On the way back to Xuchang, everything was going well, and the only thing that Zhuge Qiu didn't expect was that one day, he actually ate a mouthful of Zhao Yun's dog food.

Along the way, Ma Yunlu took care of Zhao Yun, and the terrible thing was that the two people had to let themselves adjust if they had a temper.

In the end, before he finished speaking, the two of them were unanimous.

"Finally arrived at Xuchang."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the familiar two words, and he was also very moved.

"Sir, why are you like this, how many ladies does Mr. Fei miss?"

Zhao Yun and Ma Yunlu stood together, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked puzzled.

"That... Sir, how about I plan to accompany Yunlu around Xuchang City first, and then go back? "

Go, go, hurry, hurry up and disappear from my eyes."

Zhuge Qiu quickly waved his hand, causing Zhao Yun and Ma Yunlu to disappear from his eyes.

"Okay, then thank you sir." Of course, Zhao Yun knew that Zhuge Qiu was not angry, and quickly smiled and left with someone.

Looking at the back of Zhao Yun and the two leaving, Zhuge Qiu smiled, and then went towards Cao Cao's mansion.

"Shouyi is back."

When Zhuge Qiu arrived at the mansion, Cao Cao and Xun Yu were already there.

"Old Cao, forget about the accident of Gongda, I'll come back, what are your accidents."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and replied with a smile, he came all the way back, but he did not hide his itinerary, so Cao Cao naturally knew the itinerary, and it was Cao Cao who wrote to let him come back.

"You boy, your mouth is still so damaged, just talk to your husband like this."

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and scolded with a smile, and everyone with discerning eyes could see that he was not only not angry, but happy.

"Compared to those hypocritical words in the court, the Lord is afraid that you have long wanted to keep righteousness and come back." Xun Yu also smiled at this time and spoke.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, this time Shouyi you come back, I think you also know about the family."

Cao Cao did not refute Xun Fu's words, but changed the topic and spoke.

"Previously, the family's industries were all over the people's livelihood, and the people could not completely give up, which formed an almost monopoly resource family."

"Now our technologies are mature, and we can promote the rest of the technology."

"And the evil deeds of the family are all made public."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and Xun Yu and said.

I didn't do this before, because some of the techniques I had to experiment with even myself.

And before Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun were still about to move, now that they have no worries, then naturally there is no need to worry.

"Shouyi, now salt, iron, grain, cloth, and all kinds of cultivation techniques have been improved, but what about this transportation?"

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu, this was one of his biggest worries.

"Yes, if the transportation of this piece is still in the hands of the family, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble at that time."

Cao Cao was also worried, after all, the delivery of materials was also a very important thing.

"Just replace it."

"We can first use the post station and inn of the imperial court as the basis to establish a transportation network."

"Then select reliable people to carry out commercial transportation at the same time and set up express delivery."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and proposed

, you must know that the post station, the post house, that is the imperial court in order to contact all places, set up, all over the place, this is a natural outlet.

"Good idea, but what does this courier mean?"

Cao Cao quickly understood the advantages of the inn station, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"This express is actually similar to the Dart Bureau, responsible for transporting escort goods for people, but the Dart Bureau generally escorts valuables, or a large number of things."

"Ordinary people basically can't use the dart bureau, they charge too expensive, and express delivery can be transported for the people, no matter how big or small."

"The imperial court can escort it."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and explained.

"With the intervention of the imperial court, wouldn't it be safer, and convenient for the people, and it must be loved by the people."

"It is not easy for people to travel, and sometimes sending a letter to the family costs a lot of silver taels."

Xun Yu was also quite emotional about this, and he believed that if everything was really like what Zhuge Qiu said, it would definitely be a great convenience to the people.

Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu had arranged everything, and he was relieved.

What he is most afraid of is that once the family is moved, when the time comes, they will use the resources in their hands to make the people rebel.

"Everything can be acted, tomorrow the notice will be posted through the official office, and at the same time, the printing house will also print all the proclamations, so as to broaden the hearts of the people and grasp the guidance of public opinion."

After the printing technology was improved, he began to let Cao Cao use the printing house every day to print some current events every day and release them to everyone.

Now that productivity has increased and liberated, the soil on which those families live has begun to change.

Now they are like the big companies and groups of the future.

Replacing them will not have the sensation of the previous one. Because they can't monopolize any industry anymore.

The next day, it was destined to be a sensational day.

The notices of the imperial court were issued to the people almost along with the current affairs of the printing house.

For many ordinary people, they may not have reacted.

But those who read books, as well as families and businessmen, when they saw this, it was undoubtedly a thunderclap.

"Crazy, crazy, this Zhuge Qiu really declared war with the family."

"I really didn't expect that this Zhuge Qiu was so powerful, now that I think about it, the technology he studied is really all over the place."

"I'm afraid those families won't be able to sit still, but this is a good thing for the people."

For a while, such words were all over the streets.

Only the people of the family frowned at this time, and their faces were full of sadness.

"I really didn't expect this day to come so quickly, and this Zhuge Qiu actually hid so many things in his hands."

"It's clearly aimed at us, and it's just unreasonable."

"If this is the case, I'm afraid we're really going to be in a catastrophe."

"Patriarch Yang, at this point, you have to come up with an idea, if you really lose, we won't have a good end."

Someone immediately looked at the head of the Yang family, after all, it was their Yang family who was most advocating against Zhuge Qiu.

"Let's first respond to all changes with the same, all families need to unite, at this time, we must use the financial resources of the family to purchase materials in case of emergency."

"If it is really a last resort, we will raise troops to respond to Sun Quan and Liu Bei, and fight to break the net."

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