"Sir, what this Cui family sent is a big business, and the fee they give is extremely high, and the liquidated damages are also very expensive, I am afraid it is a scheme."

After Deng Ai saw that Zhuge Qiu had entrusted him with the task of the Cui family, he immediately frowned and reminded.

"Yes, you found this, I naturally understand what they mean, this is in disguise to break us."

"But don't forget, we have wooden cattle and horses, and once this business is completed, a lot of silver will come."

"Their family is given for nothing, what do you say the other families will think of the Cui family?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Deng Ai and nodded, and then said no more.

"I understand, in this way, the Cui family will inevitably be ostracized by them, and the original dissociation scheme will be promising."

After Deng Ai saw that Zhuge Qiu said so clearly, he immediately figured it out, no wonder Mr. would say that this was sent to the door.

If this is changed to Cui Xie, neither of the two has such an effect.

"This time it is going to be done beautifully, and it needs to be known to everyone."

Zhuge Qiu naturally did not miss this great opportunity for publicity, and the printing house made a big splash the next day.

For a while, many people were confused, speculating about the cooperation between the Cui family and Zhuge Qiu.

For ordinary people, they don't think about any conspiracy, what they see is the high-ranking family, all of whom chose Zhuge Qiu's transportation.

In their opinion, this is the embodiment of trustworthiness.

"Don't worry, this is just that kid's dissociation scheme, our family does not share the sky with him, how can we really cooperate with him."

"This time, we let him transport such a large amount, as long as the Lu family moves some hands and feet from it, they are afraid that they will not even have enough means of transportation."

Cui Fu looked at the other owners of the other families and quickly explained, holding the leaflet of Zhuge Qiu's printing shop in his hand.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Cui, we believe you."

For a while, there were voices of concurrence, but the atmosphere eased a lot.

Deng Ai and they began to go to Cui's house to hand over the goods, and it was during this time that the Cui family purchased the collected materials.

Food and grass equipment can be said to be everything, and those who do not know will think that the military camp is transporting supplies.

"Lord Deng, everything is up to you." The people of the Cui family looked at Deng Ai and said with a smile.

"It's okay, this is all as it should be, your Cui family can abandon the dark and turn to the light, I am also very happy."

"That's, that's..." "In the hearts of the Cui family, some days are dogs, you give up the dark and turn to the light, I was originally a family.

However, at this time, they will not refute Deng Ai's words.

"Uncle, what if they greedy for our things?"

On the way back, Cui Wen on the side asked.

"He naturally doesn't dare, if he dares to do this, who dares to find them for transportation in the future, if he really dares, I can't ask for it."

"Next, the Lu family controls it properly, and this batch of goods, I am afraid that even Xu Chang's range will not be able to get out."

"Wonderful, now they're finished." Cui Wen also laughed after listening to it.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu went to check in as usual.

That is, to discuss plans with Lao Cao, more often to be a teacher and to pretend.

"I heard, yesterday Lord Deng went to ask the Lu family and wanted to borrow his boat, but the Lu family directly refused."

"It has long been expected that the Lu family has boats and cars all over the world, and whoever dares to rob their business, the imperial court used to rely on them to transport grain."

In the restaurant, in the streets and alleys, Zhuge Qiu could hear similar words everywhere he went.

Xun Yu also shook his head on the side, "It seems that the Lu family deliberately made the news known to the world.

"It's okay, let them be proud, I'll also go to Lu's house in the afternoon to beg them."

Of course, Zhuge Qiu knew that if the Lu family did not deliberately let the news out, how could it spread so quickly.

This is also something he expected.

I'm afraid that at this time, these families don't know where to hide.

"Shouyi, you said that you have a lot of losses, and you have to tease them before you are willing to play the hole card." Xun Yu smiled bitterly, this guy likes to pour cold water when people are proud.

"I didn't see you then, when I played cards, I came up and fried the king."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xun Yu, this guy was a pair of kings before, and he was stunned to death.

Hurt himself to lose miserably with him.

"Ahem, it seems to be such a truth." Xun Yu also seemed to think of that incident, and his old face was red.

In the afternoon, Zhuge Qiu went to Lu's house as planned, but he just ate a closed-door soup.

And this closed-door soup, that is everyone who eats.

Even Zhuge Liang, who was far away in Chengdu, learned about this two days later.

Hearing that Zhuge Qiu was deflated, Zhuge Liang's heart was naturally particularly refreshed.

"Kong Ming, what is this happy event?" Liu Bei asked when he saw it when he came back.

"Could it be that what you said before, it has already become?"

Liu Bei suddenly thought of something, but Zhuge Liang basically stayed in the room these days and refused to come out.

At first, I thought he was stimulated, but it turned out that he could eat and drink, and it seemed that there really was nothing.

"Soon, in two or three days, you can make it, and then it will definitely open the eyes of the lord."

Zhuge Liang said with a confident smile.

Zhuge Qiu, just wait to beg me.

When I make the wooden bull horse, it will be the time for me to defeat you.


"Hahaha, the Lu family master did a good job, this Zhuge Qiu is too arrogant, he also has today."

"That is, if he can't start delivering today, then he won't be able to complete the mission anyway."

Lu Mansion, these days can be said to be the base of the family's carnival.

"What you said is very true, but at this time, we should celebrate that the Cui family master is, and when the time comes, we will get a huge compensation, but don't forget us."

The smug smile on Patriarch Lu's face did not hide it at all, but he also looked at Cui Fu.

"Definitely, definitely, come, let's drink this cup together."

Cui Fu's toast is also happy, his own things don't even need to be moved, and it is naturally happy to be able to get compensation.

"No... It's not good, the big thing is not good.

When several people were happy, Cui Wen rushed in, looked anxious, and ran in with some unfavorable words.

"Ridiculous, so flustered, what does it look like."

"Nope... No, Dad, our goods, our goods moved, shipped.

Cui Wen paused and hurriedly spoke.

"This... How is it possible, without the help of my Lu family, with so many goods, they can't move an inch. "Patriarch Lu is the first to disbelieve.

"Really, if you don't believe it, you can go and see, it is a cow and horse made of wood, slowly and endlessly."

Triven explained again.

"What cows and horses, still wood, I see you are too stupid, talking in dreams in the broad daylight."

Cui Fu slapped him and immediately scolded.

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