"Sir, sure enough, everything is as you expected, these families can't bear it, they are asking for King Wei and writing to the imperial court while hoarding materials with each other, and now many items are either several times higher in price, or they simply don't sell them."

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and said, but in addition to happiness, there was also a little worry between his eyebrows.

"Gongda, you still seem to be worried."

Zhuge Qiu naturally saw Xun Yu's worry, so he subconsciously asked.

"Shouyi, you expected everything correctly, but now that the family is hoarding and the people can't buy supplies, they have already begun to riot."

"Those families even said that you are the culprit of all this, sir, and if you want to solve the current material panic, you must resist you in tens of thousands of people."

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and said all his worries.

"I know all this you said, since it is expected, why worry."

Zhuge Qiu smiled, Xun Yu said this, he had already prepared.

Without any preparation, he will not do anything.

"Sir, really has a way?" When Xun Yu heard this, he was also relieved.

"But sir, if this is a method like the family is useless to you, sir, I am afraid that when the time comes, they will take a more extreme approach, and they will definitely fight with you to break the net."

Xun Yu is still very confident about this, after all, Zhuge Qiu is already cutting off people's wealth by doing this.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents, and Zhuge Qiu is even more bombing people's ancestral graves, and he wants to cut off people's wealth for generations.

"Fish dead net broken?" Zhuge Qiu laughed.

"The fish dies, that is inevitable, as for the net breaking, they don't have this ability."

Their own net, that is a big net, brought into the big net of modern technology, these ancient fish, can not turn over.

"Let them stay for a few days, and then these days our printing current affairs will criticize their behavior, they are enemies of the people of the world."

Zhuge Qiu smiled, although their behavior was very pragmatic, it was also a big taboo.

You must know that in ancient times, basically the beginning of every troubled era, basically, it was the beginning of the people's hunger and the people's poor livelihood.

In order to deal with itself, the family has hoarded for the third time.

They are now notorious in the eyes of the people, and the difference is just a fuse.

"Understood." Xun Yu knew what Zhuge Qiu meant, after such a long period of operation, the influence of current affairs printing was enough.

"Gongda, by the way, you tell the Cui family master for me, and the Xie family master, just say that I want to see them."

Zhuge Qiu then looked at Xun Yu again and instructed.

"See them?" Xun Yu didn't understand a little.

"Yes, when I see them, I want to see how united they are."

Zhuge Qiu laughed and said.

Xun Yu also laughed after hearing this, and I have to say that this step is very ordinary, but it is also very wonderful.

It is completely beneficial and harmless, and it can divide their family and hasten their demise.

If it doesn't work, then there is no loss.

After Xun Yu left, Zhao Yun returned.

"Sir, everything you said, Zilong has already ordered down, and the matter of the express station has also been handed over to Deng Ai."

"At the same time, all the materials in various places have been inspected, and everything is foolproof."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and reported everything again.


Zhuge Qiu nodded, although it was said that this guy Zilong, after getting married, sprinkled dog food on himself every day, and when he did things, he was still very reliable.

"Mo Fei Zilong, are you still in trouble?"

After Zhuge Qiu took a sip of tea, he saw that Zhao Yun was still here, and he was a little puzzled.

If this had been before, he would definitely not have wondered, knowing that recently, Zilong had finished his affairs and couldn't wait to fly to Ma Yunlu.

"Sir, it's actually not my problem." Zhao Yun heard Zhuge Qiu, and the ridicule in his tone.

He was also a little embarrassed, so he quickly explained.

"It's Deng Ai, this kid has difficulties, so he wants to discuss it with his husband, but he is afraid that you will talk about him, and he feels that if you give him the task, he can't do it."

"Okay, then I'll see him tomorrow." Zhuge Qiu was a little speechless.

I took Deng Ai as an apprentice, but I didn't expect this guy to have such a mind, and his self-esteem was quite strong.

"Sir, don't say that I told you this."

After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he left with confidence.

He was worried that if Deng Ai knew that he had said it, he would not tell him anything in the future.

"Okay, I know, these are all brilliant calculations by me."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and said, alas, it is really difficult to take care of an apprentice.

The next day, Zhuge Qiu called Deng Ai over early in the morning.

"Sir." Deng Ai looked at Zhuge Qiu holding his fist and saluting.

Now he has no special circumstances, and basically will not stutter anymore.

"You know, why did I call you here today?" Zhuge Qiu nodded, then looked at Deng Ai and asked.

"I don't know." Deng Ai shook his head at first, and then thought of something, and tentatively said, "Could it be for the express station?"

"Yes, I think you just took over this matter, there must be many puzzles and difficulties."

Zhuge Qiu nodded and took the initiative to ask.

"Sure enough, everything can't be hidden sir." Deng Ai was stunned for a moment, then admitted.

At first, he thought that Zhao Yun told Zhuge Qiu, but after thinking about it, this matter was proposed by Zhuge Qiu to plan, and it was normal for him to know his difficulties.

"Sir, entrusting me with such an important matter should not have failed Sir, but Ai is really worried."

"Lu's boats and cars travel all over the world, and although Mr. Lu's deployment is very good and has the natural advantages of a post station, the Lu family also has a deep accumulation."

"I'm afraid that in the early stage, we will be very excluded."

Deng Ai also spoke up about his concerns.

This is not to do transportation, Zhuge Qiu can do it simply by providing materials.

It requires a lot of manpower and material resources, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of transportation.

"And our transportation speed is only afraid that it will not be as good as this Lu family's boat."

As soon as Zhuge Qiu heard Deng Ai's words, he immediately understood.

"This is my negligence, I forgot to tell you about this, in fact, I have already thought of this."

With a bitter smile, Zhuge Qiu also immediately understood Deng Ai, if he didn't help him solve it, it would be really difficult for him.

However, this also shows that he did not choose Deng Ai wrong, he is really trying to look at this matter.

"Don't worry, I can give you an answer tomorrow and solve it for you."

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