anxious and angry.

He was actually captured alive from his horse.

And the most important thing is that this guy has just taken his waist.

"The surname Zhao, you quickly let go of me, you shameless and vulgar guy."

Ma Yunlu struggled and shouted, she had never suffered such a grievance.

Zhao Yun was also angry when he heard it, and scolded himself for being shameless.

The right hand subconsciously slapped Ma Yunlu's body.

The next moment, Ma Yunlu was completely quiet.

There was only one thought in her mind, where is this guy fighting.

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